Posts by Steve5478

    I wonder (and doubt) that the player would be able to profile? There's only one 1/4" input, two 1/4" outputs and xlr out which to my knowledge are not reversible. AND they would have to change the product name.

    I'm not an electronic engineer and i don't know what that implies. But when i look purely on connection there are enough jacks (TRS)/ XLR to profile.

    I know that Christophe, as a chess player, has a three-step lead, and he's a surprising man....

    For the name, on the hardware, i only read "Profiler" as every Kemper devices ;)

    If there was a similarly powerful unit by Kemper with a comparable footprint I would probably go with it over the QC. The player seems a bit too limited to fill that spot. It seems to me to need more additional gear to get a fully functional which then negates the form factor to some extent. Maybe there is some space for a middle ground? A unit with screen, size similar to the QC but full functionality in terms of signal chain and effects.

    IMO, it ain't gonna happen soon.... I think the next step will be to unlock features on the Player. It will be much more easy than designing a new hardware and it seems not to be Kemper's philosophy to launch/have a wide range of products.

    With the release of Nano Cortex, Kemper needs to step up their game with the footswitch assignments on the Player. Nano Cortex can already to press and second press to get to two presets per footswitch.

    IMO, It's rather the opposite, it reinforces the idea Player is well placed at the right price....

    Nano Cortex is so poor in FXs, it's a pity. It's an expensive ToneX...

    The advantages i see are : the possibility to capture amps (ToneX needs the "Capture" to do so) and the ability to find capture on the cloud via app :thumbup:. Eventually having 3 FXs after the stack....

    Interesting conversation and statistics. I would say anywhere a human can operate then the profiler should be able to operate.

    Some examples;

    A parked car in Texas can reach 130*F. A human could survive that for a few minutes. However, the car's radio doesn't seem phased by it.

    Top of Mt. Everest is 29,000 feet and about 6*F. You could survive playing "Cold as Ice" by Foreigner, and then you are done.

    Just stay away from mountains and volcanoes

    The main problem for me is to understand your values in the measuring system i know, for the moment ;):D

    There's no problem of reliability if that's what you fear.... You have to check that the monitor outputs are on "mono" and not stereo cause you feed only one cab on stage and you have to disable the cab with "monitor cab off" ticked (Kone's button turns orange in this case)....

    Now, i think the best way to use a Kemper is using a FRFR monitor.... There are few FXs on the Player. The combo's speaker will bring you the same "coloration" on each rigs that you will lose a part of versatility you've built at home/rehearsal. And you'll hear the same thing as the audience (or close to).

    As someone who paid full rip for a Head/Remote - I’d be more than a little pissed if the Player got everything for so little.

    IMO, if some Kemper owner's would be disppointed, it's not their main problem....

    I'd bought 2 Suzuki motorbikes 2/3 years after their launched ; it was a super bargain ; the price for a new one was approximately the same as a used one. I can't imagine the face of first owners...

    They've changed they strategy today but they didn't care about some customers.....

    I agree. Iam a stage player.

    But if they unlock all available effects (reverb, drives,...) I am fine with it.

    And increasing the value of the player will increase the buys of the unit -> free software updates for all.

    I don't think they can unlock features for free for first-time buyers....

    Kemper has to maintain their familly price. If they do so (unlock all features), a lot of potential new buyers will quickly buy a Player instead of anything else. So everything will follow --> Head/Rack/Stage on the used market decrease --> Kemper forced to reduce new Head/Rack/Stage prices too....

    On the other hand, i've bought a Stage and a Player (cause it was said that features would be able to be unlocked ;)) and i'm pretty disappointed/frustrated for the moment.

    The problem is that, at the beginning, the things are so few in the Head/Stage/Rack that it's hard to purpose a tiny device and justify the gap so they get rid of a lot of things. But what didn't represent a drawback for me at the beginning, is becoming on the Player.

    Comparing to the competitors ; i could easily move from Helix to a HX stomp or from a FM9 to a FM3. the number of blocks is reduced but i can still have 4 blocks after my stack, have the exact same effects regardless of the device i use, etc.... Just drag and drop your rig/preset

    My chains are simple and i don't need // paths, 70 FXs blocks..... But the minimum on big brothers lead to amputate drastically the Player.

    For all these reasons and to please everyone, that confirms the idea that Kemper has to/should unlock features for free for already Kemper owners and do it for fee for first-time buyers....

    From my perspective it is one of cheapest pieces for hi-quality equipment per year of usage I ever used. Given that KPA completely cured my GAS

    I don't know :/

    My Stage led me to buy a Bag Profiler Stage, 3 moog pedals, one mission pedal, one kemper Kone + peavy cab + BAM TC 200 and finally a Player ^^;)

    Yes, non problem, you just have to know Player's limitations and adapt your rigs

    As you know; the number of FXs slots is different ; 2 before & 2 after the stack. you can built your rigs with A & B and delay & reverb slots to have the same. You have to take care about the type of FX too, so take a look at the list in PLayer's manual to be sure you use the ones that are existing on the other side (Kemper fuzz and drives don't exist for exemple)....

    You can change all parameters you want in the stack section, they won't appear in the player rig parameters but they will be kept following what you had changed....

    On rig manager, you just have to drag and drop the rigs you have built to the Player ;)

    So it is clear to me that the KONE button is designed to work with the Kemper Kone cabinet.

    However, I run my Kemper Player through the effects-return of my tube combo, and I notice that the sound is better with the Kone button activated.

    So my question is; can it be harmful to have it on, either for my amp or the Kemper Player?

    What is the Kone button's color ? Cause for the player there are three possibilities ; Kone FRFR (white), Kone Imprint (red) and Monitor cab off (Orange) that shunts the speaker rig sim from the monitor output (L&R).

    In the last case, it would be coherent with your needs....