Amp Factory rigs boomy/muddy vs Soundside or Tills

  • Ok, I must be doing something wrong here. So I am looking to you good folks for suggestions.

    I have a number of packs from Amp Factory and Soundside and I also have Tills' Chimera pack. But I am finding that the Amp Factory ones seem quite boomy/muddy and lacking the cut through of the Soundside or Tills packs. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Has the latest firmware broken things (note: I haven't edited any of the default pack settings from TAF/Soundside/Tills)?

    Running the Kemper through two Atomic powered CLRs, and I know they are set up correctly.

    Thanks in advance

  • well not sure what to really respond to this, or even how. - for me this is not the case, but there are many variables out there that can effect how you hear things.
    if you can help me know how you play, then I can help you, what profiles are you experiencing this with? - I have CLR's too, so least we have some common ground, and one Im willing to assist you on the best I can.

    Of course, im sorry to hear this..

  • Please don't anyone take this post as a criticism at all of the quality of the TAF profiles! I know they are awesome, I truly do believe I'm screwing something up somewhere - ie: its me, not Andy!

    Andy, I'm primarily using your Marshall Toolkit. It sounds SO DAMN GOOD at low (bedroom) volume. I'm generally using a PRS 408 (so single and/or humbuckers). I've tried resetting the Kemper too.

  • Must say I find TAF profiles excellent!!!! I'm using a Navarro PRS (not the SE version) through HS8 monitors or a DXR 10

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I must agree that I find Andy's profiles superb.
    Also loving the shout out to the PRS Navarro, used to own one as you can see in my avatar...............!!

    Rock on :D

  • TAF and soundside Rigs both are fantastic!!!

    Of course they have there own flavour - and of course depending on speaker
    peripheral devices they must be treaded in different ways.

    E.G. my first impression of the soundside JMP 1959HW No 34/35 was not that good.
    But after a while i got in touch with these rigs and now: one of my favorites!

    TAF: Try the Matchless from Pack 1 --- sweet! far from beeing boomy or something like that!

  • Please don't anyone take this post as a criticism at all of the quality of the TAF profiles! I know they are awesome, I truly do believe I'm screwing something up somewhere - ie: its me, not Andy!

    Andy, I'm primarily using your Marshall Toolkit. It sounds SO DAMN GOOD at low (bedroom) volume. I'm generally using a PRS 408 (so single and/or humbuckers). I've tried resetting the Kemper too.

    Ok thanks for that info, I'll go try these today on the CLR's, I'd rather first test and get correct feedback before misleading you. - anything is fixable. so not a problem..

    Can you tell me what settings you have the CLR's set too? (you have extra bass added on the back pannel?) and set to floor mode?

    About the Marshall pack..

    Vintage Marshalls are darker in charector anyway, as a lot of "mods" for Marshall amps involve bright caps for this reason, - back in the day, you would crank these marshalls to 11, and this removed some of the flub if otherwise played at low volume. - turning up the treble and or presence didn't really offer much in terms of tone, at least not till late 80's they became a little more useful, and even then its still debatable to this day...

    Some older Marshalls had tons of bass, but yet the same model a year later had hardly any..the standards then are not the same as today's by any means, but generally speaking.. Marshalls of yesteryear were designed to run everything dimed to get to tonal nivana... today...they try and sell you the amp by sounding great at low volume and awful at high!...

    Not that this has anything to do with anything, just thought it seemed appropriate to this topic, as the marshalls I profiled were very dark to begin with.

    Its best if you email me, as I will need to send you a few rigs as a test can find my contact on my website and we can take it from there.


  • I'm not familiar with Till's, but have a (big) bunch of both TAF and Soundside - though not the Marshall toolkit.
    There's definitely an overall balance to each, depending on the ears of the man behind the console, i suppose -
    for me, Andy is pretty much spot on. These are vintage British amps, however, and they will never be as bright as, say, a Mesa Boogie.

    Anyway, if Andy is on your case i wouldn't worry :)

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Hi!

    IMO Marshall pack is a bit dark compared with other TAF packs I own but these are the only TAF profiles I find dark, probably because they are vintage marshalls.

    Playing them at higher volume works for me when using the CLR.


  • I think the boomy tone could be characteristic of other things than a profile gone wrong:
    1) Guitar pickup positioning
    2) Incorrect/excessive clean sense settings
    3) Guitar cabinet is different from FRFR

    I've found very few profiles I can use without some basic EQ tweaking. This "minimum" needs to be done because the profile was often done with gear different from our own. With respect to that, believe I busing FRFR is a better solution to get the "profiled" tone, rather than the sound of your own equipment.

  • Big mistake: good profiles (TAF and Soundside-profiles are both excellent) sound like the "real" amp and there are a lot of "muddy" amps out there.

    If you're used to hi-gain amps with a lot of treble, you'll find old vintage-amps "muddy", if you prefer the warm and think character of vintage amps (like I do) you'll find f.e. Till's profiles much to "trebly".

    The guitar is also playing an important role, for my taste strats are the coolest ones for the KPA, but that's also subjective.

    My advice: just search for the profiles you like, Andy and Armin have profiled so many amps with thousands of profiles, there's everything for everybody. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • Ok, I must be doing something wrong here. So I am looking to you good folks for suggestions.

    I have a number of packs from Amp Factory and Soundside and I also have Tills' Chimera pack. But I am finding that the Amp Factory ones seem quite boomy/muddy and lacking the cut through of the Soundside or Tills packs. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong?

    definitely you're doing something wrong.......but take it as a friendly 'doing something wrong' ok? just trying to help here, not to go against people.

    what I mean is that TAF profiles are fantastic, as Soundside, Top Jimi, and else. I get my hat off for all of you guys which deserve the money you ask.

    of course, though, they might have to be tweaked since everybody's using them in a personal equipment rig. if TAF profiles sound muddy for 9 out of 10 I agree but they sound great for 9 out of 10, so it is definitely the tweaking process that need to be done. try different cabs, different eqs. try for example to tweak the 640 hz on an slot eq: i found it to be massive as for making a better guitar tone.

    check the TAF profile on my signature: i doubt you can consider it to be muddy :)

    take care


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • To my ears TAF profiles are the best out of many I've heard. Most others seem to have a tinny issue that makes them very ear fatiguing. As always YMMV. For my needs the vast sonic array of profiles are best viewed IMHO as paint brushes. Each could have a very specific role coupled with the right guitar and I don't get hung up on wanting to use a "Marshall" or a "Mesa Boogie", I search for a sound that's needed for the song. To me that's a lot more fun. : )

    Some of the heaviest sounds I've recorded had not one typical "metal" rig on it and some of the most expressive bluesy sounds I've achieved have come from a metal profile. : ))

  • I have a few profiles that sound the same as you have said. one from andy and one from Top Jimi but after buying every Top Jimi and at least 15 single amps from Andy I decided to tweak them until I was happy.

    I had that issue with the Marshall JVM JS and solved it by turning up the definition from 3.6 to 6-7. Throw a EQ in a slot and tweaked the global EQ. This amp wouldn't cut thru in my band before the changes and it sounds great now.

    The EVH lll profiles from TJ needed a different solution- I changed the cab to a EVH 5153 4x12,added a EQ into the slot and played with the global EQ and all is good. From what I researched Eddie tried a large amount of speakers well designing the EVH cab and a lot of cabs just don't sound good with this amp.

    I have bought a few profiles from the amp factory that had profiles for Les Pauls and profiles for Strats. I would love to see all commercial profiles sold this way, also throw in different cabs would be awesome. I think setting the EQ for single coil and Humbuckers play a big role in the profile.

  • I don't have the Marshall Toolkit but I do think that a lot of TAF's high gain profiles have a bit of this problem- at least, for my purposes which is recording. Most sound fine on their own- kind of more like an "in the room" type sound but in the mix I often have to EQ out some lows/low mids and add some highs.

    No big deal. TAF makes some great profiles. Sometimes just a little EQ tweaking is necessary for certain equipment or certain purposes.

  • Funny, I use an active CLR and 90% of my profiles used live are TAF.
    I always have to back off ton the presence, as I always find them too bright for me initially!

    I mainly use the Two Rock and Blackstar profiles.

    But I am loving the new free Dr. Z MAZ cleans as well!

    Thanks again TAF!