Looking for basic recording info/tutorial

  • viabcroce you have a valid comment/concern for me. I haven't decided my exact path, yet. But, I would like to play through the Kemper to the monitors (without having to have the PC on) and also to playback from the PC to the monitors as well. I do have a nice Bose speaker system on the PC, but that would really color the sound and defeat a lot of what I would do recording. I do like the features of the Focusrite 6i6 audio interface (SPDIF, powered via wallwart not USB powered, good quality product, some nice starter software, ....), but it doesn't have a direct solution (that I know of) for playback from the PC as well. Maybe come out of the sound card to A/B box. Then to Bose (A) and Focusrite/monitors (B)? I need to spend more time looking at mixers to see if I can get the same features/quality as 6i6, but also solve the PC monitor issue. Thanks again for you input.


  • I use a Native Audio Komplete 6 and like it a lot. I found out that I can power it via the USB in the back of the Kemper (the smaller one, I think it's called USB Type B?). And I can use the direct monitoring mode. This way, I don't have to power on my MacBook when I just want to play the Kemper. No mixer required.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  • Interesting :) So you connect the computer to Inputs 3/4 and the Profiler to say 1 or 2 (or digital)?
    How do you set what input goes to output? Via driver's software?

    Well, if the Profiler can power a sound card this adds a new layer of possibilities! You have to turn the Profiler on every time you want to listen to music from your computer tho, unless you want to rewire everything each time or use HPs.

  • No, I just use the USB port in the back of the Kemper to power the interface, in the rare cases when I just want to play guitar without the computer. When I want to listen to music or record something, I just take the USB cable out of the Kemper and back in one of the USB ports of the MacBook. Just one cable to change, not rewiring everything. The Kemper always goes into input one of the Komplete 6. There is one little section in the front of the interface called monitor. There you can enable direct monitoring, control the volume (in this case of the Kemper) independently from the main mix (e.g. when recording) and switch this signal to mono if necessary. The cool thing is, the direct monitoring also works without the computer connected! No hassle - easy! But I mixed one thing up in my previous post: the USB port in the back of the Kemper is the normal flat one. The smaller square one is in the back of the interface. Sorry.

  • Sounds very practical, and I had never thought of powering an audio interface via the Profiler!

    I'm sure this will be useful to many, even tho not for me (my PC's USB ports are hard to reach, and most of my cables lie behind a shelve-stack)
