Kemper as a DI box. A lot of doubts.

  • Hello everyone . I have many doubts with this so I will try to explain as best as possible despite my problem with language. Before I start, this is my gear :
    - iMac
    - Duet 2 usb and Line 6 UX8 ( both paired as a single device)
    - Passive pickups

    What I want is to get the best quality DI possible for reamp without level , impedance , etc. problems . What is the best way? . I have tried the following :

    1. Guitar > duet line in> DAW / / / Recorded raw > out duet (set level -10) > kemper front in
    2 . Guitar > kemper front in> spdif out > DAW / / / raw Recorded > kemper spdif in
    3 . Guitar > kemper front in> direct out > duet line in / / / Steps 1 or 2.

    This last option really generates doubts me . Many people recommend purchasing DI and reamp boxes. I do not have much knowledge about the functioning of these devices but as far as I know, the DI box function is to convert the line (instrument) signal level into another mic signal level. I have read that the kemper acts as one of these boxes thanks to direct out . This is where I do my ignorant newbie question . If I connect a TRS cable from the direct out (which would have level mic signal, isn't it?) at the duet line in , is this signal converted into a line level signal again when I record in my DAW? In short, how do I record a DI with mic level without a DI box with my kemper ? I don't know if what I'm asking is stupid and deserves a stoning , but I have a lot of confusion in my head. I hope you can help me . Thanks in advance

  • This is the way to go. You only have a single A/D conversion this way and it will guarantee the best possible sound quality without any degradation of the signal.

    Thank you very much for answering. For convenience and quality will use the SPDIF for it from since now. If I may, I would like to ask two questions more.

    1. Obviously the quality of the interface influences when recording for the Line In or for mic preamps, etc.. The same applies to the SPDIF? Or because it is a purely digital signal no matter the quality of the interface?.

    2. From the (Kemper) Front In to Direct Out any A/D D/A conversion also occurs?

    Thanks again!

  • I don´t know if that helps you in any way but I recently recorded a full album and my engineer told me to also track DI files. And since I had limited time I just recorded the wet (main out) and the dry (direct out) together. Both tracks came out great and sounded good!

    I used the direct out because my interface doesn´t have a s/pdif port so I was afraid it would sound bad but the DI files really sounded like the DI files I recorded with my guitar directly over my interface!

  • 1. Obviously the quality of the interface influences when recording for the Line In or for mic preamps, etc.. The same applies to the SPDIF? Or because it is a purely digital signal no matter the quality of the interface?.

    Doesn't matter, as long as the interface can sync to incoming s/pdif.

  • Thank you very much for answering. For convenience and quality will use the SPDIF for it from since now. If I may, I would like to ask two questions more.

    1. Obviously the quality of the interface influences when recording for the Line In or for mic preamps, etc.. The same applies to the SPDIF? Or because it is a purely digital signal no matter the quality of the interface?.

    2. From the (Kemper) Front In to Direct Out any A/D D/A conversion also occurs?

    Thanks again!

    1. As said before, when using SPDIF, the quality of the audio interface would not matter. However, high quality interfaces like RME have better drivers and are more stable, allow lower latencies and allow more flexible signal routing.
    2. Yes, whenever entering or leaving a digital device, you add a digital conversion process. Though today´s converters are mostly high quality and won´t change the sound much, every conversion also adds 1 to 2 ms of latency.

  • 1. As said before, when using SPDIF, the quality of the audio interface would not matter. However, high quality interfaces like RME have better drivers and are more stable, allow lower latencies and allow more flexible signal routing.
    2. Yes, whenever entering or leaving a digital device, you add a digital conversion process. Though today´s converters are mostly high quality and won´t change the sound much, every conversion also adds 1 to 2 ms of latency.

    Till, CK stated: The way from the Instrument Input to the Direct Output is simply a buffer amp. Kemper Direct Output/Send - Impedance and Type

    So i understand that no DA/AD takes place.

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  • Till, CK stated: The way from the Instrument Input to the Direct Output is simply a buffer amp. Kemper Direct Output/Send - Impedance and Type

    So i understand that no DA/AD takes place.

    I am really no expert on electronics, but since you can configure the signal that is present on the direct out, i thought there would be a D/A converter.

  • I am really no expert on electronics, but since you can configure the signal that is present on the direct out, i thought there would be a D/A converter.

    I assume CK referred to the Git Analog option which delivers the unaltered signal.

    From the Reference Manual, Output Sources, page 12:
    Git Analog

    (Only available and default setting for the Direct Output).

    The pure and clean instrument signal is sent to the Direct Output by an analog
    splitter, no AD/DA conversion is taking place. The analog signal level is the same as
    on the instrument input. Useful for reamping or running a second amp in parallel.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • The pure and clean instrument signal is sent to the Direct Output by an analog
    splitter, no AD/DA conversion is taking place. The analog signal level is the same as
    on the instrument input. Useful for reamping or running a second amp in parallel.

    Ooh, this gives me ideas. Stupid, overly complicated, but awesome ideas. :D

    I could use my Dual rec and real cab for stage sound and the Kemper for FOH. The sound man would probably want to kill me for it though. :D