Ground Control Pro setting up stomps

  • Not sure this is where this belongs, but I have seen lots of GCP/setup questions here. Admins, feel free to move where ever it belongs if this ain't it.

    I'm going to post this on my blog too, had a few guys ask me questions about setting up a GCP and figured I'd share what I shared with them. This is for setting up a GCP to work like a pedalboard - you get control of eight items plus four rig changes. I have mine set up for turning on Stomp A, B, C, X, Mod, Delay, Reverb and tap tempo, wah is set to come on when the pedal is depressed and the tuner when volume is muted. Anyways, hope this helps some of you. I'll probably post more detailed stuff later like using midi continuous controllers with the GCP, and using it with more than one device, but this should get some of you started.

    Info below is for BROWSER mode on the Kemper and a Ground Control Pro midi footcontroller. I haven't delved much into performance mode, so some of it may apply, some may not. If anyone has any questions about using the below info in browser mode, feel free to send me an email. If your question involves performance mode, wait awhile because you probably know more about it right now than I do.

    First thing to consider is program change and instant access buttons. A program change is going to change a rig on your kemper. Instant access is meant to

    turn something on and off like a stomp or other effect, or use one to tap in a tempo, while staying on the same rig. Some MIDI footswitches only allow program changes. The GCP allows you to set up either all 12 buttons as program change or 4 program change and 8 instant access.

    To set the number of program change vs Instant access buttons, click both setup buttons on the GCP at the same time. This would be the top far left and top

    far right buttons. The display should change to read 'setup mode'. Now click on button 7/utility. Now click bank down once, it should read either 10 PRST /

    BANK meaning all the buttons are used for changing presets/program changes only or 4 PRST / BANK meaning the bottom 4 switches will change presets and

    the upper 8 are used for instant access. I prefer the 4/8 setup, if you click data yes or data no (#3 and #4 buttons on the bottom row) you can change back

    and forth from 4 PRST to 10. I'd suggest 4 PRST / BANK. Once you click this, click the edit button on top far right, it will then read EXIT Y/N. Click #4 on the

    bottom row to exit.

    To set your Instant Access buttons for turning on stomps or effects, click both setup buttons again at the same time, release and select #6. It will read instant

    access for a flash and then It will read 1.CH(1-16) CTL(001-128). Use the bank buttons to change CH(which if your Kemper is set to omni won't matter, leave it at 01) and click the #2 button to change over to the CTL #. CTL# is a MIDI CC - enter the number of the item you want to change in the list below using the #3 and #4 buttons to decrement/increment the number. I edited the list somewhat, you're not going to be able to change the delay mix easily with a stomp like this, we're just going to cover turning an effect off/on. So for an example, say you want to turn switch 1 on your GCP to control Stomp A. So you would change the CTL to 17, and would end up with:

    1.CH01 CTL017 - this means that button 1 will transmit a change on channel 01 (which doesn't matter to us at this point, since our Kemper was set to omni

    mode earlier, remember?) and it will change CTL # 17, or stomp A.

    Now click Bank down, it will change to 2.CH(1-16) CTL(001-128). This will affect button 2. Click #2 until the CTL # is blinking, select your next item you want to

    change from the number below. Say it's going to be stomp B. Change that # to 18.

    Click Bank down, it takes you to #3, etc. Keep going until you've used all 8 or as many as you want. Once you're done, click setup on the far right upper corner, select #4 (yes) from the bottom row of foot switches and you should be able to turn stuff effects and stomps off and on with the GCP. To use the tap tempo, just select #30 in the CTL window.

    Instant Access Number list for Kemper Profiling Amp

    #17 Stomp A
    #18 Stomp B
    #19 Stomp C
    #20 Stomp D
    #23 Stomp X
    #24 Stomp MOD
    #26 Delay (mute trails) (switches the delay on/off)
    #27 Delay Mix (keep trails) (switches the delay on/off)
    #28 Reverb (mute trails) (switches the reverb on/off)
    #29 Reverb Mix (keep trails) (switches the reverb on/off)
    #30 TAP
    #31 Tuner select

    Now your programs on the GCP will be numbered by banks of four. However, it's going to be numbered slightly different by bank as opposed to midi # on the

    Kemper. In other words, the first bank of four will read on the GCP os 01, 02 03 and 04. The next bank will be 11, 12, 13, 14. (bank 1, program 1) but will read on

    the Kemper as 5, 6, 7 and 8. Next bank is 21, 22, 23, 24 (9, 10, 11 and 12 on the Kemper) and so on. After you get to 91, 92, 93 and 94 (37, 38 39 and 40 on the

    Kemper) it changes to A1, A2, A3, A4 (41 42 43 and 44 Kemper), then B1-B4, all the way to Z.

    Since the Kemper and GCP do not communicate in both directions (the GCP can't read for example the rig names off the Kemper, or have the status of effects

    transmitted to the GCP automatically. Easy fix for both though below.

    After your kemper is set up as above, select a preset with the GCP. Be sure any effects you want to load when you switch to this rig are turned on and the corresponding LEDs for those effects are lit on the GCP. click the Edit button far right top row once, then click bank down three times until a patch name shows up with quotation marks around it. Rename the patch using the bottom row (#1 to #4) buttons, when the name is correct click edit again, then #4 (yes) to save it. Now when that preset is called up on the GCP, it has your custom name and the effects that are on within the patch are on. Please note if say for example you don't have the GCP set up to turn the delay on, then it won't matter - however the preset is saved on the Kemper is how it will come up.

    Example - you have delay set to turn off and on with the GCP. Even if the rig you're selecting with the GCP has the delay turned on, if the delay button is inactive on the GCP when that rig is selected, it will NOT be active.

  • I also have the GCP setup. Question: I have the 600w on the kemper. How do you use for live use? do you have to turn the cabs sim off or does it matter since the Kemper has a speaker out?


  • It stands for 'Full Range Flat Response' speakers/cabs. Many users go with some of these to obtain all nuances the Profiler can provide in regards of different cabs in the rigs they use. Do a search for FRFR on the forum, there are numerous threads dealing with your question and contain some good points that may help you to make a choice which route to go (in case you need to choose)

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • One more Q if you dont mind: With cab sim off, the "speaker out" goes to the cabinet (my marshal 4x12) and an XLR would go to the PA, right?

    Thanks for the input!

  • Since the Kemper and GCP do not communicate in both directions (the GCP can't read for example the rig names off the Kemper, or have the status of effects transmitted to the GCP automatically. Easy fix for both though below.

    After your kemper is set up as above, select a preset with the GCP. Be sure any effects you want to load when you switch to this rig are turned on and the corresponding LEDs for those effects are lit on the GCP. click the Edit button far right top row once, then click bank down three times until a patch name shows up with quotation marks around it. Rename the patch using the bottom row (#1 to #4) buttons, when the name is correct click edit again, then #4 (yes) to save it. Now when that preset is called up on the GCP, it has your custom name and the effects that are on within the patch are on. Please note if say for example you don't have the GCP set up to turn the delay on, then it won't matter - however the preset is saved on the Kemper is how it will come up.

    Example - you have delay set to turn off and on with the GCP. Even if the rig you're selecting with the GCP has the delay turned on, if the delay button is inactive on the GCP when that rig is selected, it will NOT be active.

    You can set up the Ground Control Pro/Kemper to retain the Instant Access states when changing patches to act like a true pedalboard (I'm not in front of my rig, so this may not be exact):

    1. Lock stomps & effects on Kemper
    2. Set up a GCX as a device in the GCP
    3. Set the IA buttons to control GCP 1-8
    4. In the GCX patches, set the GCP as inactive (which will let the IA buttons act independently from the patch selection)
    5. Unless you can remap midi controllers in the Kemper (I don't think you can), you need something like a Midi Solutions Event Programmer to remap the GCP IA controllers to the Kemper stomps & effects

    Edited once, last by jgastineau (January 22, 2014 at 6:16 PM).