Rig Manager - Previewed Profile not loaded completly - noise

  • Hey,

    I did some reampings yesterday and I had an issue with some profiles while previewing them with the RM.

    This thing happened only with rigs stored on my Kemper unit and it seemed that the rig wasn't loaded completly. It resulted in a strange very loud noise from the rig which overloaded the connected SPDIF completly. I could reproduce it with a rig from Lasse Lammerts Rig Pack (LL - ChugChug).
    When I load it direct from the unit's browser everything is fine, it only happens when I preview from the Rig Manager.

    Perhaps the Rig is broken, I tried to remove and reload it, but the issue stays the same. For me it seems, like the rig is not loaded completly or some values are totally broken.

    RM and FW are latest available versions.

    Don't know if it's a bug or a broken profile.

    But nevertheless reamping with the Rig Manager and a strong coffee is so much fun :)