What's the best Camplifier amp to power 16 ohm cab in mono with most headroom as possible

  • It seems that the 360 is not bridgeable, so all the three versions will give you the same power (about 90 W). The two stereo versions would be more versatile, since you'll be able to run them in stereo in the future, should you need it.
    The 360 one will of course be more powerful in stereo, and costs only 50 € more than the 290, so it could be an option.

    You'll just have to decide whether 90 W is enough for your needs, depending on the application you might want more power.

    PS: Since these are solid state amps, I'd not talk of headroom (in an electric sense) but rather of maximum attainable pressure level. Not that this changes anything for your choice tho :D