How to Remove/Delete/Unassign Slot Rig Assignments in Performance mode?

  • Hi, new guy here, just got a Powerhead for Xmas. Spent some time with it and am becoming familiar with it. It definitely absolutely feels like a tube amp, favorite so far is a slightly tweaked version of the "Ford Boost" rig I pump through a small 1X12 Lopo cab with a Weber Legacy 12F 100W speaker in it. Robben Ford is one of my favorites and I can get a pretty danged close tone using the rig. The amp is totally amazing. It just freaks me out how good it sounds! This thing has just obsoleted my G3X and PodHD300, and made it unnecessary to schlep a heavy amp and pedalboard to a gig. Unbelievable! And did I say how good it sounds? I am definitely going to blow some minds at a big jam this coming Saturday night! Can't wait to get the FCB1010 (on backorder from AMS) and the Uno4Kemper chip, ordered both last week. In the meantime, am using a Boss FV500H as a volume pedal and am going to see if I can use a Boss momentary switch to toggle one of the stomps on and off as needed. BTW I bought a Gator GR66 bag from AMS, the KPA fits great, enough room to fit the volume pedal below the KPA, once I get the FCB1010 won't need it, will have to out in a little padding.

    Anyway, I was playing around and in Performance mode assigned some rigs that I liked to the first three slots of the first Performance location. I then wanted to put a different rig in the first location, which I did by browsing and loading (I replaced "Gundy's Robben Stumble OD" with "Ford Boost") but the original name ("Gundy's Robben Stumble OD") stays in the little black slot indicator on top, although the new name ("Ford Boost" appears in the main window below. Going in and out of Performance mode doesn't help, and neither does cycling the power. If I move the location the old name still follows it. Is there some way to remove or purge the slot assignment so when I load in the new one the name in the small black window and the main window agree, or is this a firmware thing (I am running ver 2.1.1, I think), or what? I wish I could take a screenshot but don't know how to do that. Maybe I can take a photo if it would help. But it seems straightforward to me, just want to replace what is in the slot with the new rig. I know I can load the new rig into another slot and swap them around, but it still doesn't answer how to unassign a rig from a slot and return it (I assume) to default rig? Any ideas? Sorry for being so wordy. Thanks for the help! - ucnick

    PS also downloaded some of the freebie rigs from the Kemper support, and am eying some from the Amp Factory as well. I have a Mesa Royal Atlantic RA-100 2X 12 combo boat anchor, and a Marshall DSL40C 1X12 combo, and also a Mesa Express 5:50+, all of which I will be profiling and uploading, once I get a chance... 8o

    Edited once, last by ucnick: Spelling & grammar correctons (December 26, 2013 at 8:22 AM).