Ability to load more than 1 different cab IR for multiple mics in a rig

  • I vote for an enhancement to allow you to load multiple kipr files to a rig for multi mic configurations.

    Even after profiling my amp, and wanting to use some others profiles, I would really like to be able to load 2 or 3 "mics" from IRs to get just the right sound on other profiles.

    I have shot my cab, and used multiple mics, but it does not always fit with every rig I may want to use, and IRs seem to do this quite well.

    Heck if the Axe FX can do this, then I would think the kemper should be able to as well.


  • Hi,

    You should take a lot to this stuff : http://redwirez.com/mixir2.jsp. This is a IRs Loaded VST, that allows to mix up to 32 IR with a control on the path (serial or parallel). Furthermore, once you get the setup you like, you can export a IR of this IR mixing.

    This is how i use it:
    - disable kemper cab
    - add a FX loop behind the stack
    - entering in my DAW and returning in the kemper with the mixIR2 VST in between
    - I select some IR (and i can hear the result directly)
    - exporting the IR and conversion wiht the cabmaker tool

    Becareful, there is a slight difference between the result through the VST and the converted IR (with cabmaker).

  • Hi,

    You should take a lot to this stuff : http://redwirez.com/mixir2.jsp. This is a IRs Loaded VST, that allows to mix up to 32 IR with a control on the path (serial or parallel). Furthermore, once you get the setup you like, you can export a IR of this IR mixing.

    This is how i use it:
    - disable kemper cab
    - add a FX loop behind the stack
    - entering in my DAW and returning in the kemper with the mixIR2 VST in between
    - I select some IR (and i can hear the result directly)
    - exporting the IR and conversion wiht the cabmaker tool

    Becareful, there is a slight difference between the result through the VST and the converted IR (with cabmaker).

    this won't work too well, since deactivating the cab automatically toggles the CabDriver.
    this is why there is a difference, it's not due to the conversion process of Cabmaker.

  • I vote for an enhancement to allow you to load multiple kipr files to a rig for multi mic configurations.

    Even after profiling my amp, and wanting to use some others profiles, I would really like to be able to load 2 or 3 "mics" from IRs to get just the right sound on other profiles.

    in my experience, the influence of a mic in the final sound is much more complex than a simple IR of a mic could ever reflect.
    the volume level of the cab, the way the mic is angled towards the sound source etc. all 'work' with the mic.

    the beauty of the profiling process is that it captures your gear exactly and doesn't rely on some generic mic models.
    furthermore, there even is no 'SM57 sound' per se, to pick a popular example, they all exhibit tiny differences - and sometimes not so tiny.

    on top of all the above you'd need a completely flat mic to capture the cab 'mic-less' and to my knowledge mics that come close to that 'ideal' are around $1k. You could buy a bunch of decent guitar mics for that.

  • for recording, you just record DI's then reamp the DI's twice or more - one for each profile shot with a different mic you might want. Then you set your relative track levels to get the mix you want. For live/practice, you have to find profiles that were shot using the multi-mic combo you want at different blends, etc. OR buy two KPA's and run them simultaneously.

    "Heck if the Axe FX can do this, then I would think the kemper should be able to as well."
    Nope! Throw that idea out of your brain right now. There's lots the Axe can do that the KPA can't and vice versa.

  • in my experience, the influence of a mic in the final sound is much more complex than a simple IR of a mic could ever reflect.
    the volume level of the cab, the way the mic is angled towards the sound source etc. all 'work' with the mic.

    the beauty of the profiling process is that it captures your gear exactly and doesn't rely on some generic mic models.
    furthermore, there even is no 'SM57 sound' per se, to pick a popular example, they all exhibit tiny differences - and sometimes not so tiny.

    on top of all the above you'd need a completely flat mic to capture the cab 'mic-less' and to my knowledge mics that come close to that 'ideal' are around $1k. You could buy a bunch of decent guitar mics for that.

    Yes and no.

    I think that the mic can give a big difference in the sound as well as placement and many other variables.

    As I mentioned in my original post though, that sometimes my cab and say the cab used in the the amp factory profiles (just as an example) may not be just what I am looking for, but the amp model might be. So it would be great to be able to load more than one IR to accomplish this, and get the sound you might be after.

    I did not expect the responses I have gotten so far with what I felt was a decent and possibly doable request. If not some background might be nice to explain why.

    And buying a second kemper is not an answer and one of the stupidest things I have heard in a long time, especially for an enhancement request to a product.


  • Jim, calm down. There are numerous feature requests that ask for parallel amps or cabs. The entire design of the unit was not built around this. I doubt they chose DSP's with enough power to run parallel amps/cabs but decided not to implement the feature or designed the UI so that using such would be difficult and awkward.

    I previously made a request that would allow you to merge two profiles, so that what you describe would be possible.

    I also think it'd be a good feature for the CabMaker Utility to be able to use 2 IR's to make 1 Kemper cab preset. But I don't think labeling the KPA's cab blocks as IR's is accurate.

  • Jim

    Have you Profiled any amps yet?

    Yes I have profiled my full rack rig and cabs.

    The issue that I have is that 1 mic or maybe a combo of mics that I chose to profile with is not right for every situation, hence my request.

    I have also shot my cab with a bunch of IRs with several different mics as well, and loaded them in the kemper too, but again it would be nice to be able to load other cab IRs with different mics and load more than one IR at a time, hence my request.

    To me it is all about the song that I am recording, and what works for that, be it 1 mic or 3, or a totally different cab with that same "head". Having options is always a good thing in my opinion and this is one area that I have felt the kemper has lacked for the last year that I have had my kemper. If that could be added, or even another way to do it, like combining multiple IRs into a kipr cab file, would make this near perfect.


  • Yes I have profiled my full rack rig and cabs.

    I have also shot my cab with a bunch of IRs with several different mics as well, and loaded them in the kemper too, but again it would be nice to be able to load other cab IRs with different mics and load more than one IR at a time, hence my request.

    Well, you can change IRs by using a different Kemper Cab, some of which use two mics, etc.
    Many great Cabs you can try, Till's, Andy, Lasse Lammert, etc, etc.

    But, two at once, not available with the Kemper.