Posts by rcknrllmn

    IMHO, besides the feel & sound of the amp profiles, morphing is one of the better if not best features of the Kemper format. It can be done on other units, but it is so easy to use on the Kemper. I don't understand why they would leave that out. Others may feel different. Top reasons I use my stage vs any other modeler are instant switching, quality of sound and feel of amp profiles and morphing. I also like the i/o features of the stage (spdif, effects loops, outputs). I would have been interested in the player, but in it's current state I'll just be happy with the stage. I feel I am better off spending my next 700 on gear for something else.

    Same here, most of my sounds use less than 4 effects, so I'm good here. But lack of morphing is a real bummer for me - I use it a lot and would love to be able prepare a simple preset on Stage / Head with morphing but take Player to a gig - looks like it is not possible at the moment. I hope this can be addressed in future firmware update.

    Yeah, appears to be no morphing from what I see. Super Bummer.

    I saw an add for this today. I am wondering if anybody has one or tried one.

    If so, could you give an opinion please. Is it gig worthy volume wise?

    Spark CAB
    140-Watt powered guitar amp speaker cabinet optimized to work seamlessly with Spark, Spark MINI and Spark GO amps,¹ as well as other modelers, instruments or…

    Thank you.

    They had wireless in 1979? It looks like he touches the low E string with the probe part of it at 1:59. I think it was his version of an ebow.

    This was one used back in the day, may have been more. But, some claim this system contributed some element to their sound that was beneficial , even to the point that they used it studio recording. I'm totally not saying that this is what this is, but pointing out for the record, since it appears that there was some doubt.

    I honestly think it's just a make shift slide, because it was what he had to use at that time. The actual device in his hand looks like it has a 1/4" plug on the end. Possibly a piece of a wireless system or connection coupler. The delay sound is from his hyperspace pedal. Right before this item is used you can see him walking to the side of the stage, probably looking for something to use. I've done this before, misplaced a slide & improvised with something else.

    Or perhaps it makes that explosion sound like Steve Stevens Ray Gun, in combo with the hyperspace delay to make it sound like a ship taking off.

    A midi controller will definitely work for everything, once properly programmed

    Absolutely. In the past I have used a Roland FC-300 or a Morningstar MC-8. The only thing is there is no status id or 2way integration. You have to program it and know what your footswitches do. Which for me was no big deal.

    I know you are asking about comparisons with an FM-9 but this is my experience with the FM-3. The main thing I can suggest is you just have to try it. Having owned the Stage before I got my FM-3 I may not have known any different. I can get great sounds from the FM-3 and had I not already had the Stage I probably would be happy with the FM-3. It just came down to matter of preference for me. A combination of form factor and ease of use. Both are really great at what they do.

    What I had in mind would be for more fx blocks used pre amp. Typically I could use wah, comp, phaser, EQ, and maybe 2 drives to alternate between or stack together before the amp. That's at least 6 blocks that I could utilize before the amp block.

    I could use the pre fx loop to add more effects but that essentially takes away 1 block to use other external fx in the loop. I would rather just use the internal effects which I am generally satisfied with. I could live with the option of the post amp stereo fx loop to give the addition of some time based effects externally . There are a lot of great options to use for that. - (referring to use with the Stage)

    None of this is a real big deal, I just think it may be a useful option.

    I control my Stage completely with a separate midi controller & it works perfectly. I use PC with performance to change slots. For instance for my performance #21 these are my pc presets 101 to 105. (21 x5). And performance #20 is pc presets 96-100. Performance #1 are presets 1 to 5. It's really that simple. I'm not sure if the Toaster & the Rack react differently. And I know that is not what the author of this post is asking, but wanted to clarify for others that the slots in performances do to respond to pc, they are just fixed to those #'s.

    However, while there is a MIDI indicator lite for the input, nothing is showing anything going to the out ports.

    What out ports are you referring too? MOTU micro lite?