folder management on the rm

  • Why can we make only 2 subfolders?
    Is this a design feature?

    For example:

    Under local library i want to make > TAF > PACK X > LP, but i can only make 2 subfolders.

    Also importing rigs just does not work for allot of my folders (granted i'm using parallels). I just cant seem to import it. In the bottom i see adding rigs... and this keeps on going until i stop the program.

    A good feature would be to just copy the folder structure that people already made and just remake this in the RM.
    In .Net this should not be hard to do!

  • One more thing is that you should be able to accumulate the subfolders in the parent folder.

    For example:

    Parent A (100)
    ------------------> Child A (20)
    ------------------------------------->Subchild A (10)
    ------------------> Child B (70)

    So under Child A you should see all the rigs from Child A and subchild A and under Parent A all of the subfolders.

  • I didn't deal with subfolders.

    TAF rigs sometimes contain three versions of an amplifier in three folders ie.- high output (hum-bucking), low output (single coil) and the raw versions.

    I just created three folders in the local library with the same beginning and the variable at the end. For example:

    P6 Matchess DC30 HB

    P6 Matchess DC30 SC

    P6 Matchess DC30 Raw

    Close the program, reopen RM and all three folders are alphabetized right next to each other. I find this organization works well for me.

    Maybe there is a way to alphabetize without close/reopen RM too but this only takes a few seconds.

    Windows 8.1


  • No offense, but this is not what i want to do. And if you like it this way, great.

    But i like to have more then 2 nested folders. There are already enough workarounds needed to even run this :)

    The whole folder thing should be better imo.

  • I am not sure what you mean by work arounds. What specifically are you referring to? I found the program works perfectly as described and expect improvements in the future. If you care, check out my experience posted under the "... Disappointment?" topic.


  • I think this restriction ATM is because Kemper want to enforce the tagging paradigm rather than folder paradigm.

    Personally I would like more and deeper folder options as well as it enhances my personal workflow to keep things tidy and organized (in an optical way). It simply looks better.
    And personally I don't see a contradiction between tagging and folders.
    It would be awesome (and doable IMO) to set a tag automatically when you move a rig to a certain folder.

  • OK, I do understand but : tagging paradigm ?

    Beyond the common fields of the Kemper we already know, I miss custom tagging features.
    I only think of a way of custom tagging as putting my "custom tags list" in the Comment section of the rig...(that's why we need "Preferences settings" to set column selection once for all and always show the Rig Comment, for example)

    The default fields of a rig aren't enough to fully characterize a rig, if I don't want to overwrite authors input.
    We need a place where to put personal keywords.

    And then, IMO, the search engine will enhance the tag paradigm if I will be able to do advanced search like :
    "marshall -800 -900 -JCM" = marshall but not xxx800, not xxx900, not JCMxxxx
    "marshall +higain" = marshall with "higain" in a comment or in my custom tag list
    "marshall | mesa" = marshall or mesa
    "(marshall | mesa) + crunch" = marshall or mesa, with "crunch" tag for both...

    I do agree that with a full featured tag approach, for sure, I only need one folder, and I put all of my rigs in it, relying on the search engine to find anything I want...

    Is it the way the next release will work ? Anybody knows ?

  • lohworm

    that is kind of how I see it too.

    A database needs no folders, everything you are looking for should be accessed through a (powerful) search into a dynamically created result set(table), ideally even grouped by certain values which then could be represented through a dynamically created folder structure.

    To achieve that we need custom tagging (keywording) and an improved search with some typical placeholders and logical operators.

    When I had just switchted to OSX I sometimes missed my explorer structure - because I was so used to it. When spotlight became available I slowly started to realize how much faster and easier an indexed search is.
    I already knew it from my work with large databases, but I never made the tranfer to searching for files - because I was so used to it through the windows UI paradigm.

    The RM is beta 1.0 and seems to have been circled around the "live preview" - which is a huge time saver. I hope the database functionality will be further improved/expanded too. That will make it truly great.

    For now - if you really need/want deep folder structures - I'd keep my rigs structured in my os's filesystem. More reliable. Would hate to see people start complaining about loosing or corrupting their "folder structure" after one of these updates in the near future.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • OK, I do understand but : tagging paradigm ?

    Beyond the common fields of the Kemper we already know, I miss custom tagging features.
    I only think of a way of custom tagging as putting my "custom tags list" in the Comment section of the rig...(that's why we need "Preferences settings" to set column selection once for all and always show the Rig Comment, for example)

    Exactly, where are we supposed to tag? There are no fields free unless we overwite existing and possibly important comments. I want to add bass, clean, crunch etc without deleting the comments. We need some dedicated tag slots.