Hi from Montreal! Few questions

  • Hey everyone! my name is Max. I've had the kemper for a week now and I'm quite enjoying it.
    I have the powered rack version.

    I have few questions that maybe you can help me answer. I read the manuals ( basic + reference ) a few times, but somethings are still unanswered or I keep forgetting about them.

    I'm having a bit of hard time figuring some things out about organizing my rigs.

    1. Is it possible to delete some rigs but keeping the actual amp profile ? I find some rigs don't sound that good, but if I switch to another cab, they sound completely different ( sometimes better ).

    2. Can you explain me the difference between a '' profile '' a '' rig '' and a '' stack '' ?

    3. When I'm browsing rigs, why are some '' placed '' or '' stucked '' together in the same '' folder '', when its not even the same amp ? For example '' Top hat Pushed '' contains a Tophat amp, A two rock amp, etc...

    4. Is there a less time consuming way to rename profiles ? What do you think is the most practical ways to name them ?

    This is my first post, sorry if it's not in the good place or if its too long.


  • hey, I'll aswner one and hope more people answer the rest.. 1st question.. yes.. change the cab etc on a rig and save it.. push Store... then another light will highlight asking store as, so you can change the name... then hit the store button again when you have changed the name .. it will be added to your favorites folder... you can delete everything but favorites.. (it was actually my idea and I'm happy CK and the Team made it possible) it saves your rigs that you have changed or added to favorites and deletes the original profiles :) hope this helps..


    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Salut Maxime,

    Bienvenue ici.

    Je suis certain que ton Kemper te donnera beaucoup de satisfaction. J'ai le miens depuis un peu moins d''une année et je suis toujours vraiment impressionné à chaque fois que je me branche. La qualité et la dynamique sonore de cet appareil sont assez phénoménales.

    Je te suggère fortement de lire le document qu'a patiemment préparé Viabcroce pendant des mois. C'est une mine d'or d'informations à laquelle je me réfère encore souvent.


  • Welcome! ;)

    1. You can save amp and cab separately.
    2. A profile is the basic amp profile incl.1 its cab, so to speak the original signal chain that was captured. A stack then could be a hybrid, e.g. amp x paired with cab y. We also speak of a stack when we have altered the profile heavily (deep editing functions of amp and cab). A rig is a profile or a stack plus FX.
    3. You need to look after the browsing filters. In the example you described you seem to filter by gain.
    4. There's a 3rd party utility available to rename rigs. Search the forums for 'rig renamer'.

  • First, welcome !

    1. Is it possible to delete some rigs but keeping the actual amp profile ? I find some rigs don't sound that good, but if I switch to another cab, they sound completely different ( sometimes better ).

    2. Can you explain me the difference between a '' profile '' a '' rig '' and a '' stack '' ?

    3. When I'm browsing rigs, why are some '' placed '' or '' stucked '' together in the same '' folder '', when its not even the same amp ? For example '' Top hat Pushed '' contains a Tophat amp, A two rock amp, etc...

    4. Is there a less time consuming way to rename profiles ? What do you think is the most practical ways to name them ?

    Here is my try to answer:

    Yes, you can save the amp and cab parts separately - and then delete the profile.

    The profiler stores some parts of the frequency response of the signal chain into the amp block and some into the cab block.
    But this does NOT mean that you truly get all the frequencies that belong to the amp into the amp block and the cabinet response into the cab block.

    Both together give us a very accurate reproduction of the used signal chain - each one single gives you 'something' but it has little to do with the amp / cab part.

    E.g. The influence of the mic, mic placement, power amp parameters like presence control - and even a great part of the tone stack influence form the real amp are stored into the cab block.

    I never see amp and cab as two separate blocks - for me it's pre distortion filter and post distortion filter.

    Anyway - In some cases you may get great results when you exchange the filters (amp / cab blocks) to your liking.

    When any signal chain (amp, cab, room, mic, mic-placement, preamps, cables, ...) is captured (during the profile and refine process) - you get a profile.
    The profile consists of two 'filters' which are stored into the amp and cab slots - and some parameters defined during the profile process.

    The stack consists of the amp filter and parameters, the stack EQ (knob settings on the KPA front), cabinet filter and parameters

    Pre stack effects & Stack & post effects

    While browsing you can sort by name, gain, author ...

    We are all waiting of a Kemper librarian - there are some 3rd party tools available.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de