I think Michael's work is getting better and better, which is no simple feat. His latest packs are a little more balanced in between studio and live optimization. I think the dark eq (especially with LPauls) some complained about is gone now, but there is still a fullness and lack of fizz that makes the profiles sound good when played loud. I was very curious about the Friedman 50 Deluxe. Well now I have "it".

M Britt Kemper Profiles
Did you grab the Colonial Pack, Chris?
I've had "special" feelings for it since it dropped a long while back. So much mojo and woody, organic tone... and balls. Can't recommend it highly-enough.
You know, I don't believe I did. I suspect there will be another round, so I'll give it a look when I go back. And I do apologize for the way my credit card is glaring at you right now.
crank n go, bought it, love it for my LP, thick rich profiles
Just picked up the Sweet 16 and Crank and go! Added to my Grab 'n Go!
THANKS Mr. Britt!
Did you grab the Colonial Pack, Chris?
I've had "special" feelings for it since it dropped a long while back. So much mojo and woody, organic tone... and balls. Can't recommend it highly-enough.
Thanks for the heads up on this jem...
hi Michael just want to say wow just brought your crank an go pack absolutely heavenly tones can't put down my les Paul keep up the good work hugh fan if your great work from Ireland.
I've been experimenting with biamp setups for some of the crunchy classic rock stuff I'm working on, typically panned hard left / right with one a bit more saturated and the other with more definition on the attack.
The first pairing was a Friedman / 5153 from Crank n Go. I also dropped in a Soldano in the middle for a bump on the chorus just to see how it would sound. The next song used the Boggy Sheba with a 69 Marshall from Crank n Go / 69 Marshall. The last of the night used the Boggy Helos from Modern and went back to the Friedman on the other side for a bit more bite.
The way I approached it was to just track a single DI, then after auditioning, rendering the selected amps. If you bring them in too close you can get into some mild phasing / comb filtering but panned hard left / right it all works nicely. I actually experimented with double tracking but that produced slightly more phase issues than the single DI, so I went with the latter.
Of course, this is just a night of fooling around to see what plays nice with what. Each one of these amps sounds great, all the way down to that subtle sizzle you get in the harmonics with cranked tube amps. Very responsive to the even slightest nuance of picking. My brain tells me that this is just a computer simulation, but my fingers and ears insist that it's the real thing.
How are these sounding through headphones? If these were made with humbuckers then I'd be interested in giving mbritt another go. In the past they were too dark for my headphone setup.
How are these sounding through headphones? If these were made with humbuckers then I'd be interested in giving mbritt another go. In the past they were too dark for my headphone setup.
I'll do some headphone tests today and report back.
I have, however, used them with my IEMs, which are custom molds from Ultimate Ears, and they sound pretty much like they do coming out of the studio reference monitors. Obviously I don't expect ears to reproduce the degree of low end a speaker does, but other than that I've been very happy with how they're represented in that context.
spikey and Chris Duncan, my pleasure, guys.
I've banged on about the Colonial pack several times before elsewhere in the forum, so I'll try to keep it short:
Mucho mojo and organic, woody vibe! Hmm... this is what I always say about it, but it's so-true! Became my instant favourite when I first heard it, and even after all this time, I think it still is.
How are these sounding through headphones? If these were made with humbuckers then I'd be interested in giving mbritt another go. In the past they were too dark for my headphone setup.
You definitely need a studio eq post-amp, I'll be back home in a couple days and can share the settings I found work for my beyerdynamics dt880
You definitely need a studio eq post-amp, I'll be back home in a couple days and can share the settings I found work for my beyerdynamics dt880
thanks ravatavus. I think the sale will be over then though. Actually I’ve kinda stopped buying new profiles as I have so many anyways, but these were getting praise in this thread so I wondered. I think I’m going to sit this one out since my expendable cash should go toward my Musicman Majesty fund (next year maybe...)
You definitely need a studio eq post-amp, I'll be back home in a couple days and can share the settings I found work for my beyerdynamics dt880
I'll second rabatavus about EQ to taste.
I just tested on some Audio Technica ATH-M50s and as you might expect, it's not identical to what comes out of the reference monitors. In my particular environment the effect was subtle, akin to turning down the Presence knob by 1 and maybe a slight low mid boost, but of course that's really all about the headphones, not the profiles themselves.
That said, you would have no problem doing a little tweaking so that they feel closer in your cans to what you'll get on the mixdown.
I have good results with Sonarworks Tru-Fi with iron out the headphone freq curve.
I'm back on the site trying to place an order but no longer see the field to enter the coupon code. Anyone have any insights?
Mischief managed.
Mike got right back to me after a customer service email about this, with helpful thoughts on what I might have missed. However, due to phase of the moon or other such computer related influences, when I went back the coupon code had magically reappeared. I think the universe is just screwing with me for the sport of it. It wouldn't be the first time.
In any event, having played this week with a lot of his packs, I just picked up the rest. What would normally be an overly excessive indulgence is justified by the fact that I put a few thousand in the bank this week from selling off amps. So, I'm looking at the cost of getting a healthy set of options as just being part of the overall Kemper purchase, offset by the amps it allowed me to sell. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Wait... I'm not married. I don't need to justify!
I think Michael's work is getting better and better, which is no simple feat. His latest packs are a little more balanced in between studio and live optimization. I think the dark eq (especially with LPauls) some complained about is gone now, but there is still a fullness and lack of fizz that makes the profiles sound good when played loud. I was very curious about the Friedman 50 Deluxe. Well now I have "it".
I agree. I need to create some performances from these that fit my flow, but these new ones seem built for HB guitars and not as dark while retaining the fullness. The other profiles I have tried had the the right treble content but sounded thinner for live work. I'll have to try the Crank N Go live though to see if it's too much on the top end. My HB guitars are not dull...they have some top end.
I agree. I need to create some performances from these that fit my flow, but these new ones seem built for HB guitars and not as dark while retaining the fullness. The other profiles I have tried had the the right treble content but sounded thinner for live work. I'll have to try the Crank N Go live though to see if it's too much on the top end. My HB guitars are not dull...they have some top end.
My go to HB is a PRS McCarty, which also has some bark to it. Bought the Crank n Go and have been very happy with the tones.
Just converted my Strat from a HB hybrid back to stock Fender pickups, so it'll be interesting to see how that plays with the same pack.
The latest offerings have been brighter for me too.
Saves me making my MBritt-standard tweaks of reducing the bass (knob) by 2 integer points and occasionally nudging the treble and / or presence up a tad.
The latest offerings have been brighter for me too.
Saves me making my MBritt-standard tweaks of reducing the bass (knob) by 2 integer points and occasionally nudging the treble and / or presence up a tad.
One of my go to profile sections since getting his stuff has been the Friedman BE 50 (paraphrased, not in front of the unit). I love the sound but I find that this, and some other amps, seem to have a bit of mildly nasal quality to them right in the middle. Played with EQ a bit but couldn't really affect it.
It's a minor thing but I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed and if so what tweaks they might have made.
Great Package Michael!!