Kemper users who also own an AxeFx II

  • Well, as some of you may already know (or can read in my old posts) I used to be an AxeFx user...first official Axe Standar user in Spain, also owned the Ultra and one of the firsts AxeFx II units..........till the Kemper came out.

    I owned both, compared and reviewed them for a while and decided to continue with the Kemper and sell the AxeFX II.That was when AxeFx II was firmware 7.

    Some months ago I got an used Ultra at a good price, wanted one because of some effects (Crystal pitch, multidelays,etc) and mainly for playing ala U2 stuff.

    I love the Axe FX effects, but can't justify to have it just for playing some songs, and to my taste, the Ultra effects didn't blend well with the Kemper, being in the Kemper loop, or puting the Kemper in the Ultra loop.I don't know why, but some magic of the Kemper get lost when you put it in the AxeFx loop.

    Well....I sold the Ultra, but some friend told me that I should test the AxeFx II with the latest firmware, because the amp sounds has really improved.Some tone matching presets from Metallica, some friends that uses the AxeFx and get good tones and, again, the AxeFx wonderful effects, has made me buy an AxeFx II MkII (can't justify the XL extra dough).

    I've just tried an hour, but the AxeFX II has really improved the raw amp sound, now it has some very good tones, I still have to dig it a little more, but I've really enjoyed some of the sounds.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sell the Kemper, love the tone, flexibility, profiling functions and is my main option for playing live right now...but I'm gonna also keep the AxeFx II and get good sounds from it, don't want to choose between both units, I've been blowed away with the Guitarjon Metallica tone match presets, also Michael's U2 presets, and a lot more, so I'm gonna experiement and try to find sounds and tone from both units.

    I would like to know who of you also own an AxeFx II so we can share impressions, thoughts, ideas, conclusions, etc.I think is great if you can have both units, it doesn't have to be a gear competition and choose wich one is best and get rid of the other unit.


    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • I would like to know who of you also own an AxeFx II so we can share impressions, thoughts, ideas, conclusions, etc.I think is great if you can have both units, it doesn't have to be a gear competition and choose wich one is best and get rid of the other unit.

    Used to own the ultra, then the Axe II.
    When the KPA arrived, I played it as well as the Axe II in the same room for a few hours.
    After that I decided the Axe had to go.

  • Used to own the ultra, then the Axe II.
    When the KPA arrived, I played it as well as the Axe II in the same room for a few hours.
    After that I decided the Axe had to go.

    I did the same thing (but had both units playing for long time) and took the same decission....

    But this topic is about people who owns both units right now, the AxeFx II firmware seems to be improved a lot, and would like to discuss the actual tone of the AxeFx II and the Kemper, I think that both units have their own pros and cons, but are perfectly usable in different situations.

    Say like having a Les Paul and a Stratocaster....

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • I also have both. The Axe FX 2 FW15 upgrade has allowed the creation of amps and cabs that rival Kempers profiles very nicely. There is more "realism" then I have heard in past versions of Axe Fx FW.

    I find they both bring something different to the musical table. Since I have several guitars, I am very comfortable having several processors. I intend on keeping them both since I would find it extremely difficult trying to pick one to get rid of.

    Cooper Carter does a great job of sharing great info and insight into what the Axe FX is capable of.He is a very talented guitarist who also is a good teacher.

    I wish Kemper had someone similar. It really helps sell the unit.

    Edited 3 times, last by lasvideo (August 26, 2014 at 3:48 PM).

  • Thanks lasvideo!!!!

    What are your thoughts about each unit strong/weak points about tone (we all know about effects, ruteability,easy of use, profiling capability,etc), wich is your oppinion about clean tones / overdrives / lead tones, interaction with different guitars or even concrete amps being reproduced in both units???

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • I also have both. The Axe FX 2 FW15 upgrade has allowed the creation of amps and cabs that rival Kempers profiles very nicely. There is more "realism" then I have heard in past versions of Axe Fx FW.

    I find they both bring something different to the musical table. Since I have several guitars, I am very comfortable having several processors. I intend on keeping them both since I would find it extremely difficult trying to pick one to get rid of.

    Cooper Carter does a great job of sharing great info and insight into what the Axe FX is capable of.He is a very talented guitarist who also is a good teacher.

    I wish Kemper had someone similar. It really helps sell the unit.


  • I currently do not own an Axe II. I sold mine right after FW 14 came out and just before the introduction of "ultra-res" IRs.

    I initially bought the Kemper on a whim thinking that I'd either return or sell whichever unit I liked the least. To my surprise, the Kemper won.

    There are a few things about the Kemper that sets it apart from other modelers, including the Axe. The Kemper captures the entire chain as opposed to the axe where you assemble the chain piece by piece. The IR (or cab) influences the end tone more than anything else. With the Axe, I struggled to find IRs that resulted in my desired tone. For me, it wasn't as simple as dialing up an amp and saying "let's combine that with a V30 equipped Mesa 4x12". Why? Because the IR not only reflects the cab used but also the mic and mic placement. Audition 100 different Mesa V30 4x12 IRs and I guarantee you that most will sound considerably different from one another. It's not like real life. In real life, a Mesa V30 4x12 sounds (to our ears) like a Mesa V30 4x12. The room itself may influence the sound but in general when you choose a cab and listen to it "in the room", you know what you're getting. Therefore, I spent more time tweaking presets and auditioning IRs than I did playing when I had the Axe.

    "Profiling" just makes more sense to me. The creator of the profile chooses the components of the entire chain based on the creator's intended end resulting tone. The KPA captures it all. The way I look at it either like a profile or you don't. No sense in trying to tweak it to death. Just move on to another profile. So, the KPA saves me a lot of time in terms of tweaking. Auditioning profiles is quick and easy now that we have Rig Manager.

    Another thing is that I feel that the KPA captures the interaction of the power amp with the cab and I have a feeling that may have been a main ingredient that was lacking when I had the Axe. I got great tones with it sure, but it always seemed to be lacking that last 5% or so of realism that I feel the KPA offers.

    The Axe is a great product and I know that many people find tones they love very easily with it but it just wasn't for me. I knew that the primary things I didn't like about it were never going to change, regardless of firmware updates.

  • Thanks lasvideo!!!!

    What are your thoughts about each unit strong/weak points about tone (we all know about effects, ruteability,easy of use, profiling capability,etc), wich is your oppinion about clean tones / overdrives / lead tones, interaction with different guitars or even concrete amps being reproduced in both units???

    I apologize but I dont have time to go into such detail. I just stand by my original statement. Maybe other folks with dual ownership will chime in. Sorry :)

  • Hey Ingolf, can you list the gear, that you did NOT own ? :D

    Actually, lots. ;)
    No Eleven rack, for example, nothing of the Digitech line, none of the Zoom Gx line.
    Walked on the path of the Axe for years until ... ;)
    Sorry for derailing the thread, but I thought initially the OP wanted opinions from users that had experience with both.

  • No sense in trying to tweak it to death. Just move on to another profile.

    I know where you're coming from. And I'd share this, if the goal is the greatest faithfullnes to the original. But I usually don't care about sonical pedigrees :) It's big fun for me to create a sound I like. And I am not talking of rigs, just profiles: I realized I tend to treat the Profiler like any amp, so I just turn knobs to my like.
    Basically, just operating its central section (tonestack, amp, cab) you get a whole universe under your fingers

  • Some months ago I got an used Ultra at a good price, wanted one because of some effects (Crystal pitch, multidelays,etc) and mainly for playing ala U2 stuff.

    All this discussion makes a lot of sense, I feel nothing important to say more about two jewels in the digital technology.
    My 2 cents is that, even if, characterally I'm a real "tweaking man" and in principle I'm more an AXE FX user... I felt in love with the KPA, and probably, with no point of coming back ...

    SteelEdge, just curious if you ever tried my U2 Rigs, since I love Edge exactly like you and I spent some time tweaking rigs to my taste with great result apart from using strongly Shimmer, Crystals Pitch or whatever which KPA still cannot compare to AXE (I opened a thread some time ago).
    If not, contact me and I can send some to you to try...

  • Great thread! I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on an additional unit for my live setup to add a bit more effects/flexibility and as a backup. Didn't hear if the Kemper sat well in the loop of the Axe FX II where the Ultra failed from the OP. Anyone else have any experience with the combo?

  • I own all 3 (Kemper/ultra/II)

    Haven't touched the fractal gear since except to do profiles for people but might revisit the II very soon to port a profile and also give the later FW a try
    Always loved the axe for effects but found the IR/so many parameters killed it for me

    I dunno I just get instant gratification with the kemper! I play rather than tweak

  • I own all 3 (Kemper/ultra/II)

    Haven't touched the fractal gear since except to do profiles for people but might revisit the II very soon to port a profile and also give the later FW a try
    Always loved the axe for effects but found the IR/so many parameters killed it for me

    I dunno I just get instant gratification with the kemper! I play rather than tweak

    Totally agree about no tweaking / instant tone satisfaction with the Kemper, more playing, more fun.

    But with the Axe 15 firm, tone is easier to get, at least to my ears, several stock presets sounded really good, just tweaked to my taste and I never mess with IRs, just the Amp Block and some effects (like I do with the Kemper).

    For example, the Sweet Child O'mine stock preset sounded very good to me, also a MarkIIc+.

    Cleans with effects like shimmer, pitch crystals, multidelay, etc sounded killer as always.

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • This topic interests me as well, have one Kemper atm and either going to buy another or possibly try the Fractal, although knowing my luck I'll buy it and the next one will come out next May :P

  • I own all 3 (Kemper/ultra/II)

    Haven't touched the fractal gear since except to do profiles for people but might revisit the II very soon to port a profile and also give the later FW a try
    Always loved the axe for effects but found the IR/so many parameters killed it for me

    I dunno I just get instant gratification with the kemper! I play rather than tweak

    I own all 3 (Kemper/ultra/II)

    Haven't touched the fractal gear since except to do profiles for people but might revisit the II very soon to port a profile and also give the later FW a try
    Always loved the axe for effects but found the IR/so many parameters killed it for me

    I dunno I just get instant gratification with the kemper! I play rather than tweak
