Digitech , Rocktron

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjlQySbd6Og

    new product from digitech

    and other gutar processor from rocktron

    it`s very funny ,release and sell those and similar things at 2014 )
    on what they hope ?

    totally crappy , flat and stupid disgusting digital sound like a zoom 505 /1010 era ) 12 bit sound ,mid of 1990

    after line 6 hd stuff , after tons of great sounding vst plugins , after axe fx , and finally after king of the hill - kemper)

    who will buy brand new "digitech floor guitar proccessor " ?

  • Well, I guess there are a lot of people that can not afford the Kemper and therefore (have to) buy cheaper products. With a lot of skill you can get also acceptable sounds from these boxes - for years I used a Rocktron Prophesy II, the sound was ok but are compared to the KPA, of course, worlds apart. For beginners or undemanding hobby guitarists, these devices are probably actually an option. We Kemper user are of course extremely spoiled and can´t imagine to use a less good sounding device...

    Play it like you mean it.

  • I also used a Rocktron Prophesy 2 for a few years, and the sound was a marked improvement over the POD pro that I'd used previously.... however, so far nothing I've heard compares to the Kemper. I now have the tone I've spent 20+ guitar playing years searching for.

  • I really liked using my HD 500 for many years. Their Edit / Librarian software is wonderful and is something that Kemper needs. The foot controller was built like a tank with a great pedal on it. Another thing it would be nice if Kemper had. If I couldnt afford the Kemper, I would still be using and loving that Pod.

    Edited once, last by lasvideo (April 18, 2014 at 7:11 PM).

  • The Rocktron Utopia G300 is not new - it was reviewed in the January 2010 issue of Guitar Player.

    Rocktron was not selling these to people who wanted vintage amp sounds:

    From the product description:
    "When was the last time you plugged into Pop’s old guitar amplifier? Most likely, never.
    So why buy a processor that promises you the sounds of old amps and cabinets?"

    Guitar Player magazine:
    "The Utopia G300 is a great choice for those who like to get very micro about tweaking their sounds. It’s also perfect for those who need to be able to control external gear via MIDI. You won’t find models of classic pedals and amps here, but if having a wide-open template for creating sounds is more important, then the Utopia G300 may be just the multi-effects processor you need."

    A G300 can do many things a Kemper cannot do. The Kemper can do many things the G300 cannot do.