Lasse Lammert Pack (It´s here, THANK YOU Kemper!)

  • Guys, the guitar tone is not just the sound.
    Its the big picture in the mix, its relation to Bass, drums, vocals, etc. That plus guitar, guitar player, strings, and a lot of factors.
    That being said, even if Sneap himself releases some profiles, they will never sound pro like in his mixes.
    The big picture is what matters.

  • For what it's worth, Corey B from trivium is a close friend. I actually have the profile that was used on the album :) since the info is out and official I have no problem telling people this. The profile from what I understand was made at sneaps place by Colin, so it's kinds of a mix of the two sound wise haha

    Pull up a video on YouTube from triviums latest tour, specifically the show in Romania: listen to the new track strife... That is all Kemper you are Hearing, and the same profile used on the new record.

  • Also I gotta add. Guys ALOT of the records put out by these guys in the last 2 years have Kemper all over it, seriously. Alot of it just isn't publicized, or really known by the bands because these reamp all the time with it. Bands don't care, as long as it sounds good ya know? Newest example that not many people know about:the 2 new death angel records.. All Kemper... Jcm800 profile. It gets used alot more than people realize trust me!!!

  • Also I gotta add. Guys ALOT of the records put out by these guys in the last 2 years have Kemper all over it, seriously. Alot of it just isn't publicized, or really known by the bands because these reamp all the time with it. Bands don't care, as long as it sounds good ya know? Newest example that not many people know about:the 2 new death angel records.. All Kemper... Jcm800 profile. It gets used alot more than people realize trust me!!!

    A lot of it is just plain ignorance of not understanding what it can do and how it works that leads to a lack of acceptance. To be fair the KPA did seem to have a rough start. My first impression of this thing from youtube had WTF written all over it because of the "space toaster" blinking lights look and the fact that they were more concerned with demoing the profiling process than the sounds which made it seem weird as well with all the sounds coming out of it. It wasn't till I started discovering a bunch of really great soundcloud demos that made me really research the KPA and make me want one.

    With the bands not bragging about using the kpa, it is actually understandable. If you tell someone it is a kpa (what they hear is "not a real amp") they rationalize a reason not to like it. But if you show them an awesome track and they like it and tell them "oh BTW, we used a kpa to make that" they are more inclined to actually accept its capabilities and say it is a good unit. Another good reason is sponsorship. Sometimes you just have to keep the KPA backstage behind a (insert brand name here) sponsored stack that the audience can see.

    [Blocked Image:]

    There are a few good demos and one by lasse in particular where it is so hard to tell the kpa from the real amp on a DAW recording that it is funny reading the comments where they "claim" to know the differences but are then shut up when lasse reveals where the switching happens is way off from where they said it happened.

    As for recording, it reminds me of Mudrock's interview where he says that having to take the time to keep dialing in a recording sound with an amp is time consuming for each take or session, so the effort to dial in that sound and save it on the KPA is well worth it. The same goes for live where they can have the KPA into whatever PA is at the event and have their sound rather than haul around a bunch more gear or have to work with gear that is not really your sound.

  • Also I gotta add. Guys ALOT of the records put out by these guys in the last 2 years have Kemper all over it, seriously. Alot of it just isn't publicized, or really known by the bands because these reamp all the time with it. Bands don't care, as long as it sounds good ya know? Newest example that not many people know about:the 2 new death angel records.. All Kemper... Jcm800 profile. It gets used alot more than people realize trust me!!!

    I absolutly can seccond that, even in the smaller subgenres of metal (or maybe especially there?) the Kemper is really on a rise. I´ve seen so many bands using the Kemper to record their new material it´s insane. I even know a band that recorded their CD with the kemper, then sent it to a studio just so that the studio guy decided to re-amp the guitars with another Kemper. It is a brilliant unit for people who don´t have the cash to go into the studio and pay thousands of dollars to get a sound that in the end isn´t even that brilliant (and I´m talking about the smaller studios - not sneap, suecof etc.). And thats even one of the reasons I bought mine, to get the quality of my upcoming album to a whole new level and I´m sure I will simply because some of the profiles I found for free here are beyond everything I would ever have achieved alone with my sm57 and my Peavy 6505.

  • I don't remember even saying that comment and did not even find it in this thread. If I were to comment about it I would say they probably would release (Whether paid or free) what they use to us. Its not like people that use the same amps as famous bands go and steal their signature sound and make an album with it. There is just too much equipment and settings that are in between an amp sound the sound you hear on an album. Heck I can hardly ever sound close to a soundcloud clip with a profile let alone the differences that happen to the sounds after mixing and mastering. I love some of Ola's tones but don't care for hardly any of his profiles. People just have different ways of getting to their intended outcomes of sound.

    Rogue quote, sorry about that. Should have been @vesmedic1 :wacko:

    Guys, the guitar tone is not just the sound.
    Its the big picture in the mix, its relation to Bass, drums, vocals, etc. That plus guitar, guitar player, strings, and a lot of factors.
    That being said, even if Sneap himself releases some profiles, they will never sound pro like in his mixes.
    The big picture is what matters.

    As you said, there's just so much more than a profile that goes into getting a good sound on a recording. Levels, mixing, EQing, FX.

    Look at Ola Englund, for example. He uses some gear that I'd say is not comparable and makes it all sound heavy as hell.

    There are also guys in my local scene that make crystal clear, big-sounding mixes. These guys have more followers than bands like Gorguts, apparently, and I, for one, was dismayed.

    Perhaps that's what music and music criticism has become, more about tone and less about material.

    But I digress.

    I, for one, can't record and mix to save my life. Drove me absolutely bugsh*t. But now I have a Kemper, just hoping this piece of gear will elevate my sound enough to get a foot in the door :thumbup:

  • I just had a chance to go through it briefly so far, but it definitely adds something! Nobody needs that many metal rhythm rigs, but I guess almost everybody will be able to find one or two (or three...) suiting him or her. :)

  • Just played through a few - and I have to say - lasse didn´t promise too much. They DO sound incredibly awesome. So thank you Lasse (if you´re reading this) for making these available for all of us! :thumbup:

  • Have to say I'm REALLY liking some of these, the ChugChug is excellent, wish there were more profiles of the bogner, I think he captured it pretty well for it's signature rumble. Wonder how these will sound live....

  • Yep, these sound freakin great..

    Guys let this be a lesson, there is alot to learn just from listening to these in my opinion. THIS is what a well micd amp sounds like for sure, for modern metal. If you don't think these are in the top 5 percent of available profiles publicly, you are nuts! just track with them, the difference will be clear in a mix, I guarantee it. :D Thanks Lasse, really great job.

  • Yep, these sound freakin great..

    Guys let this be a lesson, there is alot to learn just from listening to these in my opinion. THIS is what a well micd amp sounds like for sure, for modern metal. If you don't think these are in the top 5 percent of available profiles publicly, you are nuts! just track with them, the difference will be clear in a mix, I guarantee it. :D Thanks Lasse, really great job.

    please enable your PM´s :whistling:

  • Yep, these sound freakin great..

    Guys let this be a lesson, there is alot to learn just from listening to these in my opinion. THIS is what a well micd amp sounds like for sure, for modern metal. If you don't think these are in the top 5 percent of available profiles publicly, you are nuts! just track with them, the difference will be clear in a mix, I guarantee it. :D Thanks Lasse, really great job.

    So VESmedic, how do these compare to the others you've tried, Sneaps/Corey's etc? Listening to Trivium's album and holy shit....! I reckon Lasse's could stand up.