I've said it before and I'll say it again :)

  • This is clearly not the proper place to brag about illegal file sharing - i therefore reported the particular post - it should be deleted.

    After that this thread should be closed.

    well done

    and yes I do use his profiles, I already said he made great tones. He's just a douchebag. Eat his shit all you want.

  • I read of an interesting experiment where people were given a chance to cheat (read: steal) on a small amount.
    Many did. Some didn't. It's often like a 70/30 percentage. Humans like cheating WHEN they can get away with it (being anonymous)
    The internet offers many chances to do that.

    Part of the experiment were comparisons with studies of large scale abilities to steal. They showed that if the worth increased, the theft amount often didn't. Most people still only stole a little (very few Bernie Madoffs) They ascribed this to the fact that most people want to think of themselves as "good" and therefore steal in small portions even if the overall amount they are stealing from is $10 or $100,000

    The "interesting" part is that what happened before the choice to steal affected the choice to steal! For example, if a person was involved in illegal behavior before, they were more likely to steal. If they just went to Church or had a Moral talk with someone, they were less likely to steal.

    HERE on THIS forum, we are a small community of thousands. And we value good gear and good Art by the comments I read.
    And as Artists, we are very aware of theft of Art, and typically we are sensitive to the issue of stealing Art.

    Thus, I suspect, those who talk about stealing so easily aren't real Artists. They aren't people who have worked hard to produce Art, know it's value, and can therefore feel the affect of it being stolen from them.

    So, since how we characterize these behaviors DOES affect how people behave, we should be loathe to allow comments encouraging it to exist, as it increases the chance of others engaging in it.

    So.. folks... Don't Steal Art! It's Bad to do so. You are actively hurting someone who creates Art by doing it. Isn't that wrong to do? You Betcha.

  • Interesting post and the right conclusion, thanks again!

  • Interesting post and the right conclusion, thanks again!

    Thanks, Ingolf! That means a lot to me, coming from you, whom I respect greatly.

    I'm very interested in the subject of Behavioral Economics and how humans are wired to sometimes make poor decisions by nature.

    We've all, in our careers, seen the effects of poor decision making: Poor food choices, lack of exercise, overuse of chemicals on the environment, cheating on your wife that leads to being old-and-lonely, financially disastrous choices, etc.

    And to be up front, I don't claim to be an Angel as I've had my periods of reform and curbing bad behaviors, hence my interest in the subject.

    I just have seen (and lived) that armed with the emerging studies and clear information as to WHY we make bad choices, and why they are bad for us in the long term, we can CHOOSE to make good choices with ease once educated. It's encouraging to know that most people are good people who just don't know better and need coaching, not scorn.

    This I feel is the essence of good education, and parenting/mentoring or being a good friend. In my past, I've had siblings, friends, bosses make up for what I didn't learn as a child. So it showed me how everyone you meet on your journey through life can be a good Brother or Father to you and set you on a successful path, or at least a path of diminished anguish.

    Anyone interested in the subject, look up on YouTube or Amazon "Dan Ariely" a Duke University professor. Funny and Smart guy, great stuff.

  • So.. folks... Don't Steal Art! It's Bad to do so. You are actively hurting someone who creates Art by doing it. Isn't that wrong to do? You Betcha.

    You hit the point a 100%, illegal filesharing is killing music and artists. One typical human behaviour you described perfectly: if people feel anonymous and if they don't risk a direct penalty, they will steal much more and feel safe about it. Another common attitude: if everybody does it, it can't be illegal.

    Anyway, I really don't like to see every song I released on Russian or Asian servers without getting a cent for my work... :thumbdown:

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • From another thread:

    Its about Me :S

    @ nightlight wrote:


    ...someone else hinted e Group buying to reduce the price of profiles.

    No, No, no, and one more time No! Please... Like i said before:

    I mean that some time ago I wrote something "bad" (I do not like Higain profiles from TAF) about profiles from TAF , then
    some users have written protest would buy something from TAF - something
    like solidarity, I wrote "group buying" - I mean exactly this
    Some have posted - I like, and now buy something from TAF.

    Thats Why i wrote:


    Now it's time for solidarity, and another group buy from TAF.

    Do not thank Andy :thumbup:

    Probably some users do not see this old topic - so badly received my intentions!

    I know how difficult it is to profiling, I know how much time and work required - say NO to piracy.

    I would like to write something more but I lack the words :D

    I'm not an asshole, hard to judge someone you dont know. :cursing:


    "Nie osądza się ludzi tylko ich czyny"

    Stay Metal!

  • I totally understand the sensitivity and am totally opposed to piracy - but I do get the impression that SinMix's 'Group Buy' comment came out the wrong way and he was not suggesting that we rip off Andy's work - just poking fun at us a bit for suggestign we would all go out en masse and uncritically buy anything TAF put out.

    Just my 2 cents.

    On a separate note - I am a Kemper newby and am totally blown away. This after years of using other modellers (Line6, Roland VG-88 etc). This thing really is another level.

    I have purchased packs from TAF (Gilmour Hiwatt and Train Wreck) and SinMix (Metal Pack 1) and think they are both excellent. For any other proggers out there SinMix's Hughes & Kettner Triamp profile with a Lesp Paul and some chorus/delay is superb for recent Alex Lifeson sounds :)

  • I'm not an asshole, hard to judge someone you dont know.

    People telling that are always suspicious...... ;)

    One simple advice: just stay friendly, don't offend others and everything is fine.
    One even more simple advice: don't criticize the other vendors here, care for your own business and try to do a good job.

    I just downloaded your free pack and I'm looking forward to hear your profiles. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • People telling that are always suspicious...... ;)

    One simple advice: just stay friendly, don't offend others and everything is fine.
    One even more simple advice: don't criticize the other vendors here, care for your own business and try to do a good job.

    +1000000000 on this and then no one will think you are an asshole :)

  • Well I don't have beef with anyone. - Life is too short to have forum wars over things that are pointless, I get Sinmix, and he must find it hard as this is not native, so respect for him for trying to get his point across in a valid way. - if we misunderstood you, then fair enough, now lets leave it there. - whats done is done, and we can all just get back to whatever we were doing!..

    Sinmix has his style of profiles + fanbase, and I have mine. Ive never said anything bad of his work, and I never will despite of my thoughts.

    So peace. now go have fun!

  • Yes, keep cool guys. Sinmix is a nice guy, may he did some faults in the past but he didnt want to offend people. He trys to clear those things...like and44 says. Whats done is done..now start from zero and let those things be in the past

    cheerz :)