Driver issue on Win7 , any tips ?

  • Hi mates ,

    I got 2 pc at home (Win7) , the install went smoothly on my main one, but the 2nd PC is not able to get the driver properlly installed.

    I got the RM installed on both but without a functional driver on the 2nd, while the install is OK.

    I had to install manually .net 4.5 , and tried several usb ports , no luck. I tried the Windows manual driver install with the driver files from the other PC ( same RM version , latest Beta Kaos.bin )

    I sent some logs to the Mothership's support but I got the "out.log" missing after and during the RM / driver install, so Kemper team cannot diag my problem.

    Anyone went to through this issue on windows 7 and came up with a solution ?

  • Sorry, I don't come up with a solution but probably I got some hints (I'm running WIN7 64x). The following thoughts appeared here after reading your post:
    - Did you try another USB-Port for the connection to the KPA?
    - What about a WIN7-Update?
    - Have you configured WIN7 manually by deactivating WIN-services or so?
    - What about temporarly changing the connection from the fully functional pc to the faulty one and try to re-install drivers/RM?
    - I was never asked to install .net 4.5. Are you sure this is urgent for RM (might have got it automaticly by another application)?
    - I have got worse results with the manual installation of .net-packages (I hate this dirt, too bad that it's needed more and more). Are you sure the installation - if urgent - went properly?
    - I suggest you buy an USB-expansion card giving you additional USB-ports you can use to connect to the KPA. Maybe that might solve your problem at very little costs (and the need of USB-ports is rising here continously).
    - What about a deep WIN7-registry cleaning for the KPA-/RM-USB-Drivers and - if possible for your pc-environment - all registered USB-entries, too?
    - Did you try to install an older version of the KPA-USB-drivers (if it exists, I'm not quiet sure here and now)?

    I hope you solve your problem soon - the computer-nerve is too ******, grrr.
    Keep fighting

  • Sorry again - one more thought:

    Are you sure your USB-Hub in the faulty PC is working correct? Does it work proper with another USB-Devices (Stick or so)? - Sometimes the USB-Hubs/-Ports can blow-up at system boot when there are too "power-hungry" USB-devices connected.

    Good luck!

  • windows automatically downloads and installs the required version of the .net framework once an application installer signals that it is required. since so many programs use .net, there is a good chance that the framework is already there when you install rig manager. if it doesn't install but your PC is online, there is something fundamentally wrong with your windows installation.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Thx to all for the insight. I highly suspect my wind7 install which is far from beeing up to date ...

    I'm testing a win8 install on a VMware session to be sure it's my install that is faulty.


  • Ok , I solved my issue by installing Oracle's Virtual box free software on my win7 install.

    I had no luck with a VM Win8.1 install (profiler not recknognised) , then I switched back to a VM with Win7SP1pro and it went all right after the 4.5.1 dot net install.