those owning the unit a year or longer

  • Hey guys,

    I own an 11Rack and an Atomic Powered Wedge Reactor series 50 Watt.
    Early this year i tested the Kemper on my setup 'cause i was really not happy at all anymore with the high gain sounds on the 11R.
    I was completelly blown away how well the Kemper sounded. There was a real '3D' feeling and the whole room was filled with sound instead of what 11R gives me.

    BUT here's the thing. I experience that somehow my ears became habituated to that' modelled' sound and tbh now I hate playing with it. Especially high gain.
    I fear this will happen with the Kemper too after a while.

    Anyone can relate to what i'm saying? Those owning the unit 1+ year: are you still happy with the Kemper?
    Note: i don't play out so it's strictly home use.


  • uhm........i can share my experience. I own my kpa for more than a year now. I've been touring with my show around Italy and preparing to record a CD.

    to be honest I am suprised every time I play the kemper since it grants, let say, fresh things all the time. I play with a high gain sound? well, I found the same high gain timbre with less gain, let's say at 4, a great sound which permits the hand to do his feeling. and this is just to mention one thing.

    please note two additional thing, that might help you in making your mind:
    1) i play the kemper in both direct and with a power amp rig (tubes amp)
    2) my show is a very, very demanding one.

    as for #1 I can say that it was a surprise as well since something happened in my last gig. I use a plexy profile which in that particular club didn't sound so magical than in other clubs. so, since I modified seveal profile to sound the way I want, I scrolled through the amps until I found the one which sounded great over that place. It was like having several amps along and choosing the one that fitted best. Unbelievable!

    and show is very demanding since most of the times I play alone in a one man band (real instruments but played with a PC except of course the guitar ;) ).

    the reperoire of my show is very very hard. it is a tribute show not to a band but to the guitar. so I do a 2 hours concert with songs in which the guitar is the main 'actor'. I do steve vai, Hendrix, Jeff Beck, steve lukather and so on Tunes which are very difficult and all in all the guitar must be heard on top of the other instruments. so, I cannot hide behind the band or behind a song in which the guitar plays just two chords. did I explain it good?

    so, at the end, either my guitar sounds like a major league player or I'm out of business. since every club keeps calling me back to play again........this makes the fact that my sound is a major league one.

    trust the won't regret anything from it..........just my two cents

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I have my Kemper for 18 months now and have to say that I get a thrill everytime I plug it in. While the monitor mix sound changes a little from venue to venue , the front of house gets the same consistent great sound every night. I do find that I go through phases of changing my main profiles every so often when a better one comes along but apart from that I'm very happy with it.

  • my 2 cents: it´s very simple.. I use KPA only 10 months but the more I use it the more I love and enjoy it.. my best purchase ever, that´s for sure.. :D

    ps: and for home use I cannot even imagine something better than KPA.. for us, mostly "apartment" guitarists KPA is like winning the lottery (1st prize).. and you simply cannot be habituated to it.. since you can play each day other and other profile (amp).. each minute if I exaggerate.. ;) maybe: unless you are one of those guys that keeps and play only very few profiles.. personally, I love to explore and use many many profiles.. it´s really unbelievable how many nice profiles are "out there".. factory, commercial or for free (thanks a lot to all that publish their profiles!!)

  • There are times when I feel a bit disappointed when I play a profile and it sounds crappy in comparison to the soundcloud clip of someone else playing it. But I do not let that get me down because the KPA is by far still the easiest equipment I've owned to get a good sound out of, and not just one sound, many sounds and using different speakers as well. There is no maximum sound quality or feel that you have to settle with once you accept that you're only limited to your own willingness to refine and tweak profiles and the speakers that you use to deliver the sounds. It doesn't need to be complicated or expensive to get a good sound either. There are lots of profiles that sound good 'as is'. I'm just saying that you don't have to settle with something lacking or won't be left behind by something else that comes out, especially at the rate of new features still being added to the KPA.

  • Hi,
    I have had my Kemper, (white toaster) for 18 months now and I'm still amazed how good it sounds and feels to play.
    Mostly I play with it at home in my little home studio.
    I am so pleased with it so I just ordered a Power Rack to :)
    Meanwhile, I've had it, it has happened a lot with the development of software in it and it seems to be very good features released every time.
    There is so much good profiles on rig exchange to download and even buying from the guys selling, and there seems to be new one´s all the time :)
    I play mostly with high gain sounds.
    For me, this is one of my best purchases.

  • Over a year here, all amp gas gone, the KPA is better then having the amps, more tweakable, more portable, any volume and the response of the amp is surreal. :thumbup:

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I've had mine for two years's just got better and better.
    That's kind of weird, it normally doesn't happen that way with gear...we usually get bored with the same piece of gear and after two years, or less, we're GASsing for something new.

    Not with the Kemper, the tone and feel become addictive.
    You'll notice most of the time when someone sells a Kemper it's because they're having a temporary financial soon as things improve they buy another one...they can't resist.
    The cool thing is, when you get your new one all you do is load up your last backup file and you're back to where you were.

  • The thing about the Kemper that sets it far apart from modeling amps is the fact that the Kemper does NOT model amps. What it does is actually capture all the aspects of a real amp that make it sound and play the way it does into a profile, and it applies all that to whatever guitar/sound you run through the Kemper, faithfully reproducing the real amp's behavior to the point of near indistinguishability. And it does this with virtually ANY tube amp. You simply can't get tired of the KPA, because the KPA can be ANY amp you can get your hands on or a profile of. It's no different than tiring of a Marshall and moving to a Boogie, except you don't have to sell the Marshall and buy a Boogie. You just turn the Browse knob or download a new profile!

  • The Kemper for sure is different than other digital modeling gear.
    For the 1st time nothing is missing.
    Therefore you don't start to miss something after the honeymoon period.
    And you can have the adventure of exploring new amps all the time.
    Whenever you feel like it.

  • And here's the proof that the Kemper tone is in a league of it's own. :)

    yes, this is great playing and great tone!! ..the part from 00:23 to 00:33 is "killing".. :thumbup:

    ps: I was curious on which profile he uses but at 00:14 and 00:29 where we can see the Kemper it has only A slot switch on (unfortunately no profile name).. and it´s interesting that no other stomp is activated,hm..!!! is he routing for delay and reverb ecc to DAW?

  • After about 11 month owning and playing the toaster with "substandard gear" in bedroom, Band practice, and gig I Feel still exited about the tone and the response of the Kemper. As a hobbyist I do Not Even Touch the skills of the Fellow kemperists around here, but for sure the kemper made me a better Player by letting me concentrate on the playing and had me stopped worrying about my gear. Last Year I almost spend 1500€ on a 4ch marshall combo without hesitation when I checked out the Toaster due to the hint of a Friend from a Punk Band. (thanks Skippy!) That I call Luck in the Last Second and I'm happy since then. 8o

  • Kemper user since pioneer days - always have beed satisfied, I play my amps time to time just to find out that they are heavy as fuck and don't sound any better then the KPA :D

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Yes, the KPA get's better and better - because of two reasons:
    -Improvements from Kemper
    -Better profiles

    Best digital amp ever!

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I have my green lunchbox for 18 months now, and the honeymoon is not over yet 8o . Maybe, maybe it is high time for a proposal on my side?
    No kiddin', i have put a considerate sum in reamping (new soundcard, cables all that stuff) and now i am a lucky devil and intend to stay so ...
    When i have my students here and i want to demonstrate the sound of Black Sabbath, it is just one turn of the knob away, the same with Pink Floyd, or or or
    And the best is saved for last: unlike previous modellers, and i had a LOT of them, the KPA hasn't let me down in rehearsal. On the contrary, the other
    guitarist started to get a little envious, because i sounded so good. Thumbs up from my side again, CK! :thumbup:  :thumbup:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.