My favourite rigs put to the test by "Ariel"

  • Which profile sounds best? And why? 24

    1. B - I like that one! (10) 42%
    2. A - I like this one! (9) 38%
    3. D - BS, this one! (5) 21%
    4. C - No this is the one! (0) 0%

    Ladies 'n Gentlemen,

    i have re-recorded my version of "Ariel" and reamped it with 4 different profiles. 4 of my absolute faves. whether they fit the style perfectly or not or whether you like 'em not at all is up to you. I think that one profile in particular has the best solo sound and the "worst" powerchord sound and vice versa with the other. anyway. Could you please participate in this little poll AND comment why you liked A,B, C or D the most. THX :thumbup:  :thumbup: Ah i forgot to mention that 75% of the rigs are commercial.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • A because of the more "aggressive sound approach", D was Not Bad either, but did Not reach Out in the harmonics.
    Blah, blah :rolleyes: It's difficult for me to Express my Impression Other than "Me likes this!

    Trying to be more active in the Forum again! Liked the playing! :thumbup:

  • A and C sound like it was recorded with a mic'd cabinet, but with a heavy wool sock over the mic. Dark and muffled. D was my second overall choice, but at 2:41, where there is some soloist/lead playing going on, B clearly wins out. I listened to that part twice with both. B was just clear and crisper, notes coming through much better.

  • Now this gets interesting! :thumbup:

    Yes, this is a blindfold test and i tried to confuse those who can read the html links. I am going to solve the riddle soon, but
    let us wait for a few more days. I tried to PM Tomkat, because he liked B so much, but you do not have PMs enabled.
    That lightbox likes D is no surprise and there is a story behind it. We'll see later into that, see above.
    A is the only non commercial profile. Kudos to the profiler! Let us wait until thursday and you will hear from me again.
    In this theater. Promised.


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • MemyselfandI, we have voted for B! I have blindfold-tested myself after forgetting which amp is which. ( i have to look it up in a word file). :D
    It is a close race, apart from C which obviously was not made for this kind of rock. and i should have increased the noise gate for two of the rigs.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Here we go, as promised: The solution. First of all, thanks to everyone for participating in this little blindfold test!
    I will post the solution first and then comment a bit. If you want to see it, mark the text, it is highlighted. If not, Armin,
    leave it like that. :D

    • Amp A | The profile used here was provided by fellow user kilian from Munich | It is a VHT Pitbull
    • Amp B | The profile used here was provided by our one and only tylerb | It is Number 2A of his chimera pack
    • Amp C | The profile used here was provided by fellow user Mats Nermark from Sweden | It is a VanWeelden Twinkleland
    • Amp D | The profile used here was provided by Andi44 from England | It is a brand new Marshall Bluesbr(e)aker Reissue

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • If you want to stay unspoiled, stop reading! I will comment on the result and tell a few stories about the amps, so sooner or later i will
    have to drop the names and there is no "test" any more. Here we go, folks!

    The "winner" is Rig B, which comes as no surprise. The profile belongs to the chimera pack of tyler. tyler likes metal and metal likes tyler.
    It is that simple. Although i have to confess that i am still looking for a crunchy tone in the pack, for this kind of music my hopes were high.
    And i was not disappointed. Good choice, guys, if you ask me.

    Second place Rig D, which is the biggest surprise at first sight, because it is a profile of a 1962 Marshall combo. But it is no surprise, if you
    look a little deeper. Although you would have to wait another 7 years in 1962, because Metal was not even in the making: This Amp has made
    legends, and legends made what it has become: the single most influential amp in the history of Rock music. Clapton turned it all on 10, the rest
    is history. This was an instant favourite of mine from the moment i loaded it into my KPA. Still a little surprising that you can play almost anything with it!

    Third place goes to Rig A, which is a VHT Pitbull. An exclusive and expensive amp, i could never afford. It was profiled by a forumite from Munich and the
    amp fits to all styles of hi gain, but it does not lack personality. I like this one, too.

    Well, fourth and last. This is a profile of a VanWeelden Twinkleland. I have seen this gem played by the great Joe Bonamassa live! And the combination of this
    amp with one of his silver jubilees rocked, believe me! This profile is my absolute favourite of all time! But for this kind of music, maybe, maybe not the first choice.
    I love it nevertheless. Thanx again to everyone! :thumbup:  :thumbup:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

    Edited once, last by Geraldo7 (December 5, 2013 at 12:14 AM).