Summary of different errors of my KPA in FW 2.01

  • Situation: Creating performances, no midi devices connected to the KPA, FW 2.01, 576 rigs on board

    Problem 1: Loud crackles and beeps occur when switching performances while the slot selector is on a specific rig/slot (according to KPA-Support it will be solved with next FW-update). Does not appear while the slot-selector is on another slot in the performance.
    Problem 2: A previous several times successfully saved performance has lost it's rigs (all slots showing "Slot", the dark line showing "initialised rig") during a session without power off.
    Problem 3: Settings of the noise-gate get lost at several rigs in the performance mode.
    Problem 4: Settings of the reverb get lost in two cases at rigs in performance mode..

    While problem 1 seems to be overwhelmed soon, anybody can confirm problems 2-4?
    Thanks in advance.

  • I can confirm that I regularly lose performances after powering off. It's really frustrating, because frequently I dial the performances in during practice then they are gone at gigs.

  • You know that to save a performance you have to push Store 3 time's.

    are you really sure you saved? :D

    What didn't you understand when I said: "A previous several times successfully saved performance ..."? - X(
    How would I have been able to discover beeps and noises when switching performances if I wouldn't have saved them right? - X(

  • Situation: Creating performances, no midi devices connected to the KPA, FW 2.01, 576 rigs on board

    Problem 1: Loud crackles and beeps occur when switching performances while the slot selector is on a specific rig/slot (according to KPA-Support it will be solved with next FW-update). Does not appear while the slot-selector is on another slot in the performance.
    Problem 2: A previous several times successfully saved performance has lost it's rigs (all slots showing "Slot", the dark line showing "initialised rig") during a session without power off.
    Problem 3: Settings of the noise-gate get lost at several rigs in the performance mode.
    Problem 4: Settings of the reverb get lost in two cases at rigs in performance mode..

    While problem 1 seems to be overwhelmed soon, anybody can confirm problems 2-4?
    Thanks in advance.

    ad 2: Is it possible, that you accidentally stored the performance into another performance destination by turning the Destination knob after the first Store or that you copied another Default Perfermance over your performance this way? Otherwise please open a support ticket and send a backup with a concrete example (number and name of performance, which 'disappeared').

    ad 3: Are you aware that the Noise Gate is part of the input section? So if the Input Section is locked the current Noise Gate value will overwrite values stored in the rigs/slots. If you store the performance at this time consequently the locked values will be stored.

    ad 4: Are you absolutely sure, that you pushed the Store button 3 times before you switched to another performance, didn't exit the performance name edit screen using the Exit button instead of Store, and didn't store the performance into another destination?

  • Hi, Burkhard,

    thanks for reply.

    To ad 2: I'm pretty sure, that storing was completed the way it should be, definitely no accidental touch of knobs/dials. Creating support ticket when time is available.
    To ad 3: Yes I am, my input section is unlocked.
    To ad 4: Yes I am absolutely sure that I pushed the Store button 3 times before I switched to another
    performance, I didn't exit the performance name edit screen using the Exit
    button instead of Store, and I didn't store the performance into another
    destination. After that I created several new performances and then turned back to the one we're talking about to find it empty.

    After using the KPA daily for 10 month now and the performance mode also daily since it is available, standard routines to handle the KPA have established automatically at my fingers. The procedures work. I understand that you at Kemper's have to make sure, that I'm not into a lazy buggy user-behaviour. But after profiling amps (see Rig Exchange), downloading all rigs (!) from the RE, filtering and editing these downloaded rigs, creating a lot of performances and using the KPA daily in studio productions I feel slightly kidded when I'm asked again and again if I'd saved my data correct. :cursing:

    Sorry for grumblin' ...

  • concern understood! However you are raising a fundamental data integrity issue, which nobody else has reported so far. And this would affect transactions that nearly every user performs on a regular base. Please don't take it personal, if we first want to make sure, that there is no misunderstanding. We are ready to take immediate action as soon as we have data to reproduce such issue.