• Yeah I wrote that a bit hastily but followed up with "I could see some wanting them all to be Merged because they would all have the ideal Separation between Amp/Cab" since I know some of you do like cab swapping and the extra "authenticity" of a clear cut separation would be compelling.

    But I also think that's in the minority of users. With 10,000+ profiles, cab swapping is more for those seeking new tones than replicating known ones.

    Tracking which is and isn't is something I'd like to know more about.

    Thanks Dennis, no slams on your opinion intended just better understanding for me and maybe others since the KPA and studio profiles has blossomed into a plethora of other possibilities. Knowing what is right or best for the individual with the Kemper at his disposal is a learning scenario for many, IMHO from what I have read of others questions.

  • Here is what I'm thinking:

    If you profile a set of Amps with their Cabs where amps are letters and cabs numbers A-1, B-2, C-3, you will have a correct amp cab separation between A-1, B-2, C-3 that would match their full A1, B2, C3 rig. But if you mix-match them as A-3, B-1, C-2 you won't have a perfectly equal separation between then as you would the full profiled rigs. The Cabs would be "correct" but the amps would not be.

    So the only way to get amp A to be authentic with Cabs 1, 2, 3 is to profile A with all three. And then you'd have A, A', A'' DI amps now.
    This is because there is an effect on the amp that the cab has. This effect must be investigated by the profiling process individually to be authentic.

    That's my understanding. Correct me if I am entirely or partially wrong. This is also why I don't see profilers going 100% to doing this. First because it's a lot of extra profiling work, which would make the costs go up. But Secondly because most who would want these separations for on-stage usage would rather have their own setup profiled, not purchased. After all, who just happens to have the amps/cabs that Michael might be able to borrow for a Pack? Only a handful of buyers. It's a fringe market best worked-on by the individual, not served up by the providers except for a few well known amp/cab pairings.

  • Here is what I'm thinking:

    If you profile a set of Amps with their Cabs where amps are letters and cabs numbers A-1, B-2, C-3, you will have a correct amp cab separation between A-1, B-2, C-3 that would match their full A1, B2, C3 rig. But if you mix-match them as A-3, B-1, C-2 you won't have a perfectly equal separation between then as you would the full profiled rigs. The Cabs would be "correct" but the amps would not be.

    So the only way to get amp A to be authentic with Cabs 1, 2, 3 is to profile A with all three. And then you'd have A, A', A'' DI amps now.
    This is because there is an effect on the amp that the cab has. This effect must be investigated by the profiling process individually to be authentic.

    That's my understanding. Correct me if I am entirely or partially wrong. This is also why I don't see profilers going 100% to doing this. First because it's a lot of extra profiling work, which would make the costs go up. But Secondly because most who would want these separations for on-stage usage would rather have their own setup profiled, not purchased. After all, who just happens to have the amps/cabs that Michael might be able to borrow for a Pack? Only a handful of buyers. It's a fringe market best worked-on by the individual, not served up by the providers except for a few well known amp/cab pairings.

    :thumbup: It's also what I understand of the subject. If I want my guitar cab to sound right with a DI profiled amp, this amp has to be profile with THIS same cabinet in the first place. So I can't see how a commercial profiles sellers could do this, apart from if you bring your cab to his studio which would be complicated and expensive! =O

    Maybe it could give acceptable results if you use a very similar cab with the exact same specs, but even there I'm not so sure...

  • Yes, cabs are not only differing speakers over time (and people buying used with various speaker swaps over time in them) but differing woods, wood density. Cabinets, like guitars, are not all created the same.

    And then there are the tubes. My boutique amps were capable of using several different tubes. At some point it gets confusing to remember what tubes you decided to keep in what amps. At least the Kemper has me playing and not fussing over components.

    And playing I have. Michael has really kicked up a notch in my playing schedule and I can see real improvement, which is, as you know, extremely encouraging to keep playing when you get down about your playing.

    I'd rather spend $50 on an MBritt pack than $90 on a therapist, haha!

  • Before NAMM there was a lot of guessing what would be the new features this year. One of them was a Kemper CAB. I wasn´t sure why they would want to release cab of their own make. But following the discussion I could imagine, having some kind of "reference cab", would help a little. Professional profilers could use this CAB for profiling, their customers would have to buy and use this same CAB in order to get the expected results. This could make sense.
    But i agree with db9091, it would be a challenge to build a cab that is consistent and exactly identical between each single unit leaving the factory. I remember speaker tests of the different celestion models. They have such a big diversity. Kemper would have to make a preselection. Well this would be the same thing as with tubes actually.
    And the question is how accurate they would have to match in order to get good result.
    I have no idea if this could be done.
    But I am sure they must have thought about it. And they will have their reasons not doing it...

  • Well after reading through all 47 pages of this thread, listening to countless clips, and a ton of internal debate, I decided to pick of pack 2. It took me about the 30th viewing of Pete Thorn's To Live and Die In Nashville to solidify my purchase lol. Man, these are the best profiles I've used! Thanks so much for these. I can't wait to record and gig with these bad boys!

  • Derek, Thanks and so glad you're liking the profiles. Let me know how the on-the-job workout goes.

    And regarding the merged packs (not to beat a dead horse), there are just so many ways that people use their Kempers, with different cabs and amps (powered monitors, guitar power amps and traditional cabs). There's no right or wrong way (well, there may be some wrong ways, ha), but I've seen so many different setups and ways to use the KPA that I can't see how there would be a one-size-fits-all speaker or system. At home, I prefer to play my kemper through a Tech 21 power engine but onstage I prefer a tube power amp and guitar cab because at louder volumes it doesn't get as bright. I even leave the cab sims on since I have my ear monitors for clarity. That being said, adding more variables is great for those who like to experiment and hopefully with 3.0 the amp/cab separation is better so it will already allow users to swap cabinet modules without having to do the DI/merged profiles.

    From my perspective it's more important that what the audience hears is more important than what I hear onstage in terms of quality. I want my guitar to sound the best it can coming out of the p.a., so that's why even though they are getting closer, I still slightly prefer the studio profiles to the merged ones. It's not worth the sacrifice for me to use merged profiles just to have a bit more realistic sound coming out of my stage cabinet, especially since I'm on in-ears. I'm sure there are people who prefer to have their stage cabs or home/rehearsal space cabs sound perfect. I'm just not sure I'm the guy for providing a bunch of DI profiles. I may include a handful of merged profiles in future packs if I feel they come close to my studio profiles, but perhaps there are other folks more familiar with using IR's and such who might be better suited for creating those. Or the RE would be a great community for those as well.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hi all. I'm use D-Pack, Dumble ODS F11 and Gibson LP Standard 2008 for Pink Floyd. Cover solo Mother
    Mbritt my favorite profile

    sorry my english

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  • Hi all. I'm use D-Pack, Dumble ODS F11 and Gibson LP Standard 2008 for Pink Floyd. Cover solo Mother
    Mbritt my favorite profile

    sorry my english

    External Content soundcloud.com
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    Nice playing & tone!

    My name is Chris & I'm a guitar-a-holic!

  • Hey guys,

    I've been doing a lot of profiling lately and I think the new firmware revision just sounds fantastic overall. I'm still concentrating on mostly studio profiles but I have done a few DI/Merged ones that are ok. I'm still working on how to release the new stuff, but there should be some new amps coming out within the month. I also went back and listened to the merged rigs that I did for the 3.0 release and I'm not sure why but they sounded really funky to me. I don't know if it was because I was using a beta at the time or if it was operator error or what but I revisited those profiles and looked up the original studio and di files and worked with them, re-merging them and I think they sound a bit better. I'd love to get some feedback on whether it's an improvement or not before I see about including the new versions with the merged rig pack from Kemper. I uploaded them onto Rig Exchange and I also put a link directly from the home page of my web site (in first news story and highlighted in red). I added the * suffix to the new versions. Thanks guys!


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hey guys,

    I've been doing a lot of profiling lately and I think the new firmware revision just sounds fantastic overall. I'm still concentrating on mostly studio profiles but I have done a few DI/Merged ones that are ok. I'm still working on how to release the new stuff, but there should be some new amps coming out within the month. I also went back and listened to the merged rigs that I did for the 3.0 release and I'm not sure why but they sounded really funky to me. I don't know if it was because I was using a beta at the time or if it was operator error or what but I revisited those profiles and looked up the original studio and di files and worked with them, re-merging them and I think they sound a bit better. I'd love to get some feedback on whether it's an improvement or not before I see about including the new versions with the merged rig pack from Kemper. I uploaded them onto Rig Exchange and I also put a link directly from the home page of my web site (in first news story and highlighted in red). I added the * suffix to the new versions. Thanks guys!


    Thanks for doing this. I will try them out and see if I can hear any differences.

    I recently bought my first MBritt Pack (Pack 3), but haven't tried the profiles on my live setup yet. However, I really liked what I heard while testing through headphones :thumbup:

  • I still haven't updated the firmware but I guess I will have to soon. I only care about the studio profiles so not feeling any urgency until theres something I want thats only in 3.

    I used some some of the clean Vox profiles from pack 2 last night - just great sounding! Then, I wanted a slightly different tone so I pulled up a clean Matchless profile from pack 1v2. Again killer sound but I did notice it was very similar to the Vox. Not quite different enough to do what I needed - I could have changed guitars but in this day and age I shouldn't have to ; ) No, but seriously I was in a rush. This brings me back to using some different speakers : ) Vox with Blues :thumbup:<3

    And just to be clear - I love what you've done Michael! You've covered so much ground so far. It seems like incorporating some different speakers would make going forward easier for you. I mean, speakers are a huge part of what makes amps sound different from each other.

    This is coming from a recording perspective. If I was just playing live I might feel totally differently. Again, I love your work!

  • I'd love to get some feedback on whether it's an improvement or not before I see about including the new versions with the merged rig pack from Kemper.

    Whatever you have done with your profiles: It was really good, that you've done it.
    I just played through all the profiles and compared them to the old ones and in my opinion it is a HUGE (!) improvement for most of them. Nearly all of them really sound better now. I can hardly describe the differences because english isn't my mother tongue, but I think they sound more open, have more definition and just sound bigger.
    Compared to your third pack (the only one I own until now) they quality is similar or equal now.
    Thanks for the upgrade! :thumbup:

  • I still haven't updated the firmware but I guess I will have to soon. I only care about the studio profiles so not feeling any urgency until theres something I want thats only in 3.

    The most convincing point for me was the possibility to go on using RM and d\l the free profiles made via 3.X


  • Thanks for beta testing them for me. I think they're better now. I was going through all I've done in the last couple of months and I have too much for 1 pack so I'm stuck trying to figure out how to split them up. I have gotten some really nice profiles and I really think that the profiling process with 3.0 is an improvement in quality overall. Not that my previous packs aren't as good, but it just seems like I'm getting more consistent results with my profiling and I'm getting more good ones out of each amp, which is nice. There's a nice clarity even with the studio profiles and I haven't really been seeing any glitches, so I have no qualms about recommending upgrading to the 3.0 firmware. I'm not one to constantly upgrade, myself. I was on Snow Leopard for years even after Lion came out, but I do think that 3.0 is worth the upgrade even if you're just using studio profiles.

    As for when a new pack might be out. I have a lot to organize and tweak through, but it should be within the next month, hopefully 2-3 weeks from now. I'll keep you guys informed as I get closer to having them finished. Thanks again for the support!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

    Edited once, last by lonestargtr (April 12, 2015 at 6:54 PM).