Diezel Herbert revisited

  • I´ve seen many profiles at the rig exchange lately which got a one star rating right after their release, some of mine, some others. Seems like someone´s applying his method of bashing other´s profiles....eh, whatever...


    Yes, i noticed that too , in protest i have been doing the following , everytime i download a profile i always rate 5 . its a shame people never rate the profiles when they download, so i have been doing this it makes sometime , rate 5 always , until a fair rating system appears !! :pinch:

    Regarding your profiles ! they are always really good ! so big thanks for these herbert sounds !! they are faithfull to the real thing .

    Edited once, last by Tone (January 23, 2014 at 9:17 PM).

  • guys, instead of commenting on obviously BS one star ratings, the best thing to do is just go rate the profile. in the grand scheme, a 1-star from a troll will have no bearing on the ultimate rating of the profile. the line 6 customtone site had some kind of bot rating everything (I mean everything) rated 1 star within seconds of uploading. it makes no significant difference on the overall opinion of the profiles.

  • Thanks for the profiles! I have never played a real Diezel amp in my life ... Here is a small clip of a heavily edited "Diezel Herbert_2+ TS" with one of Lasse Lammert's cabs: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55653919/diezel-rig-tweak.mp3

    First 3 secs is the original rig and everything is at most dual-tracked. My point here is that even if I feel that a rig is not suitable for me directly, I can always try to tweak it to my taste. This is what I personally love about the KPA and ALL the profiles on the rig exchange! :)

  • I finally got to play them and definitely enjoyed them. Cab profiles came out very good - great SNR. At first I gravitated a bit more towards the + TS profiles, but I actually found I most preferred the ones with no boosts, but with a little pre-EQ. I used the Studio EQ and did a very light cut (-2.5 db) around 110 HZ just to get rid of any flub to the bass, but without losing that thickness. I also gave a stronger midrange boost around 1 kHZ. This definitely changed the character of the distortion - maybe more towards how other amps sound than the Herbert's signature sound, which could be good or bad depending on your love of the Herbert.

    Anyway, I really like the profiles; and as always appreciate you sharing. There's lots of commercial profiles I have that require far more tweaking to still sound sub-par to these. A little pre-EQ is to be expected. Much more comfortable doing that than to start messing around with the Amp Profile settings, which I thought were perfect as is.

  • thank you all for the nice replys!

    I like to add, that I set up my Herbert with EQ knobs at noon for the distortion chanels.
    The profiles reflect pretty well how the Herbert sounds in reality.
    I met Peter Diezel for service. When he checks the sound of his amps, he sets the EQ knobs all to noon, that´s the sound he has in mind when designing his amps. And this is the sound I like most, too.

  • seems like every amp should follow that paradigm!

    so I believe you said somewhere that the Herbert is a main part of your live rig. I'm curious to know...

    What kind of music do you play?
    Which of these profiles would you use, and in which context? (IE, the 3+TS for riffing rhythms, the 3 for leads, etc)
    Do you use any other amps live?
    Links to your music?

  • seems like every amp should follow that paradigm!

    so I believe you said somewhere that the Herbert is a main part of your live rig. I'm curious to know...

    What kind of music do you play?
    Which of these profiles would you use, and in which context? (IE, the 3+TS for riffing rhythms, the 3 for leads, etc)
    Do you use any other amps live?
    Links to your music?

    I use the Herbert with two bands. My main band is called Letzte Instanz, which is some kind of romantic gothic (pop) rock with violin and cello.
    We have a heavy rhythm section. I use the Herbert without any booster or distortion pedal. Pedals come into play just for the occasional "special parts"
    here are some videos:
    Von Anfang an
    Profile of choice: Herbert_2+ for heavy rhythm and Herbert_3 for lead

    My other band is called Frogstar Battle Machine. We play some strange and funny hardcore new metal ;)
    Here I use the TC booster additionally, but with just a little bit of boosting, to bring out the attacks slightly more defined. I play an 8-string guitar here.
    here you go:
    you can grab all our music there for free, if you like ;)
    So my profile of choise here is the Herbert_2+ TC, or the Herbert_2+

    The tubescreamer is a pedal I personally don´t like much...some amps need one, Rectifiers for example, to bring out them some definition.
    The Herbert does not need this, it has brutal low mids that never get muddy, which is almost a miracle - all hail to Peter Diezel!!! :thumbup:

    I own some more amps, Dual Recto, Ecstacy, Super Reverb, JCM800, but they are for studio use only - so far....
    I plan a new project, where I will use my Diezel Schmidt amp....I bought this one mainly because my name is Schmidt, too :rolleyes: it´s such a cool little amp, completely different concept than the "big" Diezels.

    Thanks for your interest! 8)

  • hey, thanks for checking out my music :D and thanks for the kind comments!

    other topic - on the rig exchange my Diezel Herbert_3 profile appers at the top of the list . I did not upload it again....I can rate it, and it does not appear in my profile....
    who was is?
    It´s tagged with my name, so how can this happen?
    I dont think that´s ok....

  • Did you test it? it is the same rig? And are yours still available further down at the rig exchange? Maybe some officals accidently deleted it and decided to upload it again themself.

  • r.u.sirius's profiles are certainly among the best profiles around.
    Giving 1-star rates is ridiculous and simply shabby, period.
    I'd be in favour of a simple 'like' system.
    That would be much more appropriate.

    I agree. In my opinion, a simple "like" system would be a better rating system. I got one star ratings just after posting my last profiles (some months ago). Downloading the profiles, uploading to the KPA, testing and rating them in such a short time was simply impossible.

    Some people rate the amp and not the profile. Some people loves a produced sound and some a raw one. Some people don't know what to do with raw profiles. No one sharing his work with the community deserves one star!

    R_u_sirius, all your profiles are awesome. Keep them coming! :thumbup:


  • Thanks for those, I dig them more than the ones you made with the V30 Cab!

    I like Dist_3 the most, altho the 2- is also very fun to play with!
    They all are a bit mid heavy/cloudy, but I guess that because of all knobs at noon. I'd dim the mids a bit.
    At least that was what I did anytime I played a Herbert. Awesome amp overall.
