Would the lack of an Editor/Librarian stop you buying a Kemper, or make you sell your Kemper?

  • I love the KPA without the software, but it would be much more useful with software. So much so, that I'd consider writing it myself as a "work on the train" project. I'd rather someone else did it (preferably Kemper), but if I have to do it myself, I will. There are some major gaps in the documentation that make this difficult to do as a 3rd party, though.

  • Not having an editor/librarian certainly wouldn't stop me using the Kemper, but at the same time the lack of any method of quickly entering text makes me not utilize the Kemper fully for sure.

    I rarely profile after my first couple of tries when the machine was new because while the process of profiling is very quick and painless, the process of then storing the profile is anything but.

    I also don't store variants of profiles, make performance rigs, or really do anything other than use the quick button to store and retrieve slightly modified favorites (quick doesn't store all the data though so you lose stomp settings etc with it), the store button itself is unused because editing text is so very painful on the kemper.

    Sorry I just hate the scrollwheel forever and hammer two buttons till they're worn out and no longer work approach, it's terrible.

    An editor/librarian would solve this, but so would allowing the use of a generic USB keyboard.

    An Editor/Librarian would allow me to maximize my use of the Kemper, to try out more profiles (because I've just stopped downloading them at this point, or even installing their rig packs which come as part of the OS) without worrying about space or navigation to said profiles, it would speed up the workflow hugely. The Kempers interface is actually well designed, but it's well designed for on the fly minor edits while playing live or in a session, for tweaking, not for the process of setting up tones from scratch or making substantial changes quickly. So sure, an editor or librarian isn't a deal breaker, but it would help a hell of a lot and add a hell of a lot of value to me (and give my Kemper far more of a workout than it currently gets).

  • No way would the lack of it make me even think of selling this..

    I've said it before... if the KPA becomes just another toy because all we do is scroll through thousands of rigs... it will loose its point..
    its like a toy in the beginning when you get one.. you want to try every rig out there... but as time goes on, the number of rigs get smaller and less need for a librarian .... it's a Pro piece of equipment.. if I had only one amazing rig in it, ide still behappy... :)

    Couldn´t have said it better! This is exactly what it´s about!

  • Quote

    Would the lack of an Editor/Librarian stop you buying a Kemper, or make you sell your Kemper?

    No and No.

    I do not think the Kemper teams owes me an answer on future product/release dates, their company agenda, etc...

    I do look forward to a Librarian if one comes and would most definitely use it. If and when Kemper releases a foot controller, I will buy it.

  • No and no

    I do look forward to a Librarian if one comes and would most definitely use a computer editor.

    ΔΔΔ This!

    I bought a KPA knowing there wasn't an editor or librarian. I've organised my profiles on my pc in a way that works for me and have found the tag editor really useful.

  • I bought mine expecting a librarian to come out relatively soon - that was over a year ago and we've still seen functionally zero development on that path. It's frustrating as hell to me - Access makes INSANELY good editors for their synths and even a VST-based control setup for the Virus and others. There is absolutely no reason to not have the same with the KPA considering it's the same company.

  • Agreed, every product needs every sale it can get.
    2013 has been a much bigger year for Kemper than 2012, the 8 - 10 week back order confirms that.

    That's a great achievement and I sincerely trust that it is because of the demand of the product (which I don't doubt particularly). But I did wait historically for weeks for another more expensive product. Upon investigations of that, I was informed that they had 'case supply problems' and that was the cause of extended delays for that product at that time.

    But I still look at it like this, Its not really the backorders that are hyper important, its more the lost sales to other equipment that you can't get back once the buyer decides to buy something else. That potential buyer may be swayed by such things as editor/librarian software as an inclusion of that aspect of product choice. I noticed a couple of entries just lower down the guy said, no software editor/librarian then he would consider other equipment that does have it. I'm sure as a manufacturer Kemper want to sell as many units as they can AND retain every single client forever - I know if it was my business plan that I would - it makes commercial business sense. The BEST customers are the ones you already have... easiest to sell to and because the product is what it is, you can't really go anywhere else once you own one (except to sell it). That's a great business model.

    Long Live Kemper :)

    Careful I'm watching you...

  • Not selling the Kemper for sure, but it´s about time now for an editor, as since the start of the KPA journey there´s so many great profiles arround, so there is 100% need of a powerful editor for PC and Mac. If professional work wants to be done, (workflow in studios, or home studios, professional or semi prof. gigging .... ) there must be an externally editor with more options, than the KPA itself has got. Archiving profiles for studio recordings, a very well and neatly arranged private profile database on PC or Mac, all these (meanwhile) important options are missing at the moment. Yes, you can do such things too with actual options, but by what amount of time and work? On the professional side it´s not well and easy to handle, if bigger numbers of profiles have to be managed. So at this point I see a big handicap for the KPA in general.

    Another idea about studio or DAW works, why not (don´t know if possible) building up some kind of link (midi?) between DAW and KPA, so KPA settings could be managed on DAW, stored, and by this way always usable as other software solutions (S-Gear, Guitar Rig .....) offer? That´s just an idea, and has nothing to do with the editor thing.

    KPA is fine piece of tool, but also important parts as the editor, foot controler ...... are still missing. I would prefer a 100% bug free OS, no more adtional effects, and work focus at Kemper on production of the units, editor and foot controler. If that´s done, keep on going for effects ....... (no need for that on my side) and other new products. :D

  • Couldn´t have said it better! This is exactly what it´s about!

    It's funny ... I thaught about writing something near to exactly this ... so +1 :thumbup:
    I have around 950 Rigs stored, have (MIDI)-selected around 70 for live use ... but in deed I use only 20 of them.
    In the end the information in the rig tags is nothing .... TONE IS KING ! :thumbup:

    An editor software would be welcome to me but it's not an urgent thing ... and if there would be never one ... I would be happy further - even without it. :D

  • but it´s about time now for an editor , as since the start of the KPA journey there´s so many great profiles arround, so there is 100% need of a powerful editor for PC and Mac.

    If professional work wants to be done, (workflow in studios, or home studios, professional or semi prof. gigging .... ) there must be an externally editor

    Archiving profiles for studio recordings, a very well and neatly arranged private profile database on PC or Mac

    I would prefer a 100% bug free OS, no more adtional effects, and work focus at Kemper on production of the units, editor and foot controler.

    If that´s done, keep on going for effects ....... (no need for that on my side) and other new products. :D

    100% AGREE !!! :thumbup:

    Hb :thumbup: