Uh oh, just bought an Axe Fx. Wait! Before you ban me...

  • Hey guys! Went out and bought an Axe Fx Standard, a Whitebox Engineering 2x12 in baby blue :love: and a Carvin power amp. Hope the Kemper doesn't get jealous ;)

    I mainly bought it to steal the snax fx's tone with my kemper and keep the cab/power amp, but who knows might keep both :). Have not had a chance to jam through the rig since I got home late last night. I'm at work today counting down the hours. Will post a youtube vid and compare both the axe fx and the kemper. :thumbup:

    Here is a quick shot I took last night:

    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/5PqXuiR.jpg]

  • Sounds like a plan!

    Yeah, I haven't see anyone jump down anyone's throat for owning an AXE. I've seen some people, myself included, get into some unhappy posts if the words aren't chosen carefully when complaining about the KPA or talking up AXE features in comparison. Both quite different than your post.

    I had the ULTRA with the KPA and enjoyed the pairing, but ultimately I didn't need all the extra effects the KPA didn't have and besides, that's a lot of learning to keep up with. I've barely tapped 50% of what the Kemper can do yet after more than a yea!

  • Use it on the inserts, it'd be great for effects! jimmy Herring uses an FX just for reverb LOL.. comes off his Fender silver face, through a DI out to it, then to two cabs for stereo reverb and delay.. so hey... I'd use it... for effects..

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Ha! After having owned an AFX for a year or so and spending time on that board - people here are so much more relaxed and balanced about things. You would get flamed into oblivion posting anything about the KPA over there. Personally - after having owned both I think it's because people that own KPA's spend most of thier time playing and don't have the energy to spend all day on the board

  • Ha! After having owned an AFX for a year or so and spending time on that board - people here are so much more relaxed and balanced about things. You would get flamed into oblivion posting anything about the KPA over there. Personally - after having owned both I think it's because people that own KPA's spend most of thier time playing and don't have the energy to spend all day on the board

    What are you doing here?!? Get back to playing!!! ;)

  • Why not using the best of both (or more) worlds? I don't get these KPA vs. AFX-discussions anyway.... I'm using:

    - KPA

    - several tube-amps (Marshall, Fender, Boogie, THD, Dr. Z)

    - UAD Apollo-interface with Softtube amp-collection

    3 different worlds ("real" amps, profiling-amp and plugins) and everything sounds great ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Well a LOT of the discussions are from a person who can barely afford ONE unit, not both, and is looking for info to see which is the better match for them.

    Most stores don't carry them, so short of buy-and-try you have to rely on specs, clips and opinions. Even buying to try, you have to pay shipping if you give it back, except that you can get a KPA shipped to a local store and return it without such costs, but many don't live near stores.

    So, lots of reasons, aside of the expected ones:
    -Owners happy with their units and sharing their enthusiasm
    -Owners who have a relationship with the company and shill for them on forums
    -Trolls out for entertainments via forums
    -Envious non-owners of cheaper gear ranting about how smug and haughty owners of expensive gear are
    -Tube owners who don't believe it's possible to digitally emulate tube amps because of past failed attempts
    -Tube owners who are snobby about their tube amps, just like high end digital owners are snobby about theirs

    But as stated, the Kemper forums are largely tame on the subject. I rarely see a flare up.
    That may be simply because the KPA doesn't compare itself to other modelers, it compares itself only to Tube Amps.

  • Some troublesome formulas for problems are:

    1) The XXX is better than the KPA at YYY (i.e. The POD XT is better than the KPA at clean sounds) <---Trouble Brewing
    2) Why is/does the KPA [value judgment] [feature or component] (i.e. "Why does the KPA [have so little] [RAM]" ) <--- Yeah, I did this one once, sorry
    3) Did CK make a deal with the devil at the crossroads or is he actually from an advanced alien civilization? <---My Money is on Option Number Two

    In any case, keep things to Asking Questions that don't have Value Judgments but instead Statements of Facts and you'll fare better.

    For example:

    Improper Statements (whine): Why Does the KPA Have So Little RAM?!? (why did I do this?)
    Proper Statement (mature): I understand the KPA has only enough RAM to hold a suggested 1000 profiles. Is this industry standard? Isn't RAM cheap? Can it be upgraded?

  • 3) Did CK make a deal with the devil at the crossroads or is he actually from an advanced alien civilization? <---My Money is on Option Number Two

    I think he had a friend from outer space a long time ago. And they roamed around trying to sell this device, but all the amp snobs were against the idea of their amp tone being stolen. So Mr Kemper decided to focus on the Virus and develop the Kemper in the background, specifically with a focus on making it proprietary and very difficult to replicate. This friend was no doubt some great friend of the German people but has now gone missing. They keep talking about it in secret sects and occult gatherings. The Tibetans have a name for him. The "Ah Ee Aah Ooh". Some Iron Man travelling time for the future of mankind is a good translation.