MIDI footcontroller adaptations for the Kemper Profiler (updated on June 30th 2016)

  • Hi, all!

    I made my improvisation the other day and I hope it helps other people too.

    I have the Line6 FBV MK2 (yes, the one without midi ports). I use the Bome Midi Translatosr (just a software) to send midi commands from the FBV, through the computer, to the sound card midi out which, finally controls the KPA. The sound card is a focusrite which functions as a midi breakout box.

    So, it is the FBV >> computer (midi translation software) >> sound card >> KPA

    It works like a charm, no latency. It was not intended, just discovered that it works this way when I installed the sound card and decided to experiment a little. You may use any usb/midi cheap interface instead of the sound card. It controls performances, rigs, effects, pedal parametres... you name it.

    My guess is that the software can translate regular midi messages into NRPN messages, but I have yet to take the time and program it.

    Have a nice day,

  • Hey Catalin, thanks for sharing that.

    I've got the FBV Shortboard, also with no MIDI port, so I'm curious: How could I connect it to the computer without first going through a POD or whatever to provide it with power (CAT-5 cable or whatever it's called)? I could connect it to my modem, but that wouldn't power it either. See how ignorant I am about these things?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. ;)

  • Hi, M_M.

    The FBV 2 is bus powered (I used it previously for PodFarm software). Just connect it to the computer via a USB 2.0 cable and there you have it. I have never used a CAT-5 as I do not have anithyng to connect it to :)

    The FBV 1 has no usb or midi port (i guess that one is yours). I found this on Amazon : http://www.amazon.com/HDE-over-Exten…r/dp/B004XYEXX4

    I don't know if the adapter works but if you find out, please share it as it may help someone.

    Best regards,

    Edited once, last by catalinsapasu (April 12, 2016 at 11:48 AM).