Reprofiling a Profile and Merging multiple Profiles

  • It seems the one thing the Kemper can't profile is itself. Let's change that!

    Once you have a profile, it is unfortunate you cannot:

    • Mix it with another profile to create a multi-amp/multi-cab profile.
    • Add an OD or pre-EQ into the profile, freeing up Stomp slots for other uses
    • Add post-EQ into the profile, freeing up the X or Mod slot.
    • Add the tonestack EQ settings into the profile, so that the EQ'ed old profile has the same sound as the new profile with all-12-o'clock settings (useful when switching cabinets and requiring some extreme EQ'ing)

    It may be difficult for the DSP to process the new profile while it is running the old profile, but thankfully, real-time performance should not be an issue in this case.

    IMO, this would greatly enhance the versatility of the KPA. We know from Michael Wagener that multi-amp/cab profiles do accurately capture those sounds. One of the entire points of the KPA is not having to bring heavy gear all over the place. But to make a multi-amp profile from KPA profiles that already exist, you'd need 3 KPA's and a mixer - 2 for playback each profile and one to perform the profiling process! It seems a little crazy that to get a mixed profile with a single KPA, you need to have the real rigs in the same place at the same time, and you'd have to profile them all together at the same time.

    As far as baking Pre-EQ or OD effects in your Stomp section into a profile, this would free up some Stomp slots for other uses. For instance, I can clearly think of examples where I'd want Compressor, Octaver, Whammy, and Modulation (although maybe not at the same time).

    And we all know how valuable that X slot is. Imagine never having to fret over it holding an EQ, but instead using it as a boost, additional delay, a pitch effect, etc.

  • I guess it's good to dream. The KPA's primary goal is to emulate as perfectly as possible a real world rig. If you have 2 KPAs you can absolutely do what you're asking for. If you have a bunch of real amps and outboard gear, you can do what your asking for. But considering the unit doesn't have enough power to run dual profiles which would be required in order to create a profile of a profile. None of this will ever happen.

  • To merge profiles with arrange them in panorama and set different levels for each, would be the feature i fell totally in love with. I used a multi-amp setup eariler, splitting up my guitar signal into three amps. With Kemper I can do that in Studio situations and that is great. But live, i must use more than one Kemper and i can´t afford that. So I would love that feature.

  • Mix it with another profile to create a multi-amp/multi-cab profile.
    Add an OD or pre-EQ into the profile, freeing up Stomp slots for other uses
    Add post-EQ into the profile, freeing up the X or Mod slot.
    Add the tonestack EQ settings into the profile, so that the EQ'ed old profile has the same sound as the new profile with all-12-o'clock settings (useful when switching cabinets and requiring some extreme EQ'ing)

    What a great ideeas!!!!
    It is so good to dream about..... :)
    All this can be resolved on a computer if it requires more processor power????.....adjusted by an editor?? ;)

    +111111111 for this

  • Dumb idea probably ... but, at least a "kind" of solution :

    . don't expect to do that only with the Kemper,

    . BUT a good studio with competent sound man can mic 2 amps at the same time, create the ideal mix ( with sweet pot for each amp ) and send this to the Kemper :

    so you get a MULTI-AMP profile ! ... but I know this is not -really- your question ...

    Anyway, I think that, for now, it's the kind of solution ( or using several Kemper ... )

    I already see some multi-amps profiles ( Fender + Vox ), if I remember well, and the result was interesting.

    May be TheAmpFactory, Soundside, ... already think about it and will provide such "multi-amp" profiles ?

    Hb :thumbup:

  • Also the Lucky 13 pack which is only two amps, but lots of different tones.

    If not necessarily reprofiling, I wonder if there's simply a way to bake an EQ curve on top of an existing amp or cab profile. So if I had a killer rig, but I needed to use the Mod and X slots for EQ's, then I could recover those slots. For the most part, I rarely find I need that much, so it's not a serious issue to me. Being able to make Stomp D a post-stack effect would also be a welcome option.

  • Thanks mate :)

    Could you do it with a clean, big, fat, thick, LP's neck-like sound, and then having it crunch a bit?

    [BTW, OT: I'm always on a quest for clean, big, fat, thick, LP's neck-like sounds! If anyone has got some free profiles to suggest, I'll be grateful! :thumbup: ]

  • Maybe the Bogner Shiva clean profile made by r.u.sirius? I love it, though i do not have a LP :D . With my guitars i get a fat chunky clean tone for sure. Check it out and let me know if it comes close to what you are looking for. Or name any other free profile that you like i can use for a comparison.

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  • Thanks again! I've downloaded the couple of them, will try ASAP.
    I'm interested in a good collection anyway, I've got very different guitars and use different cabs as well so I want to be versatile and find the best for any different rig. So I'll welcome any suggestions.
    My Profiler is maxed out in terms of profiles ATM, but before starting selecting profiles I want to arrive at a steady setup, which includes an active CLR and a rig manager. So for now I'm just collecting :D