• Jeeez....Come on now, as they said "condescending" and I'll say rude. He is a great professional Musician that just handed many of us a refreshing pack of tones that we've been searching for. Your comments seem a bit jealous, but my opinion. And yes "famous" and walks amongst and I'm sure rubs elbows with someone you've heard of.... I'm sure some have even "made it over to Europe". Thanks again Michael just sat down to take a breather from ripping!! Ya made my day. These sound KILLER on my dual DXR10S!! What an ear man!!!

    Why should I be jealous, because I prefer other profiles? Is it condescending or even rude to have a free opinion and a different taste? Must I like Michael's profiles because he is a great professional musician? I've never put Michael's musical abilities down here, I respect every musician a 100%, but I'm talking about his commercial profile-pack he is selling here. And if I spent 50 $ and I'm disappointed why shouldn't I post it here?

    No tolerance for other opinions here... I'm out of this thread...

    Who is guenterhaas and why would anyone care what he thinks?? ?(

  • Who is guenterhaas and why would anyone care what he thinks?? ?(

    Thanks for these kind words....what shall I think about this "tone" from friendly Mr. Webb?.... guys, you need more tolerance for people with a different opinion....bashing others just because they have a different opinion shouldn't happen in a forum like this. Let's not get into an unsuitable Windows vs. OSX, Android vs. iOS ect.-style....

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Thanks for these kind words....what shall I think about this "tone" from friendly Mr. Webb?.... guys, you need more tolerance for people with a different opinion....bashing others just because they have a different opinion shouldn't happen in a forum like this. Let's not get into an unsuitable Windows vs. OSX, Android vs. iOS ect.-style....

    No one is really bashing you for having a different opinion, but how many times do you need to repeat it in one thread?? We get it...you don't like them. Move along...

  • Last night I started playing my Ibanez UV777PBK through the profiles, they sound very good with humbuckers as well, only I felt a clean sense adjustment to -4.0 made it sound better with higher output pickups, whereas with my Tele the default 0.0 setting worked perfectly.

    Mike, what are your thoughts about pickup output and clean sense? I know much has been discussed on the subject around here, but I'd like to know the opinion of someone as knowledgeable as you obviously are. Here's my beef: most amps don't have anything similar to a clean sense control; often you plug your strat and it sounds great, then you plug your superstrat with EMGs and it still sounds great, often without having to turn any knobs. Do you feel when making a profile with the KPA, it will sound its best with a guitar with an output level similar to the one that was originally used for refining the profile, and at the clean sense setting the profile was taken at?

  • Didn't want to get lost in "quote" land but to answer some questions:

    1. Thanks for the info on the LED's. I am planning on getting those fixed soon. That's the only issue I've had with my Kemper so that's a good sign.

    2. The foot controller in the video is a Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro and it's pretty much just calling up program changes, which just about any foot controller can do. It does map them wherever you want on the controller which is nice and I do send CC changes for the expression pedal and tap tempo button. It's easy to program for me, but I've been using Ground Control stuff for a long time, so maybe that's why.

    3. As far as the Clean Sense, I just leave mine on 0.0. I messed around with it when I first got it but then just set it back to 0 and haven't touched it since. None of my guitars have high output pickups, though, so it might be very useful in those instances. Most of my guitar pickups are in the same range since I like hotter output singles, mild P90's and low output, vintage type humbuckers. I'm not intimately familiar with the clean sense past my limited experience with that feature.

    hope this helps and thanks again!


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I still think that I'd like to have an applesaft with Guenter.........and

    @ Hallan: I read you're from Bratislava. My father was born right in the same town! but then he moved to Germany right after war and decided to have a little weeked in the italian west coast.........saw a girl.....he still has to go back home :)

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

    Edited once, last by michaelmellner (October 1, 2014 at 9:28 PM).

  • @ Hallan: I read you're from Bratislava. My father was born right in the same town! but then he moved to Germany right after war and decided to have a little weeked in the italian west coast.........saw a girl.....he's still has to go back home

    veeery nice story! :)

    I have italian origin for sure.. I have italian cognome.. lived in Italy for several years.. nowadays work for italian companies.. visit Italy few times each year.. speak fluent italian ecc.. simply: I LOVE ITALY!!!! tanti saluti! ;)

  • So Mike I take it you do not use any IA buttons in your setup. All your presets must be pre-configured with stomps off or on in different, adjacent slots, or something like that? Hmm hadn't been doing that myself. The display looks awesome, and what is lacking on FCB101's etc.. and small on others. I'm tempted just for that on-stage readability. Would that require 2 pedals if you wanted a wah plus volume? Lastly does that setup preclude the use of "wah to volume" eg. in the KPA? Thanks for your input and your time.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • So Mike I take it you do not use any IA buttons in your setup. All your presets must be pre-configured with stomps off or on in different, adjacent slots, or something like that? Hmm hadn't been doing that myself. The display looks awesome, and what is lacking on FCB101's etc.. and small on others. I'm tempted just for that on-stage readability. Would that require 2 pedals if you wanted a wah plus volume? Lastly does that setup preclude the use of "wah to volume" eg. in the KPA? Thanks for your input and your time.

    That is correct, I do NOT use any instant access buttons, just presets. The Ground Control is capable of running in another mode that would enable some instant access buttons, but the current states may not be shown on the pedalboard since the communication is only one-way to the Kemper. That means I wouldn't be able to tell by looking at the pedalboard whether the modules were on or off without hitting the button a couple of times. I do like the bigger alphanumeric display because it's easier to find rigs when you name them. I had the FCB101 for a bit but missed the 10 preset per bank and bigger display. If you want wah and volume in the same preset, it might be possible with the wah to volume feature. I haven't tried that, so I'm not sure if that would work with this setup. You can make it so that each preset sends its own CC so one preset can make the expression pedal be a wah and the other a volume and another a whammy.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Thanks, Michael, for the great sounding profiles! They're just simply amazing! I've tried a lot of other commercial profiles, but your pack wins hands down! Btw, I don't like MW pack, I was really disappointed! Your's profiles are ready to go! Just touching a little less BASS and that's it! Waiting a # II Pack! :)

  • veeery nice story! :)

    I have italian origin for sure.. I have italian cognome.. lived in Italy for several years.. nowadays work for italian companies.. visit Italy few times each year.. speak fluent italian ecc.. simply: I LOVE ITALY!!!! tanti saluti! ;)

    I love Italy too, but if they would give us more chances to play live in decent terms I would love Italy even more ;)

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I tried now some of the profiles in more depth in a live situation and studio setup. The results were excellent providing a very natural and "woody" sound that matches very well with my needs for clean and a bit of crunchy sounds. I had only to deactivate the compressor and delay (was really too much :-)). Works also well with overdrive pedals. With some of the Divided by 13, Princeton and Tweed Deluxe / Deluxe Reverb I can do a lot of things. The profiles are on par with those from The Ampfactory, however, providing less variability for one amp profile alone. Nevertheless, if I would have only few of those or from Andy I am good to go. The world of possibilities and many of us are complaining sometime at very high level. Few years ago this all was not possible. Thanks to Kemper and the guys who provide all those great profiles.

    Enjoy it!

    Cheers Sacapuntas