How to Hook Up Timeline to Kemper in Stereo

  • Can anyone give me a step by step procedure for hooking up a Timeline tot he KPA in stereo mode?
    I tried and got nothing but feedback.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • Can anyone give me a step by step procedure for hooking up a Timeline tot he KPA in stereo mode?
    I tried and got nothing but feedback.

    KPA direct output to Timeline left input

    Timeline Left output to KPA return input

    Timeline Right output to KPA alternative input

    Set the switch of the Timeline to stereo in/out

    choose Stereo loop in the X slot of the KPA

    And you're ready to go

    Don't forget to set the dual delay of the Timeline to paralelle to get the full stereo effect.

    Have a lot of fun!!! :thumbup:

  • I tried it this way and I don't hear anything and then feedback starts slowly and builds up to where I have to deselect the x button loop.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • I don't know if it has something to do with your issue but in the output section of my KPA the direct output is set to: git+processing.

    The stereo loop is set like this: mix= 100% ducking= 0.0 and volume= 0.0

  • I don't know if it has something to do with your issue but in the output section of my KPA the direct output is set to: git+processing.

    The stereo loop is set like this: mix= 100% ducking= 0.0 and volume= 0.0

    That's it. Many thanks. Edited: oops git+processing gives me the timeline sound but not the profile sound. Stack gives me botht he p[rofile sound and the timeline but sounds like the profile has all the high frequencies removed. I don't think the Timeline is doing that.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

    Edited once, last by Laker (July 16, 2014 at 7:20 AM).

  • First it would be helpful to get some information about your setup, do you use 2 studio-monitors or FRFR-cabs (stereo or mono)? Do you have other effects connected to the KPA?

    I'm personally using the Strymon Timeline and Mobius, both connected like described via KPA-stereo-loop, no problems at all. You also can try to put the Timeline straight after the Main Outs (stereo in / stereo out), this should work, too and because the Strymons have true bypass there shouldn't be a loss of sound.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • First, thanks for the help.

    I connect a regular phono cable from
    Return Input to Timeline Left Output
    Alternative Input to Timeline Right Output
    Main Output Left to Timeline Left Input
    Listening through headphones
    No other effects connected

    git+processing gives me the timeline sound but not the profile sound. I can change profiles and the sound does not change.
    Stack setting gives me both the profile sound and the timeline but it sounds like the profile has all the high frequencies removed. very different then if I listen to the same patch without the Timeline connected.

    This is very frustrating.

    You have your KPA "both connected like described via KPA-stereo-loop"
    How exactly do you have it connected and with what Main Output settings? I can try that. I would like stereo in and out.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • I connect a regular phono cable from
    Return Input to Timeline Left Output

    What's a "regular phono cable"? You should use nothing else but (high quality) guitar-cables, 6,3 mm male jacks (mono).

    This is the right connection::

    - KPA Direct Output / Send (NOT Main Out Left...) --> Timeline Left Input (Timeline set on ""stereo in/out" and NOT on "feedback/loop")
    - KPA Return Input --> Timeline Out Left
    - KPA Alternate Input --> Timeline Out Right
    - activate Stereo Loop f.e. in the KPA's MOD-section

    Effect-loops are always connected via send --> return, Main Outs are always for studio monitors, direct to desk, FRFR-cabs ect.

    Why did you buy the KPA, just for playing it with headphones? Generally you should download the KPA-manual and read it, the KPA is a very complex tool.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • Guenterhass,
    Thanks for the help. I was using the wrong output.
    I have a DXR-10 but it does not sound near as good at home, where I mostly play. I am looking into some studio monitors like the Adams. I can't find a place to try them out at though so I am still looking.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • Guenterhass,
    Thanks for the help. I was using the wrong output.
    I have a DXR-10 but it does not sound near as good at home, where I mostly play. I am looking into some studio monitors like the Adams. I can't find a place to try them out at though so I am still looking.

    The DXR-10 is a FRFR-cab mainly for higher levels, gigs ect. If you play at low levels at home, studio monitors are the best solution.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • I don't know the setup you're using, but I just wanted to add that the Strymon Timeline (and the Strymon Big Sky) are great devices that you can use for many purposes other than guitar as well.
    If you're talking about a setup for guitar gigs only, don't care about the following. :)

    But if you're making use of this pedal in a (home/pro) studio environment, then you should consider to put it in a Send/Return loop where you can easily switch the audio source to your needs without re-cabling. The Timeline is GREAT for guitar, bass, keyboards, vocals, even drums in specific cases. So, if you're talking about a studio setup, then don't restrict yourself by hooking it up directly to the Profiler. ;)

    Just had to mention this because all sorts of time based effects (Chorus/Flanger/Delay/Reverb) can be used for MANY purposes.