How good is KPA at reproducing power amp section only ?

  • Hi,

    If the chain to be profiled is less long, will it be easier for KPA to reproduce it ?
    I'm interested in profiling power amp section (almost) only. Here is the chain to be profiled : send of KPA -- >return of the FX loop of a head --> power amp section --> output of the power amp section --> loadbox --> return of KPA

    Has anybody done such a profile ? Is KPA really accurate comparing the profile and the real stuff ?
    Do you conclude that KPA is good at reproducing power amp sections only ?

  • Unless you really crank it, the poweramp will be clean and IMO, the 'default' preamp the profiler uses when profiling clean sounds isn't very convincing.
    If you cause it to distort you might get better results, but you'll have impedance and level problems - i don't know how your effect return is built, but i'm not sure it's identical to a preamp guitar input.

    I've had mixed results, in short.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Quitty
    not sure what you're referring to.
    there are loads of great, extremely clean profiles out there from pretty hi end stuff like EvilRobot and /13 that receive nothing but praise.
    likewise profiles of vintage Fender amps, there even is a bunch of profiles dedicated to lap steel guitarists, and these guys know their cleans. ;)

  • a 'problem' in the setup as you describe it is the loadbox. the speaker will cause the connected poweramp to behave differently than a simlple loadbox can.

    Is this a problem ?

    If i want to compare, I will use :
    -guitar --> KPA --> IR cab simulator (VST plugin, Torpedo...)
    -same guitar --> head (return effect loop of the ) --> loadbox --> same IR cab simulator

  • There's a big difference in the cab section response between something that the profiler has recognized as clean and something that has been profiled as distorted with gain on 3.0.
    Both would sound fairly clean and both may sound nearly identical if you decrease both gains to 0.0, but the cab section on the 'clean' profile would be very, very different.
    It also replaces much of the response of the amp that i feel i find in gain levels under 3.0.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."