Atomic CLR quality, but less power... does exist?

  • No problem, I'd be more than happy to share my thoughts.

    It will probably be another day or two... I live in an apartment, so I'm going take it over to a friend's house so I can crank it. 8o


    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • So I've spent the last several days with my new matrix Q12a and of come to some interesting revelations.... For as much as I longed for something with a "backline form factor", I've been ruined (?) by using my RCF wedge for the last 7-8 months. The matrix sounds great (!) but I must confess that I do miss all the definition of the on-axis response of a wedge form factor. Also the matrix is loud as hell but because it lacks the characteristic low resonances of the guitar cab (let's forget for a moment whether this is a good or bad thing), you don't get much of the amp in the room feeling that I'm accustomed to with a traditional backline.

    I still think it sounds great, just getting used to it as it is both different than either my old backline or my RCF wedge. I haven't done a "shootout" per se....just been playing the Q12a by itself each a day. I'll try to report back once I get everything in the room for a more apples to apples comparison.

  • Curious what CLR owners, are setting there output volume to on KPA and input setting on the CLR

    I'm curious about this also because this is all new to me. I'm using a Matrix Q12a but I'm sure the settings would be similar.

    I finally got a chance to try out the Matrix @ volume. I took my 'rig' over to a friend's house and I'll have to say... this old tube guy is impressed!

    I still have a lot of 'work' to do. I need to go back and re-tweak my profiles (just a little bit), so they sound their best through the Q12. It is amazing how huge the sound is coming out of that tiny cabinet! :D


  • I still have a lot of 'work' to do. I need to go back and re-tweak my profiles (just a little bit), so they sound their best through the Q12. It is amazing how huge the sound is coming out of that tiny cabinet! :D

    I'm also using the Q12a, there is indeed a huge sound coming out of this small cab. Compared with the CLR (bigger and heavier) it did a great job, too.

    A little bit of editing can be necessary, because the Q12a has a lot of treble, I normally use just the eq of the monitor out.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /