• For a guy with an insanely successful music career living the dream you sure are quite humble! Gives hope to guys like me up playing in and around music city/the southeast!
    I will be picking up the Dumble pack no doubt, it sounds absolutely amazing. I'd be curious in your opinion Michael what profiles you are using live with lonestar, as I play similar styles to you. Modern country guitar tones are such a mystery to what people are using these days to guys like me on the outside of the circle. In rock and metal it is so easy to find out what people used on their records; not so much in country/ country rock: atleast from what I've seen. For instance I'm dying to know what Kenny Chesney's guitarist used on his new single "till its gone". Some of the best "kerrang" I've ever heard. As well as randy housers new record with like a cowboy. Truly outstanding tones. This is the vein of what I am going for.. But anyways... If anything this will be a great collection to just have and have access to. There are so many good tones in this pack I can tell, I love the jazzy cleans and that John Mayor clean sounded absolutely amazing. Truly outstanding sounding for sure.

    And the big question...What do you have planned for pack 3 if you don't mind me asking? Here is hoping for some Dr.Z stuff, matchless, vintage fenders, more 3rd power, and divided by 13 stuff :D

    You will simply love the Dumble pack. I'd honestly call it "Pack 3" it's that good and has a great amount of variety. I agree that MB is a very down to earth man.

    BTW, I never equated dizzying chops with great playing. Great music and playing comes from creativity and soul.

    I left a review of the Dumble pack on the other thread.

  • VES, where ya at in SFL? I'm in the Fort Myers area. Are ya playing somewhere down here?

    Nah man, was just visiting some family in West Palm! We get down towards Ft lauderdale (tequila cowboy), but that's the only place I've ever played in SFL personally. I am in the Orlando area usually, but spend alot of time in Jax and in Savannah GA...

    Alright on to my initial review...I am not sure what I can add to what others are already saying and what will be said. First, I like most people here, have never played a "real" Dumble ODS, or the Two rock or Fuchs to be honest really. So I can't comment on the authenticity of the profiles. What I can say is, the amps I do have experience with that Michael has profiled, are dead on what I would want them to sound like under a mic, and behave basically exactly the same as the real amp, given the feel and responsiveness of said amp. Given that, I assume Michael's profiles of the ODS are probably scary close and accurate, and I doubt I could tell the difference between the real amp and the profile. Much more, I probably couldn't care less, as they sound amazing and know they will work perfect live or recorded without even having tried yet.

    I wasn't sure what this pack could add to me tonally with what I already have and swear by (which are all michaels profiles BTW), but I can safely say I am glad I took the plunge. I am not a huge Larry Carleton fan or Robben Ford fan, and those are the tones I often associate with the Dumble style amps. Don't misinterpret that however; I very much enjoy their music and playing, it's just not something I sit down and listen to on a regular basis. I do enjoy it though, because players like that that are so unique and original often inspire creativity. And that is exactly what this pack so far has done for me. The tones are great, I mean there really isnt anything other that needs to be said than that really. I picked up my number 1 and 2 axes, a G&L ASAT special and a LP traditional, and went to town, spending most of my time on my ASAT. I immediately found myself doing and playing different styles of licks and playing that I would normally not be inspired to do. The Dumbles especially FEEL great, and the responsivesness is amazing. Many have said their profiles behave like the real amp as far as tone and volume control, and that may be true, but I have never experienced it like I have with these profiles, specifically the Dumble. The legato style runs and licks I was playing were just flying off the fretboard like I've never played, and it was really a cool experience. step on the compressor, neck pickup, volume down and voila: Single handedly the absolute best clean up responsiveness I have ever heard, real amp or not., the chime and high end was all still there, but it was super clean: even on some of the higher gain profiles. I was amazed really. I immediately realized I could probably stay on one profile all night at a show: something I can't say I thought I would ever be able to do. Patch it up to experience and playing level or whatever you want, but that was my experience. Super incredible to experience it at that level. Huge thumbs up here.

    Again, I wasn't really sure what to expect; I assumed most Dumble style tone are best for jazz and that style of playing, but the crunch and gain tones out of the Dumble was truly awesome; on par with some of the best Marshall profiles I have heard. I couldn't believe that, but it was super killer. I kept thinking wow, this is a straight up ROCK amp if you want it to be. So no worries there. This thing can crunch which the best of them. Of course once again, I've never played a real ODS, and given the fact that many are custom made to the artists preferences from what I understand and can all sound quite different, I wasn't sure what to expect. I could use this amp all night for anything I am doing personally.

    The biggest thing for me was how thick single notes were. I mean, wow, really. I didn't even want to play chords on these profiles, the single note bends and runs sounded THICK as HELL. I am not sure how an amp can sound that thick and full on single notes, but it was killer no doubt. KILLER lead tones, I am pretty sure most of my lead patches will be the Dumble from now on. The amp is just so unique sounding, and sounds like nothing else I've heard or played, it is a fresh of breath air as far as creativity and originality to me.

    I have to give it up to the two rocks as well. They have this awesome clarity and kerrang that sounded GREAT with my ASAT special, could be my main rhythm tones any day of the week as well. Can't wait to dive into those more in the coming days.

    All in all I am super impressed, and I agree with DB9091, this could be considered pack 3, as it has a huge array of tones and sounds, and all the amps have different responsiveness, but as Michael said it perfectly, the differences are subtle but imporant for lack of a better word. Another killer pack, this guy keeps hitting it out of the park.

  • ..since time ago I said to myself that when the first time some DUMBLE pack appear I will buy it at any cost.. so I bought it yesterday.. in brief, I am extremely happy with this purchase.. each profile has the signature of being member of this Dumble family though they are all slightly different.. I like very much also the clean profiles.. they sound to me incredibly crystal clear and usable even without compressor! but the most important thing to me: I think this is the first time I find the profiles I bought sounding at my home even better than in the sound clips :)

    and how to describe the sound? these profiles are really singing (IMHO).. nothing more to say.. except: thanks for them Michael!! :thumbup:

  • If you see the length of mine (on another thread) and VESmedic's review you will begin to understand the depth of this pack.

    There's a lot to write about, so obviously there was a lot of work that went into it.

    I say "work" but truly something like this is more "caring" because only caring enough creates great products!

  • Also, for the SRV fans:

    Pull up Dumble ODS Clean JM (John Mayer clean I assume), and place another pure boost in the preamp. There is one already set at + 0.6, add another set at +1.5 or so, play with it. Pull out your favorite strat, engage both pure boosts, and play anything off of Texas Flood. This is one of the closest tones I've heard to SRV out there, I think alot of people will love this. May still be a tad too clean for some SRV and for some people, but dig in and have fun with it :)

  • I've bought all three packs the day they were released, and I love them all. :)

    I got my Kemper last March or so, and I didn't realize when I bought it how much the profiles would vary in terms of quality or useability. There seems to be a bit of an art to really capturing the essence of an amp, and Michael Britt definitely has a knack for creating profiles that inspire me.

  • I have to agree with the praise regarding Pack 2 - I spent a while over the last few days culling down all 3600 rigs I have to 300. Then I bought Pack 2, and kept 50 of 60 on my Profiler. Hands down the best pack I've heard yet. And then the Dumble pack - kept almost 50 of those too. Michael clearly has some voodoo happening in Nashville.... :P Awesome stuff!

  • My suggestion, after buying all 3 Packs from Michael
    CK has to have a Britt Free Factory Pack in every KPA
    cause it will help to sell to all those who are not convinced by now
    from KPA
    These Profiles sounds simply a touch more than a real
    Amp in the Room
    Exellent work

  • GREAT sounding profiles! my compliments.. even though it's not not exactly my genre -I'm more in to progressive rock- i will definitely find some use for them.. (the made me almost play blues/country :rolleyes: ) love these a lot! an example of good profiling! :thumbup:

    "We don't see things as they are,
    we see things as we are"

  • Good luck with the Dupuytren surgery. Is it the 2nd one?

    How very bizarre - my drummer has come down with the same syndrome, albeit not as severely. He had a work related injury that caused his. So in this one band of mine (I'm in 2) with only 4 members - I had carpal tunnel surgery 4 weeks ago today, our other guitarist is having it done today as we speak, and our drummer has Dupuytren. Jeesh, it sucks getting older!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I'm a new Kemper owner and Michael's profile pack was the first one I had ever bought......I think that the bar was set ridiculously high. High enough that I bought his second pack a couple of weeks back. Stellar is an understatement! As a hardcore tube guy who's owned some really nice amps including some that he profiled(/13 FTR 37, JRT) his profiles were spot on. I've got the Kemper sitting right next to my FTR and have a/b'd it through the same cab and the feel and tone is so accurate.

  • Well there is the new profiling process and few have made good use of it.
    But MBritt has made the first use of it commercially AFAIK and has created quite a stir in Profile-Land!

    I expect there is only good things coming from profiling the Kemper vs the first days of the Free Exchange,
    but also I've now come to expect such a high level of quality from MBritt that can be counted on.

    I used to be nervous about buying a new pack, wondering if it would live up to my expectations, but MBritt has
    reversed that and I now feel excitement about his "new" packs.

    One can only ask "What's Next" and drool, haha.

  • Ok, I'm making an assumption here, MBritt might be able to clarify.

    I am NOT meaning the new DI profiling algorithm. I mean the new alteration in the bottom end of profiling done a firmware or two ago.

    I forget which version it was. Anyone remember? I bet paults does like it was tatoo'd on his eyelids! ;)

    (I joke, but seriously, he's just so good with the techno end of this device)