Modern rock, alternative, punkrock quest

  • Anyone has suggestions on what profiles sounds good for that type of music?

    I'm looking for some good rhythm profiles with good crunch, not overly distorted. Think... Green Day, Lit, Paramore.

    Theses are for recording purpose. They don't have to be mix ready but clean enough so that when I low/hi pass filter them, it doesn't reveal too much nastiness in the mids.

    Feel free to suggest some commercial profiles also...

    Thanks guys! :P

  • Thanks man!

    I'm actually testing some profiles right now and indeed some of the free Tills ones are the closest I found so far. The 2K to 4K zone is spot on without to much nastiness to cut and kill the tone Even with the top commercial ones, there's always something wrong with the 2.5K ishh zone for that kind of music aka crunchy power chords riffs.

    Do you also own is commercial pack or only the cabs?

  • Quote

    Anyone has suggestions on what profiles sounds good for that type of music?

    I'm looking for some good rhythm profiles with good crunch, not overly distorted. Think... Green Day, Lit, Paramore.

    Theses are for recording purpose. They don't have to be mix ready but clean enough so that when I low/hi pass filter them, it doesn't reveal too much nastiness in the mids.

    Feel free to suggest some commercial profiles also...

    Thanks guys! :P

    I'm a big fan of the Paramore guitar sound so this is a great thread you have started :) I have the Golub crunch Don mentions above and that's quite a cool profile :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • from the RX:

    Marshall Golub Crunc
    Marshall JMP Golub
    Ora 4x12 Marko
    4.81 / 5.00
    February 21, 2012

    Thanks Don! I already played, tested the Marshall Golub Crunc... it's not what i'm looking for. I'll go and check the other ones right now!

  • judging by the bands you listed and the mention of mid range 'nastyness' I assume you're referring to the Linkin Park-esque, really produced sounding wall of guitars,

    kinda like a tuned vacuum cleaner.

    layering and mixing skills are key here, no one profile will give you that big radio sound instantly.

    the Lasse Lammert Rig Pack has a few nice rigs for that purpose (Grail, Schmatz, Nineties Finest...) but they all raw amp sounds (as it should be)
    getting them to work together and compliment each other (and the bass and vox) takes a bit of experience and/or a lot of trial and error.

  • judging by the bands you listed and the mention of mid range 'nastyness' I assume you're referring to the Linkin Park-esque, really produced sounding wall of guitars,

    kinda like a tuned vacuum cleaner.

    layering and mixing skills are key here, no one profile will give you that big radio sound instantly.

    the Lasse Lammert Rig Pack has a few nice rigs for that purpose (Grail, Schmatz, Nineties Finest...) but they all raw amp sounds (as it should be)
    getting them to work together and compliment each other (and the bass and vox) takes a bit of experience and/or a lot of trial and error.

    Well, yes and no.

    Aiming at a wall of sound, is a good way of describing it. Blending different profiles, filtering, EQ is how I usually achieve this. Let me assure you (without any pretention) I know how to do this. Like I said before, I know how much work it takes to get there and I'm not after some claimed ''mix ready'' profile.

    As for the tune vacuum cleaner, I'm not too sure what you mean by that... yeah they sound thin if you listen in solo... Now, how big or thin you make your rhythms gtrs is really mix dependent.

    Let me be more specific, most profiles I've been testing so far (except the Tills ones) we're not profile to be used in the manner I want (Crunchy rhythms,mid/fast playing, heavy picking powerchords). It's all about mic placement here obviously. The 2K/4K zone is way off (Over barring harshness, resonances) for the sound I'm after. Of course I'm going to EQ the mids, still it's so far away from the hi mids i'm after that when I threat that region enough to be in the ball game, I just kill the tone doing so... now they sound lifeless.

    It's not easy, brain bugling.... the never ending battle of getting your gtrs tone rocking, but still under control in a dense mix situation.

  • Quoted from "STUDIO44" Do you also own is commercial pack or only the cabs? yes the Chimera pack,you can get something useable right away,maybe just take gain down a little and layer it up. but there are some great cabs in that pack and as i said just about any amp you want to use will work fine with them.

    Cool thanks, I'll probably get theses. Talking about layering, are the different profiles (of the same amp with different mics setups) phased align?

  • maybe try the Bogner Barcelona profiles by Scott Ritchie. Instead of using a SM57 (which might be the cause of the midrange you don't like) he used a much smoother R144 ribbon mic.
    if you like the basic sound, but not how the amp feels, just use the cabinet.

    Not band, not bad.... I try to keep my rthm without pedals to use those on lead parts.

    I' not sure it's the sm57 thing... I'm thinking more of a cab or speaker related issue... you know the kind of whistle you hear at 2.5K?