Quitting because 21st century :p

  • There are also pieces of software called Internet spiders, which basically explore a whole site and download all the files with a given extension. If you're into massive RE d/ls you might rather want to look at some of them. as I wrote elsewhere on this forum, when I was younger I used to use spiders for batch-downloading... ehm... pictures scattered in different pages/folders of a given site :D

    You, Sir, are a credit to all MAN kind! I've used similar programs to transverse and record a website for offline use, but I never thought of having one grab files in batches. Close, I was almost there.

  • I get what you are saying and fundamentally I agree, we just need to be patient. A little poke from time to time like "a librarian would be nice" is more than enough I suppose. I don't know how many people Kemper employs, but it's not a huge team.
    The thing is we don't know how having or not having a librarian affects Kemper business. My theory is it doesn't, your theory is it does, that's fine. But what I propose is to not irritate Kemper team too much (keeping in mind they said software is in the pipeline), because they do read these forums from time to time and answer our questions - that itself is something extraordinary. If we start pounding on them, they may chose to not to come here anymore, I have seen it too many times on lots of forums.

    I am sorry if I am lecturing.. I just enjoy what I have and (I am still surprised) Kemper delivered everything what it advertised on the box -all other stuff is a bonus.

    p.s. I'd not use more rigs than I use now.. maybe I'd check an amp or two here and there but that's it. :)

  • I do not agree with you. As a customer you are entitled to ask for a feature that you expect. In this case the librarian/editor. Simply because all the competitors have it.
    I never even thought that it would not be in there when i bought the kemper. I was to exited for the hardware.

    No one is even questioning the awseomnes of the system. This is not the discussion.

    But we are at a point where people are telling us to please do not anger the gods... erm i mean kemper team. Because they seem to be afraid that they then would not make it?

    That would be a poor way to serve your customer base. (again, this is one of the most wanted features).

    Somewhere in the future there will be a kemper 2 and 3 and hopefully they will keep on making these amazing things for very long. But i for one (i can only speak for me of course) would rather then buy a competor with almost the same amazing sounds, but one that has the full package from the start.

    Please, this is not a rant. This is no to blame kemper or whoever. Sorry if it comes over this way. I just think its piss poor customer support to not even say the date when it would be ready or to have it done already.
    I don't really care what there team size is. If they do not have enough people, then hire them or outsource it.

    The software does not need to be fancy, just a working way to load profiles from your computer/mac to the device. This must be something they had in there design from the start? It just needs to be made and implemented.

    Lets just hope that all these threads make it clear to the kemper boys, that A) we think they are amazing and B) we want the frigging librarian/editor and are willing to wait if they just could keep us in the loop.

    :) <-- to make sure i do not anger the fanboys :)

  • They have told us one is in the pipe line and I'm sure it will be worth waiting for. All companies keep products close to their chest before releasing them so the competition can't copy straight away.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • Regarding the librarian, someone in this forum captured a screenshot of it that the Kemper team leaked a few weeks ago.
    The screenshot showed up on the forum for a few minutes before the poster removed it.
    So hopefully we're near the relaase date :)