Fuzz pedal profiling - unpredictable results

  • Hi,

    after several attempts of profiling amps with (more extreme) fuzz pedals with bad results, I did some testing today, trying to find out what´s goining wrong here.

    guitar used: Fender Thinline Tele with a Barknuckle Blue Note P90 in neck poition
    stompbox: Z.Vex Fuzz Factory, setting Vol:3; Gate:0; Comp:0; Drive:5; Stab:10
    amp: Sans Amp PSA-1 with a clean, slightly breaking up Plexi-like preset
    recording: RME Fireface 800, analog inputs

    I recorded the following signal chains:

    1: GTR -> FuzzFactory -> SansAmp -> Fireface
    that´s the "source sound" to deal with

    2: GTR -> KPA input -> KPA direct out -> FuzzFactory -> SansAmp -> Fireface
    you can hear significantly more gain, the fuzz sounds over the top, kinda destroyed.

    3: GTR -> KPA input -> KPA direct out -> FuzzFactory -> SansAmp -> KPA return -> KPA master out -> Fireface
    sounds even more destroyed

    4: GTR -> KPA input -> KPA direct out -> Pickup simulator -> FuzzFactory -> SansAmp -> KPA return -> KPA master out -> Fireface
    the pickup simulator is a little passive device I built to create a guitar pickup-like impedance at the input of the pedal. Some pedals, especially fuzzes need to "see" a guitar signal incoming, they don´t work as expected with line level signals for example.
    This sounds better, but still too far away from example 1!

    5: the profile, KAP out -> fireface
    the profile sounds completely different, even after refining ´till the cows came home ;)
    somewhat clean, without the splatty character of the fuzz.

    please give it a listen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2y7pkq3o0a6g…FactoryTest.mp3

    So here I am, just slightly smarter than before, because I have no clue what to do to get a final profile with the sound of example 1.
    Any ideas?


  • uhm........might be the only one here but they sound very interesting. might not be the sound you want but they are very nice...........

    yes, even the "wrong" sounds are usable and interesting in their own way.
    What I ´m aiming for is the tone from example 1.
    I am not able to profile this sound correctly. My last example is completely different from the source tones.

    Thanks for listening!!


  • Unfortunately the fuzz is one of the few distortion pedals with a too low input impedance. The sound is highly affected by the connected instrument, in a bidirectional manner.
    Even if you put another stomp between the fuzz and the guitar, the sound might change drastically.

  • I still think they sound interesting. can you share them? I might use them in my CD recording. maybe you can share them waring that this is an experiment or some sort so that people won't bug you telling they don't sound too good. I don't know, just guessing.............

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • sure, no problem! here it is:


    All I got from my testing was only this one profile, the one you can hear in example 5. The KPA unfortunately could not capture the more interesting sounds of the other examples.

    Have fun 8)

    I´ve uploaded more stomp box profiles some time ago to the rig exchange. do a search for "r.u.sirius" or "Stomp_", maybe you find some you can use!

  • The sound you are after is called the velcro fuzz. Its bias is off and it produces a gated/ripping sound.
    The Kemper can not profile that gate effect.

    Hi Bill, thanks for chiming in!

    Yes and no ;)
    In my example 1 I used the Fuzz Factory pedal with Gate and Comp at zero, and Stab full, which means off! As far as I know with this setting the Fuzz Factory should work like a standard fuzz pedal, for example like a Fuzz Face. The gating effect did not interfere the profiling process.

    ckemper already told us that profiling fuzz pedals is sometimes imopossible because of impedance mismatch, so that´s the problem in the first place. Otherwise the profiling of the example 1 sound should have been possible.

    Of course it would be great to be able to profile a fuzz sound with this special "velcro" quality!

    @ ckemper, I repeat myself: is there a way to make the direct out adjustable impedance wise? Or is this idea just stupid due to my complete technical ignorance? :D

    Maybe there is a device that can be put between the KPA direct out and the fuzz pedal, with which we can adjust the impedance? Something more evolved than my cheapo pickup-dummy, which does a pretty good job for reamping!

  • Maybe there is a device that can be put between the KPA direct out and the fuzz pedal, with which we can adjust the impedance? Something more evolved than my cheapo pickup-dummy, which does a pretty good job for reamping!

    have you tried a reamping box?
    the price tag is certainly more evolved :) tho I must admit I don't know if they have a different underlying concept than the pickup-dummy.

  • For me, part of the joy of a vintage fuzz is the way it interacts with different guitar pickups and the volume pot. If you have any vintage style fuzz (such as those based on a Fuzz Face circuit) then the whole design of the thing is flawed but in a wonderful way..... It makes a circuit with your pickups. A guitar amp or more modern pedal does not do this.

    For this reason, I think a profile of the amp with no fuzz and then use the fuzz in front of the Kemper. I know this isn't what everyone wants to hear but ultimately the Kemper has a high input impedance and so will not act like a fuzz pedal in terms of your guitar volume.

    Just my 2 cents. Or pennies actually as I'm British ;)

  • have you tried a reamping box?
    the price tag is certainly more evolved :) tho I must admit I don't know if they have a different underlying concept than the pickup-dummy.

    Yes, I did try a Radial reamping box. The output was surprisingly low, the results not useable.

    What´s the diference between a line output of my RME Fireface, which I use for reamping with the Radial reamping box with excellent results and the direct out of the Kemper?

  • For me, part of the joy of a vintage fuzz is the way it interacts with different guitar pickups and the volume pot. If you have any vintage style fuzz (such as those based on a Fuzz Face circuit) then the whole design of the thing is flawed but in a wonderful way..... It makes a circuit with your pickups. A guitar amp or more modern pedal does not do this.

    For this reason, I think a profile of the amp with no fuzz and then use the fuzz in front of the Kemper. I know this isn't what everyone wants to hear but ultimately the Kemper has a high input impedance and so will not act like a fuzz pedal in terms of your guitar volume.

    Just my 2 cents. Or pennies actually as I'm British ;)

    that´s exactly my conclusion after all these tests und statements ;)