Very Very Disappointed !!!!!!!!!

  • I emailed And44 (TheAmpFactory) today as my code from the survey didn't work, to my disappointment he replied saying that he had to take the offer down as it had been abused by person / persons setting up multiple accounts in order to get more than 1 free download.
    I have to say I find this appalling and would like to think that it is no one from this site, I have emailed Andy a few times of late and he has always replied quickly and been very helpful, in this case he still honoured the code and sent the rig I was after to me within a few minutes of me emailing him back even after I told him not to as was upset by others behaviour.

    I think we can all agree that the service he provides is top notch and it would be a great loss if he wasn't providing the service he does, on that note it is a service but also part of his lively hood and should not be abused especially when he is still after everything good enough to honour it and send the rig directly !!!!!!! He has also put a lot of awesome rigs up for free on his site so to do this is not only a criminal offence under the fraud acting but also morally wrong !!!!!

    Anyway good people sorry for the rant, but I am sure there will be many of you on here that will feel the same now that this has come out in the open.

    Cyber :thumbup:

  • That's well out of order.

    I filled the survey in and would have even without the offer of a free profile, just so Andy could get feedback and improve (not that I think things need improving, certainly not on the profiling front).

    Maybe in future, people should have to put the serial number of their Kempers in, or something like that.

  • Very very sad to hear!!!!! Andys profiles are awesome and are worth every penny. I to would have filled out the survey with out the free profile (but for some reason I never receive any mail shots for TAF) as it helps Andy to see what he is doing right and how he can improve. Just like Cybertwin said Andy will always reply to your emails and has sometimes sent me step by step instructions on how to achieve a certain sound.

    Keep up the great work Andy, there sure are enough people here to who respect and love your work!

  • I filled out the survey but didn't intend to use the coupon as I've got more than enough stuff already. That's a shame though. In the future, he absolutely needs to tie unique coupon codes to registered emails on his site or at a bare minimum only allow users who have purchased something in the past.

  • Yes it was quite a shock for me to discover what had happened. - I guess its my own fault, cant blame anyone but myself really.. still upsetting to find though naturally..

    I Value everyone's feedback, and wanted to get ahead of my game by getting info on the way forwards, so I can communicate better in what I do, to you & for you... - I think this worked well, and will for sure be doing another at some point, but maybe either tie in a discount per account..

    Im in for the "your help me, I help you game" - rightly or wrongly, but there is no one more important that my customer base. I know that sounds all cheesy, but no other way of describing it!.
    As always your support has paramount, and you guys really are awesome,

    So thank-you!

  • This just sucks, but there are always bad apples in a bunch. The more "fake"-people fill out the survey the less each real feedback weighs, and that just sucks! Anyway - I hope any will be able to make all of our wishes happen :D

    It's not about filling in the surevey - I don't think any of these people bothered with that. It was all about using the code to get more than one free profile. Well, if it was a major fraud, then it should be quite easy to track down the users's IP. But probably not worth the hussle.

  • Those damn extreme couponers are everywhere now.

    Joking aside that sucks but I hope it helps you improve the checkout system in the future. Maybe you could have a way that would give everyone with a registered kpa to get a hash code making the offers only good for one code per kpa. Probably too much work but an idea to throw out there anyway.

    I did the survey and I never do surveys. Did not use the code either. It was just to hopefully contribute to future updates qto the site.

  • hmhm, really strange and sad story.. I have done that survey without knowing anything on discount also.. after having read comments I asked Andy for code I missed.. and received one single pack but bought another 3 which I found very interesting sounding.. :)

  • I missed out on this survey completely. Sorry to hear this happened and I think it really sucks.

    I saw a Kemper on sale on ebay and the user promised to "load it up with profiles" if asked. I'm wondering if some of those were paid profiles. I'm sure there's some sort of underground trading ring for commercial Kemper profiles :/

    This is the problem with digital things. People will steal anything that isn't nailed to the ground.

  • The service provided by Andy from The Amp Factory is outstanding and it's really sad to hear that. My coupon code doesn't work too (maybe I did the survey in tha last day and something goes wrong) and he immediately give me an amp to choose from.

    When Andy tell us how many people did the survey, something was strange to me, but I couldn't immagine such kind of "fraud".

    Keep on Andy with your great and amazing work, don't look back, and I'm sure you will be recompensated for it in your daily working days :thumbup:

  • Despite being a previous customer, I wasn't aware of the survey until I saw a post here on the final day. I would have completed it anyway but was grateful for the discount code so I used it and also bought two more profiles. Hard to believe how greedy some people are to take advantage of what was a generous offer - bah!