• Yes, the long-awaited Morgan Pack is out. It took me longer than I anticipated but I finally got there. I know it's a bigger and more expensive pack but this is in cooperation with Joe Morgan as his first official Morgan Kemper Pack and I want to make sure he is getting properly taken care of for his great amps. I know the stock AC20 is a gold standard for Kemper profiles so that was a bit daunting but I hope my AC20 6* holds up against it. It's no secret that the RCA35 was my go-to profile on the road last year, and the other amps have some really neat tones and textures. I damaged a tendon in my right ring finger about 5 weeks ago so it's been in a splint and it's hard to play (or type) cleanly with it so I sought assistance from Tom Samulak to help me out with the demo video. I hope the tones work for you guys!

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    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • This is an awesome pack for sure, thank you. Take the time to go through the notes and see the differences in what the amp configurations are. The descriptions are spot on to my ears.

    Great work Michael, these all sound great. I can see why you like you CL80 so much. The profiles with that cabinet just come across very clear and articulate. Highly recommended pack.

  • If I may ask, wedewer, what guitar/pickup combination do you have? (if you don't mind answering...) I compared that exact profile (LDW 2.2) on both my LP copy with humbuckers and my strat, and nothing I played sounded even close to the same tone (through the same studio headphones). Are those P90's, per chance? Mine sounded very dull and muffled with the humbuckers of unknown origin, and really weak and thin with the single coils -- also of unknown origin! I've adjusted them quite a bit up or down over the years, and I don't think that's the issue. . .

    I'm one of those guys who dropped the cash on the Kemper, but never have upgraded my guitars to match, so it's possible that all my pickups are just trash... though I will say, the Kemper still sounds much better than anything else I've tried, with the same trashy guitar. ;) And MBritt profiles are everywhere in my performances and presets, though I would like it if I could improve the pickups or something else on my guitars so that they sounded more like they're supposed to!

    Thanks in advance, if you can let me know!

    Edit: Duh, I meant to say, I really liked the song and the guitar tone, especially the solo! Obvious from my question, but it needed saying, anyway.

    Nkissac, sorry I didn't reply sooner. I have gone down the rabbit hole of "home recording" and have been spending months upgrading my modest little home studio and then trying to learn what hell I am doing, all the while trying to engineer the new songs my band has been writing. As far as the solo goes on this song, I am pretty sure I used my 2009 R9 with Throwbak pickups in it. But I don't think it's the guitar that makes the biggest difference. We did fully formed demos of the songs before we went into the studio and on the demos I used a different guitar and it sounded exactly the same. I will see if I can find the demos. I just deleted most of them that were in my dropbox because I was running out of room. To me, just like amps, some profiles just record better. A buddy of mine owns a Bogner Shiva that he never plays live but will never sell because he says the amp sounds better in the studio than any other amp he has. And he has a bunch. So I don't know if you tried recording with the LDW or are you saying it doesn't sound like that to you in the room when you play? I don't really used the profile live, so I really can only speak for how it records. When I was doing the demos I decided to just ignore my first inclination of what I would normally use and go through a bunch of profiles till I found one I thought sounded great. When I pulled up the LDW, it was just perfect. It ended up being the amp profile I used for the solo on all 4 songs we did in the studio. It's not on any of the rhythm tracks.

  • Sorry to piggy back on my last reply above, but I figured since I mentioned working on learning how to do home recording I would share this as well. Since we have been in lock down and unable to gig, my band has been writing and recording remotely. This is the first song I did after finally learning how to use the studio one I had for 6 years and didn't touch. Everyone records at home and sends me their stuff and I engineer it. Besides my singer's rhythm guitar parts which were done with my Atomic Amplifire box I loaned him, all other guitars are Kemper on here. My rhythm parts and solo are all the 3rd Power Black from the 2020 pack. The solo has whatever green screamer drive Mike used on the profile. No tweaks, its completely stock. There is also a Tone Junkie Trainwreck Liverpool profile, one of the free ones they offered when they released it, on the more distorted chorus part on top of the 3rd Power black.

    I am a Marshall amp type guy, but man the 3rd power black and brown from the 2020 pack are fantastic.

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  • Taking the clean ones and making them dirtier sounds good too!!!

    Nice Job on these Mr. Britt!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I have not been thru all of the profiles yet but the Morgan RCA's are worth the cost of admission on their own.

    Thanks again - God those sound fantastic!:thumbup:

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I’d love to hear your take on the Morgan pack when you’ve tried it

    So, with the caveat that I am not a high-gain player, I tried out about a dozen profiles from this pack. I jammed for about an hour trying out different rigs from about 0-3 or 4 bars of gain, occasionally straying into 5 (I know, heady territory...). So far, a huge thumbs up. More when I have more time.

  • Playing starts at 2:32

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  • Playing starts at 2:32

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    I was just coming here to share this...

    Glenn beat me to the punch. He is such an amazing player and I was honored that he liked the Morgan rig enough to use it on a new song. He has such great taste, feel, and sense of melody. This song deserves to be listened to over and over. Check it out!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar