Desperately looking for help...Kemper-> Focusrite 6i6 -> Garageband

  • Hey,

    I know I postet quite a lot of problems recently but It's just not easy to get everything set up right for a this time I just can't get a signal from my DAW( Garageband )

    I connected the kemper via s/pdif to the focusrite 6i6 and I get sound and signal in the Scarlett MixControl and through my speakers but I just won't get it working in Garageband.

    I chose the focusrite as input and output in the garageband setup and as input source when I open a new track I have Mono 1 Scarlett 6i6 (see screenshots).

    In the Kemper Output settings I chose "Master Stereo" for SPDIF Output and as the Input Source I chose "Front Input".


    Screenshot 2

    That's pretty much how I read to set it up everywhere but I just won't get a signal in garageband....

    I'm really desperate so maybe you guys know something I don't know, actually I'm pretty sure you do.

    Sorry already to ask again but so far without the help from this forum I've probably would've sold the Kemper already :D Glad I didn't get me an Axe-Fx.


    Edited once, last by ChrisRon (May 10, 2014 at 4:56 PM).

  • Hi ChrisRon

    I am sorry not having the identical interface but a similar one. I own the 8i6, but perhaps my quick little manual with some file links / attachments will help however.

    I added some hardcopies, the Scarlett MixContol file and a running GB Project. The 1st link in the PDF please save to a file. It is XML type and when you open it, it will show text.

    My SPDIF In/Out are both connected between KPA and 8i6

    Good Luck

    McRalfix :thumbup:

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!:

  • Got it working! Thanks so much!

    Just one thing. The Kemper is very, very quiet in Garageband, all the volume knobs from the kemper and from the Focusrite are turned up to the max. but for example the Drums in garageband are stille awfully loud in contrast to the guitar. I can also see that the signal I get from the Kemper to garageband is quite low.

    Is there some last thing I'm missing? How did you set last mix controller on the right in MixControl?

    Thanks again :)

  • Did you look into the manual on the KPA output side to look where to check all parameters for spdif master volume .....? Spdif out has to be x-ed on.
    In GB you have Level Knobs too.

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!:

    Edited once, last by McRalfix (May 10, 2014 at 9:40 PM).

  • Gonna put this here...

    I'm kinda really disappointed and seriously thinking about returning the kemper

    I got me today some decent monitors (Adam A3x) hoping this would be the final step to getting some great tones from the kemper through my laptop.

    Have it running through a focusrite 6i6 (via spdif) and Garageband.

    The sound is just awful...some of the tones are annoyingly dull, some others have those high side noises that sound like the kemper was going to explode any second...and I didn't forget to turn on the cabinet button. It just sounds nothing like a real guitar amp...

    I'm just really puzzled. It can't be my gear anymore since I have a decent set up in my opinion. At least it was expensive enough. Could it be that I just don't like the Kemper itself? Can't imagine that actually since through my Engl and a cabinet it sounded pretty good.

    Just don't know what to do anymore but my old line6 interface with pod farm just sounds 10 times better through my laptop...

    Did anyone make similar experiences?

  • Nope. I feed my QSC K12 speaker directly from one of the 2 Main Outputs for jamming.

    I take the Logic Pro X audio from the Mac Mini audio out and feed to a Power Amp (set to flat) then feed my Tannoy speaker for tracking.

    Its not a convention signal flow but it sounds great and fits what I do in my home studio.

  • I have had setup issues with my PC twice and my Mac once. It does take patience and has some learning curve because you have multiple issues:

    1) KPA OUT levels and settings (don't clip!)
    2) Interface settings (Scarlett Mix)
    3) DAW settings

    That is a LOT to handle, so problems are expected until you root them out.

    This is what I try and do:
    1) Convince yourself it's NOT the KPA. Do that by using decent headphones. If it sounds good in headphones, but NOT your Interface->DAW, it's the Interface DAW.

    2) Next, get a good signal straight to headphones ON your Scarlett, without using the DAW. Make sure you have good levels, no clipping. Learn to work the Mixer. The signal should sound THE SAME through the Scarlett as it does directly on the KPA! If not, work the problem until it does!

    3) Now route through your DAW. Work the problem until it sounds like it does direct in the KPA.

    Use your Interface company's Help in setup (Focusrite). Use your DAW's forum for help (Apple Discussions). If you got Garageband or the Mac recently, call their hotline. They are usually very good help.

    Don't give up, you'll have it figured out at some point. It will just *click* and you'll sigh in relief that it sounds "right" finally. We all go through that!

  • Thanks a lot for your guide, and you're right that it takes patience until you master all those devices. But I still think there is something particularly wrong with something in my chain, maybe it's the Kemper.

    I can give you an example now. I just downloaded some profiles today from the author Justin. Most of them work but when I came across two of them, the Kemper suddenly turned extremely loud and only made some...I don't know...swooshing loud noise when I play a string.

    From the topic I came across those profiles, no one reported something like that...

    If someone wants to try, the profiles making those noises are "Demanufacture v1" and "Metallica Black v1" from the author Justin.

    It's similar with some of Keith Merrows and Ola Englund's profiles, I'm just sure they don't sound the way they with my gear...

    Anyway, I'll keep on trying and hopefully figure it out.

    Thanks again for any advice given and help :)

    PS: This time I played directly with the monitors going from the Main Output

  • Ok, let's start with assuming there is a KPA issue, since that does sound aberrant.

    Make a recording of that and post it on SoundCloud or something for us to hear. With some details, guitar/pickups, profile name and author, and lets get some people here figuring out of that sounds entirely wrong.

    Sounding "anemic" is one thing, that can just be setup issues. But abnormal sounds from a profile, well your gut MUST be followed and this investigated first.

    Do you get these in headphones, btw? I'm interested in you isolating your hearing straight to the Kemper and comparing that to your DAW setup. Aberrance should appear in both.

  • So here we go:

    A record of the mysterious swoosh:

    Author: Justin Profile: Metallica Black v1 (Same with Demanufacture v1)

    Warning, turn your volume low before you play it. Don't know how loud it will come out your speakers or headphone.

    And here I recorded a short riff with another profile from which I think that it just doesn't sound the way it should:

    Author: Joseph Profile: Blue Beam Swag 2

    For comparison, here's a youtube clip in which the profile is used:…be_gdata_player

    I play an Ibanez RGIR27FE-BK with two EMG 707

    The sound is the same through my sony mdr-v55 headphones.

    Just for the record, in case any of the authors read this: I don't blame any of your profiles! I know they work perfectly and sound great! It's just an issue with my gear.

    Thanks for reading and any help!