How Many Mesa / Boogie Profiles Do We Really Need !!!!!

  • Super amps & Cabs ....own a few new and old .....

    but how many profiles do we really need ? Seem to be about 250+amp profiles at this stage ....are they all really very different given that we can control the Gain , EQ and Cab settings amongst others ? :evil:

    Edited once, last by Robman (October 19, 2013 at 3:15 AM).

  • First of all... Are you REALLY complaining about people uploading FREE Profiles? Seriously???

    2nd of all, do I need to state the obvious? There are plenty of people that OBVIOUSLY do NOT know how to mic an amp, plenty of those profiles uploaded are complete shit. Not to mention the different cabs ( ever ran a recto and Marshall cab side by side with the same speakers? Sound completely different) people using different mic preamps etc, the list goes on... Surely there is something else you could post about other than whining about people doing forum favors???

  • I think Robman has a valid point. It's not about quantity but quality.
    And it's not the fault of those who provide profiles for free but it's the missing features of the Rig Exchange that make it a big mess. If I needed a nice set of Mesa Boogie profiles, how could I distinguish? Do I have to click Download 280 times and then upload them to my Profiler and try all of them one by one? There's nothing that could help to find the right stuff easily.

    I know Kemper is busy with so many things, but the Rig Exchange is THE place to breath life into the Profiler (apart from the professional rig providers). And it certainly deserves a lot more love from the mothership.


  • I think Robman has a valid point. It's not about quantity but quality.

    The thing is that quality is very subjective when it comes to amp-sounds. I have yet to find the Mesa Trirec profile that sounds like I always wanted it to sound - even with tweaking dozens of other profiles. There has to be a certain level of quality, thats right, but this is just the first part of many that make a great profile. So the more profiles we have (and this works for every other amp too) the bigger the chance that everyone gets what they wanted or wish for. Saying "there are too many profiles" is not just short-sighted but also very egoistical. I get what Robman means - but maybe he should have taken the time and continued the initial thought he had.

  • Perhaps its posible to remove all free rigs under 4 stars ( 2 months afther uploading or so) its just a idea
    I know I don't download, or try free rigs with 3 or less stars ? :)

    The easier thing would be to just put a "sort by" system into the rig exchange... So none of the profiles are getting deleted

  • I think it's great there are so many profile variations. One might not nail the particular sound for a certain song/mix, while another might.

    Choice is a good thing!

    Only to a certain degree. A great many studies have been done showing that the more options a person is given the worse choice they make. The reason is that the human mind isn't able to perform comparisons of more than a few things at a time. So as more options are added, we are unable to pick the best of the bunch but rather the best in comparison to the most recently reviewed options.

  • I asked a question guys , Not complaining just making what I think is a valid observation.

    I have about 250 rigs on the KPA that I use in different bands. I don't want to install too many profiles and have to delete them one by one as I review them. Maybe we just need a bit of code written that will audition profiles without the need to download and install them.

    Still a LOT of Mesa profiles there though :thumbup: I like Mesa Boogie , I own a triaxis,A 2:90 that I run my KPA through as a monitor , A triple rec and 2 cabs so its not a criticism of the product in any way.

    thoughts ????

  • Robman - I really get what you´re saying - or asking. But why do you ask that question in the first place? If you have enough profiles then you don´t need to bother with whats up on the rig exchange. I really don´t want to sound/be hostile but just try to see it from the perspective of someone who loves different sounds, amps etc. and is still searching for the perfect sound - if there were 250 Bogner Überschall profiles but none of them sound as specific as you want it so sound - would you go and ask: how many profiles of this do we need? I guess not. I already have my absolute favourite 6505+ profile that pretty much nailed the exact sound that I love about the peavy. So if someone posts a new profile then I just don´t download it (unless I feel like I want to try it just for the fun of it) and all is well. Do you know what I mean?

    I get that it might be annoying to someone who already has all he/she needs but just try to ignore it then and focus on those profiles you want :)

  • I guess what I'm also trying to say is that people should be selective about what they put up and not just add profiles for the sake of it. If for example someone profiles a triple rectifier channel through a 2x12 into a SM57 then does someone else really need to profile the same thing ? While it will sound different is it really different enough ?

    Where do you start and stop ? There are an almost infinite number of profiles that you can do for any amp between channel,eq and mic what point does it become different enough to post or not to post ?

    Can you see my point ?

  • Look, there are a lot of profiles made in the early days when people was still trying to figure out how the get the best out of the toaster. Some of them is average and some is still exceptional (Till's ones, the Morgan AC20, the Egnater Tourmaster, the Engl Morse.....and so for.). Call it luck or whatsoever but they are part of our story and what is crap with an EMG equipped ESP maybe is golden with a 335.... If it takes 280 clicks to find what you're looking for....well, that's part of the journey, IMHO. I'm still glad that it doesn't takes 28 amp purchases anymore... ;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I think the problem is less the number of profiles and more the amount (lack) of metadata about the profiles, and the less than ideal rig exchange interface. You don't hear people saying "there are too many web pages on the internet, we should have less"... cause we have good search engines available.

    Basically, we should have better "crowd sourced" rankings, so the unpopular profiles aren't so prominent. I am hoping that if/when we get some library/editor software, it has the ability to send information back to the rig exchange. It's probably anti-privacy, but imagine if the kemper counted how many times you used each rig and (optionally) uploaded this info... then'd we'd know exactly which rigs were popular.

  • I asked a question guys , Not complaining just making what I think is a valid observation.

    I have about 250 rigs on the KPA that I use in different bands. I don't want to install too many profiles and have to delete them one by one as I review them. Maybe we just need a bit of code written that will audition profiles without the need to download and install them.

    Still a LOT of Mesa profiles there though :thumbup: I like Mesa Boogie , I own a triaxis,A 2:90 that I run my KPA through as a monitor , A triple rec and 2 cabs so its not a criticism of the product in any way.

    thoughts ????

    With you 100%. But realize for some the fun is the auditioning. Me personally, I've given up on the exchange a long, long time ago. Very low ratio of good profiles and just would rather spend my time playing than auditioning stuff.