Why are The Amp Factory's the best profiles out there?

  • Actually, I dont find that that is the case. There are several other vendors whose profiles I find rival TAFs. :)

    I'm somewhat in agreement with you. The Diezel stuff and some of the heavier stuff from Andy is not my favourite however, his mid gain stuff is really really nice and pretty tough to beat. That being said he does a lot of tone stuff for the axe fx camp apparently as well.
    I've gotten some far better heavy profiles from other folks such as Sonic underground and some great Marshall tones from Top Jimi. With the heavier tones though, the stuff from Lasse that comes with the Kemper is pretty much the best out there.

  • I'm somewhat in agreement with you. The Diezel stuff and some of the heavier stuff from Andy is not my favourite however, his mid gain stuff is really really nice and pretty tough to beat. That being said he does a lot of tone stuff for the axe fx camp apparently as well.
    I've gotten some far better heavy profiles from other folks such as Sonic underground and some great Marshall tones from Top Jimi. With the heavier tones though, the stuff from Lasse that comes with the Kemper is pretty much the best out there.

    I'm not generally into "metal" profiles or heavier stuff.....I'm generally mid gain, and Andy has some amazing profiles in that area....

  • I'm not generally into "metal" profiles or heavier stuff.....I'm generally mid gain, and Andy has some amazing profiles in that area....

    Im also into rock/blues, not metal. I find that Petes Profiles are right up there with TAF. And for many amps I prefer them over TAF.I tend to want good basic profiles without a lot of added EQ or FX.

  • For example

    Take the 'TAF Fairgain the King' Profile, now switch off all the Stomps & Effects buttons.
    Now take a Kemper "Factory" Profile "Soul Dano Overdrive", notice, it has no Stomps & Effects added.

    You could say the TAF Fairgain is actually a RIG, because it's a tweaked Profile.
    You could say the Factory Soul Dano is a PROFILE, not a RIG, because it hasn't been tweaked into a RIG yet.

    You could say that Andy's method of Profiling is excellent, you could also say Andy's method of tweaking his Profiles is also excellent.

    You could say Brazil are going to win the World Cup, but they're NOT. :D

  • Im also into rock/blues, not metal. I find that Petes Profiles are right up there with TAF. And for many amps I prefer them over TAF.I tend to want good basic profiles without a lot of added EQ or FX.

    It's a matter of taste. I bought some Petes profiles and they doesn't work for me as much as others. The number of profiles working for me in one of Andy''s or Armin's pack is higher. But, as I said, it's a matter of taste.

    Edited 2 times, last by pacocito (June 21, 2014 at 10:59 AM).

  • I love the sound of TAF profiles in my bedroom, but I find as soon as I crank them with a band I realise there seems to be a lot of flub (bottom end). I find his cleaner packs - fentastic pack for example - to be better on this front but the gainier packs to me have that wonderful thump for home use but that presents a pain up loud.

    I'd love to hear your experience

  • Thanks to the op for the kudos..

    But.. For the record, there are many more like myself, equel, or somecases better than me, i do what i do through experience, and if it can be useable and make you smile then thats great.

    Armin, topjimi, pete and for metal sinmix all offer well made profiles. Personally, i dont think there is better, there is just different. We all use differnt equipment, recording style to capture.. Its the end result that matters,

    I have many many amps, but not all are a success.. Natrually sound is subjective, so one person can hate other can love.. Thats normal with any guitar based gear anyway...

    But so glad you like anyway :)

  • guys....I hate to ruin the party, but how can it be a comparing among profiles, alias amps, that has all to do with personal taste?

    cmon, it's like telling someone that marshalls are better than mesa boogies.

    not to mention that the real thing here is not the amp but the hand.

    I do repeat it all the time but rest assure that the hand of a pro can make a mesa sound like a Marshall and vice versa, or a humbucker guitar like a single coil one, and can continue for hours.......same with profiles.


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • guys....I hate to ruin the party, but how can it be a comparing among profiles, alias amps, that has all to do with personal taste?

    cmon, it's like telling someone that marshalls are better than mesa boogies.

    not to mention that the real thing here is not the amp but the hand.

    I do repeat it all the time but rest assure that the hand of a pro can make a mesa sound like a Marshall and vice versa, or a humbucker guitar like a single coil one, and can continue for hours.......same with profiles.


    Uhm, I thought I was agreeing till half of the message, then thinking about it I disagree completely.

    Regarding the comparison between amps: sure it's always subjective but:
    a) does it really make sense to always make relative statements? If you hear an amp that sounds like a fart, would you say "I can't compare it with X" (with X being any great sounding amp)? Anyway, this is out of topic I believe
    b) here we're not really talking about amps, actually, but about amp profiles. And amp profiles can be done better or worse. It depends a lot on the refinement. If you do a very bias refinement (e.g. you do 20 seconds of soloing on the higher strings) you may well expect imperfections regarding the input you didn't feed the KPA during refinement (in analogy with the previous example, you may expect lower strings' attack not to be so defined). So, yeah, you can do better or worse profiles.

    Regarding the second part, I completely disagree. Finger tone is a completely orthogonal characteristic, with respect to amp tone, pickup tone and so on an so forth. A good player may make any gear setting sound well thanks to his skills, sure, but they won't make a mesa sound like a marshall. Rather, you can recognize their finger tone through different amps, that for sure, but it's a totally different story.

  • Thanks to the op for the kudos..

    But.. For the record, there are many more like myself, equel, or somecases better than me, i do what i do through experience, and if it can be useable and make you smile then thats great.

    Armin, topjimi, pete and for metal sinmix all offer well made profiles. Personally, i dont think there is better, there is just different. We all use differnt equipment, recording style to capture.. Its the end result that matters,

    I have many many amps, but not all are a success.. Natrually sound is subjective, so one person can hate other can love.. Thats normal with any guitar based gear anyway...

    But so glad you like anyway :)

    Hi Andy, you're welcome!
    I have to say that when I started trying the profiles already loaded on the kemper I wasn't superimpressed with the first ones, until I reach one made by some "And44" guy =D I didn't actually know that was the TAF guy (sounds like tough guy!), so I wasn't even biased on judging the profile ;)
    However. I did find a problem with aliasing on the higher notes and on some harmonics. I'll probably do some reading on the forum (I am sure the problem came up before) and I wondered whether that depended on the Kemper itself, on the profiles, or on what...I might start a new thread about it later, make sure to participate ;)