Rig Manager Mac Public Beta

  • Having created folders for various sets of rigs (under the Local Library), there doesn't seem to be a way to reorder the folders. Likewise when a new folder is created, rather than being placed alphabetically, it is added to the bottom and cannot be rearranged.

    Also, whilst the the folder titles have the number of profiles inside them listed next to them, the Local Library (which is the sum of all the folders) is not updated and always lists '0' as it's number.

    Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

  • A few minor "glitches" I could reproduce last night.

    The "Beta feedback" option in the help menu is doing nothing. I am on 10.8.5.

    I am experiencing "re-drawing" errors in the folder bar when shifting the focus from the side bar to the table.

    The Inspector column/group shows the resize mouse pointer but remains fixed in width (longer names become truncated).

    Drag and drop (from finder to RM) stops during the process when "a larger number" of rigs is used. I cound't find the exact number, but I could reproduce it 3 times dropping Andy's Pack#3 completely into the table view of a local subfolder. The program showed the progress bar and stopped working.
    Importing large numbers of rigs through the menu item worked fine though.

    copying and pasting seems to use a wrong item from the clipboard (at times?). I selected and copied a number of rigs but RM changed the "pointer" to a file I copied & pasted before -> leading to the before mentioned message (only rigs can be imported). I "pasted" onto the desktop and received a zip file I copied before. When I copied rigs in the finder and pasted it onto my Windows desktop in Parallels I found 120 rigs on my desktop though.

    right click on a folder in the folder column edits the folder name -> that should be a left click for selecting and another left click into the name for edit/rename (like in finder), right click is for context menu only.

    make the import function accessible directly from a folder.
    give us an option to disable the rating option on the Profiler, at least give as an option to rate from within RM and open up a dialog there.

    I focussed on the GUI last night. Previewing seemed to work very well.
    Very good job so far.


    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Having created folders for various sets of rigs (under the Local Library), there doesn't seem to be a way to reorder the folders. Likewise when a new folder is created, rather than being placed alphabetically, it is added to the bottom and cannot be rearranged.

    Also, whilst the the folder titles have the number of profiles inside them listed next to them, the Local Library (which is the sum of all the folders) is not updated and always lists '0' as it's number.

    Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

    no, you're doing nothing wrong. the folders re-order alphabetically when you re-launch Rig Manager. I know, this is neither ideal nor a big deal but certainly no obvious...

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Also, whilst the the folder titles have the number of profiles inside them listed next to them, the Local Library (which is the sum of all the folders) is not updated and always lists '0' as it's number.

    that's because you have folder in there but no rigs. all you rigs are in the folders and the count is not accumulated. Finder and Explorer behave the same way.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Hi guys, I've reported a couple of issues I've found to the Beta Feedback, anyone else can confirm these?

    1. the only solid method to import folders containing rigs to me is to drag the folder in the main (central) window, when try to drag folder on the left column (LOCAL LIBRARY, or subfolders created by me) or using the IMPORT RIGS function it happens not to import anything or an error message pops up saying IMPORT FAILED. ONLY PROFILER RIGS CAN BE IMPORTED, again if I drag the folder in the central window it works just fine.

    2. When rating using the INSPECTOR column on the right, sometimes that column freezes, previewing another rig keep displaying the last rated one, and keep changing rigs makes the app crash

    Mac OS X Version: Version 10.9.4 (Build 13E28)

  • OSX 10.8.5

    RM does not save column width, window size when closing.
    RM does not save changed tag preferences when closing.

    Suggestion: Show the actual filename in the inspector too.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • OK!

    I didn't wanna be a PITA or come across wrong. RM is a great tool.

    However I'd simply like to know the file name of the unchanged original source in case I messed with it and wanted to go back to zero. My idea is that I could change the RigNames without loosing that reference.

    I am aware that this is not overly important, but I am used to working with database applications and it is kind of common to save this info of imported files for me so i thought it would be a good idea. A generated filename is a different concept. Once you start editing rig names in RM you loose that unique identifier to the source. This will lead to redundancies sooner or later.

    Again "no big deal" - I only thought - since you import all tags anyway - it wouldn't be much of hassle to include the source name in that function and add a column to the particular table.

    Good Job with the Beta so far!

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • To the Kemper guys..... I've bought probably $40,000 worth of gear over the last 5 years or so. Rig Manager makes the Kemper tied for first place with the RME UCX as the 2 best pieces of gear I've ever bought.

    I'm on Mavericks and haven't encountered any bugs yet......

    Total game changer..... it makes the Kemper so much more useful it's unbelievable.....

    Nice going Germany!