Quitting because 21st century :p

  • Finally somebody who dared to speak out! The Kemper is an awesome tool when it comes to deliver real life amp sound. It's not an audio recording interface or a library... But, of course if there's a library option in the future, I'll be happy for that! But, in the mean time, these awesome units (I have two), they still deliver the best tones I've heard from any device so far...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • I have to say, the USB Interface is less important. I was just ranting because of what I've been hearing a lot lately...

    I won't sell my Kemper for nothing but I must say though, a Librarian would be fantastic, IMO. I think the USB port would be great to connect the Kemper to the computer (not as an Interface but as an External Device/Storage) and just drag profiles directly to Kemper from your computer. On the best of possibilities, we would just connect Kemper to the computer and synchronize Kemper with the Librarian (similar to Itunes)

  • I certainly wouldn't sell my Kemper due to lack of an editor - it's too good at what it does and I love it. But, like most, I cannot understand why it isn't here a looooong time ago. It means that I only use a handful of the profiles I have because managing the amount it's capable of is too much like hard work. So I don't bother. It's a shame to have something this good and not use the full potential because of (what would appear to be) a simple thing.

    The trouble is that I can't imagine the Kemper being the first digital device we've all had - if you've played guitar long enough to justify the outlay on a Kemper, you'll already have tried to 'go digital' before and will probably have stumbled through Boss, Line 6, Tonelab, Guitar Rig, Amplitube etc.

    For this reason, many members here will be several generations of modelling in..... and they'll be assuming that an editor is a very basic thing because all of the companies who make (tonally) inferior products were doing it many years ago. And the Kemper doesn't.

    So for me, the Kemper feels like a vast leap forward in terms of the sounds. It does good things with its front panel (a knob for everything so you don't have to menu-hop). But I can't get why the editor isn't here in terms of it being a 'basic' for other companies. It's like in this parallel universe, the jet plane has been invented before the wheel. Which isn't usually a problem but makes landing awkward ;)

  • But I can't get why the editor isn't here in terms of it being a 'basic' for other companies.

    Because other companies build modelers where you need to build your tone from a few basic models.
    The Profiler isn't a modeler, so an editor isn't so important. Even less with the great frontpanel to quickly tweak the rigs.
    What we really do need is a librarian tool, not an editor, not an editor, not an editor, not an editor.

  • Because other companies build modelers where you need to build your tone from a few basic models.
    The Profiler isn't a modeler, so an editor isn't so important. Even less with the great frontpanel to quickly tweak the rigs.
    What we really do need is a librarian tool, not an editor, not an editor, not an editor, not an editor.

    I don't agree with you. A librarian is essential and that is indeed the major requirement BUT an editor is still required IMO.

    I've just fired up my Kemper. It's on TAF profile I bought 'Goldfinger Clean'.

    It's telling me from the front panel that it has a gate, an EQ, a boost, a phaser, the bogner profile, an EQ, a chorus, a delay and a reverb.

    Only the two EQ's and the reverb are on.

    Without a lot of button pushing I cannot see what any of the other things are..... Is that a clean boost or a treble boost? What kind of EQ's are they?

    It would be a whole lot easier if this was all laid out on your PC screen when you were working on your DAW wouldn't it?

  • Hi all,

    we definitely need a librarian tool, and an editor! In my mind it is very time consuming to go over the usb stick approach. I'm very sure Kemper is working hard to release something within the next weeks.
    The namm show 2014 is coming by the end of January and this is the best time to tell the world " Hey, here we go...." Let's wait and see. :)

    I was a line 6 user from the first minute the came out with the pod. Something they never learned during all the years was to come up with an good editor.
    With each new product they changed the UI and also the developers working on such an editor. This was the biggest mistake and the reason why I stopped buying any new product.

    The Kemper Profiler is the best device you can get today. Controlling the device without a Computer is unique and nearly perfect. Now with an librarian tool and an editor it would leave the competitors fare behind and would push the sales.

    Dear Kemper Team,

    Don't wait to long, the Namm Show 2014 is coming soon and the world is waiting for the next thing....

  • I lurk Gear Page and I've read a LOT of people who love the USB method of putting on profiles.

    Until this I've not read anyone not liking it. Sure, there's been calls for a librarian, but there has been third party attempts and one currently underway to serve that need.

    My gripe about the Free Exchanges is having to download one at a time and not in batches once a search is performed.

    I loved how the POD was implemented with a USB connection and great librarian, etc, but I've played with the Fractal Librarian and I wouldn't NOT buy an FX or KPA on that account. It's nice, but not a deal breaker if you've played with one. They have their flaws too.

    I think the ability to load profiles and do backups via USB stick is an awesome feature. If you want to get all 21st century, you'd be talking blue tooth, not a wired connection.

    Why doesn't the KPA hook up to my car's bluetooth?!?

  • the unit's interface is great - quick and simple. the signal chain is clearly laid out. any parameter takes no more than 2 seconds to find. the unit has a lot of depth, but there's not dozens of buried features - anything you would want to change on a per-patch basis is right at your fingertips.

    where the editor would come in handy for me would be in dealing with text. fortunately, you can ALREADY edit all the text you want, via the 3rd party tag editor software.

    another reason to want an editor is if your KPA is buried in a rack or in another room, and you didn't have it at your fingertips while you were at a computer (recording). as mentioned, you'd have the same issue with a real amp.


    i find it insanely comical that I've bought a device that allows me to emulate thousands of real-life rigs and the quality is on-par with the actual rigs themselves and it costs around as much as just one of those rigs, it allows quick tweaking, 8 programmable effects slots that can pull from dozens and dozens of effects slots, storable presets, and complex output routing/options, and people are going to say it's not high-tech enough.

    as a final point, the pod hd has an editor.

  • My gripe about the Free Exchanges is having to download one at a time and not in batches once a search is performed.

    Have you tried Firefox´ DownThemAll? Not the ultimate solution, but handy and faster than single downloads.

    Also handy is NukeAnything: a different tool which I find useful in other situations as well :)

  • I certainly wouldn't sell my Kemper due to lack of an editor - it's too good at what it does and I love it
    For this reason, many members here will be several generations of modelling in....

    True. I had a couple of them and to be frank and direct, they were all crap, editor or not - to the point that I stopped using modellers for many years, despite what I've tried. They all felt like playing a guitar synth, awful. Lots of them didn't even deliver the tone.
    Up until Kemper. I was very hesitant to buy it, went to the shop a couple of weeks after release (to buy a boutique point to point wired 5 watt amp not to check a Kemper) , they had one on display for everyone to try in the centre of the shop, I didn't even bother to try it, just gave it a look and thought "oh another device which will fail to deliver". Then I watched some videos, heard a couple of albums and year after decided to get one without even trying one in person. I was really anxious when I plugged it in.. but it took me 5 minutes to get my jaw dropped.
    I never had any temptation to use an editor since then. Either my own amps profiled (including Carrera the amp I bought on the day I ignored Kemper :) ) or factory/3rd party rigs (including TAF Carrera which on full setting sounds and feels just like real thing) cover everything I need in a couple of small EQ tweaks.
    Kemper is a small company, they have limited resources which they use for developing things they think they are important (and they very likely know the best which ones are) - I don't think they owe us any new features after sale. Maybe librarian is not one of these things (never been promised on the box)?Do people really have use for 1000s rigs? I have about 300 loaded (of which I use maybe 50-60 of 4-5 amps) and it's totally manageable as is, librarian would be a cherry on top.
    I'd say if having an editor and USB out is a priority for someone, go buy a POD, Axe or whatever other unit has these features right now. Spitting out BS threats like "they will start loosing out to other companies" is just silly and disrespectful for Kemper team.

  • In 21st century, I would like to be able to browse rigs with my feet. That's almost the only point I'm missing.
    And I don't want to buy an additional 2-way footswitch, i'm waiting for the KFC, OR at the very least a MIDI command

  • Spitting out BS threats like "they will start loosing out to other companies" is just silly and disrespectful for Kemper team.

    How can it be disrespectful if I have chosen a Kemper over all other alternatives. I'm satisfied with my choice, my Kemper. A Librarian would be cool but I was just ranting because I've been hearing a lot of people complaining and me trying to relate to their point of view. Kemper owns. I use it everyday. :thumbup:

  • Didn't know about them because I use Chrome. I'll check them both out. Cool, Thanks!

    There are also pieces of software called Internet spiders, which basically explore a whole site and download all the files with a given extension. If you're into massive RE d/ls you might rather want to look at some of them. as I wrote elsewhere on this forum, when I was younger I used to use spiders for batch-downloading... ehm... pictures scattered in different pages/folders of a given site :D

  • Mdeerocks - my intent is not disrespect.

    I think you've summed it up by saying that you use 4-5 amps, 50-60 profiles. From a memory perspective that's 5% of what it stores.

    The Kemper has 1000 spaces. Perhaps you'd use more if it had a decent librarian ;)

    For years, I was fine with a single amp plus Redwirez impulses so I'm trying not to judge on the numbers :) It's just that the Kemper gives us sooooooo much more. It is incredibly accomplished at every sound it makes (far better than anything the competition makes IMO). For those of us who have been around the block, it feels like a massive leap forward in almost every respect. The only step back is 'finding cool stuff and keeping tabs on cool stuff' and for that a librarian makes things much easier. There is, we can all agree, an abundance of cool stuff!!

    An analogy for you.

    The Kemper is like the best library in the world. It has thousands of books. 50% of the books are 'the best book you've ever read'. The other 50% rank will be 'good for someone, not for me'.

    Trouble is that 50% of books are scattered all over the floor. You know that there are other great ones there but it's more trouble to go looking for them than to keep with the books you know...... So you stick with one or two books. You'll be happy because they are wonderful books but you could have hundreds of wonderful books as opposed to the few you stick with.

    This isn't me threatening to go elsewhere...... It's me saying 'it's ALMOST perfect. The only thing missing is something that companies with inferior products made happen a long time ago.' In truth, a handful of 'perfect profiles' is enough for 98% of anything we all do..... It just seems crazy that it can do that extra 2% because of a feature we're all used to elsewhere. Asking for such a thing should not mean I am made fun of :). It's a reasonable, considered request to help me get even more out of a market leading product. That is all.

    They'll do it eventually. I hope sooner rather than later. For anyone that owns a Kemper, the lack of a librarian is a 'weirdly incomprehensible annoyance' as opposed to a dealbreaker - it's so good at what it DOES do you'd be foolish to go elsewhere.

    Making a librarian would make loyal customers happy and would stop POTENTIAL customers from writing it off due to a checkbox Excercise where it lacks what appears to be a 'basic' feature.

    Just IMO of course ;)