Live touring solutions? best?

  • I've been trying to figure out a transport situation that will fulfil 4 needs. It needs to be;

    1- Safe being thrown around in the back of a tour bus.

    2- Safe as checked luggage on flights

    3- Safe being handled and transported by unknown techs.

    4- Fairly easy to transport

    So far the head actually seems to the better choice as it will fit in a Peli-style or Microphone case by itself with excellent protection. These seem to be the standard for transporting electrical gear. Lots of padding. The SKB below is within an inch of carry on size for most flights so that helps.

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    The Thomann hardcase looks a bit flimsy for flights but it'll fit inside of a larger rolling peli like the 1620M so you can gate check the whole thing on flights but still have a hardcase for the actual gig venue.

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    The only way I can see of properly protecting a rack is to go shockmount which is heavy, bulky and generally don't have wheels to help. Lightweight SKB racks seem fine for local transport and carrying onto planes but will they be enough when other people are moving your gear around? Techs? Baggage handlers if you need to check it? I personally wouldn't risk it.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

    Edited once, last by grammar (May 6, 2014 at 11:16 PM).