Posts by Thenewexhibit

    Any luck with this yet? I hve the powerhead and it's the same thing. It's pretty disappointing because by the time you turn up the noise gates to try and combat the issue, it messes with the tone amd tails of everything. I read people saying the Kemper is super quite, but I find it to be louder than the real amps it's profiling.

    Hello! Do you guys get a lot of interference noise with your Kemper? Usually when plugging in direct, I get a lot of noise that sounds like bad interefefence. Especially when I switch my guitar to a split coil position. It's not really remenicsent of a real amp, so that's why I'm wondering about it. If I turn the noise gate up a bunch, it doesn't decay properly (on split coil, or full humbucker) and a decayed chord gets mixed with the strange intereference sound about 50/50, where as a real amp, you don't really notice intereference or any hum until the chord is almost rung out completely.

    Am I missing something?



    I tried making a direct profile today using a countryman type 85 direct box, and I have to say I'm a little bummed. It could totally be user error for sure, but I feel like I followed the procedures correctly. I'm picky about tone, so when I hear my direct profile from the kemper in my cab, then plug into the real amp and in to the same cab, there's a really big difference. The kemper is much brighter/more "processed" sounding, and the real amp is warmer and thicker and more dynamic.

    What are people's experiences with this? How are your direct profiles coming out? Anyone compare them back to back with the same amp/cab setup?

    Another question I had is before I start the profiling process when it shows the eq and gain on the kemper all at noon, do I change those settings on the kemper to around what the settings on my reference amp would be before I start the profiling process? I couldn't find any definite answers on these things.

    Hello, everyone! Newb question here. When it comes to my return level when profiling an amp, am I basically looking to get the light to be flashing in the yellow most of the time but never in the red? Or should it stay in the green and occasionally flickering in the yellow?

    I read the manual, but I feel like I never found a definite answer on this, so I'd love to hear experiences from people who are getting great results. I'm planning on doing merged profiles if that makes a difference.

    And, if I missed this information in the manuals, my apologies :)

    Thanks in advance!


    Hello! I was looking around and saw that some people were using their line 6 m9's/13's to control the kemper's profiles. I did some research, but didn't find too much in the line 6 manual or on these forums in terms of how to do so. Does anybody have experience with this that would be willing to help if there is a fairly easy explanation?

    I only need to program 4 different profiles in a single performance.

    Thanks in advance! :)


    Interesting! Could it just be the profiles themselves then? They're just the stock ones. One is mid gain, and one is high (5150 III), but both need the gate to be less noisy. In person, the 5150 III in my experience is very quite when muting the strings for how much gain there is with the real amp, but this seems to be quite loud on the kemper.

    Another observation is that when I have no guitar cable plugged in and it's on, if I turn off the stomp box gate, it gets even louder. Usually in my experience, when there is an amp on with no cable plugged in at all, it's usually pretty much silent. Thoughts?

    Hello! I was wondering how the editing of rigs in performance mode works. I noticed that when in performance mode I can edit a slot, then go to the next slot with the kemper soft switches, and it retains the changes. However, when I hook up a midi pedal to switch slots, it goes back to whatever is saved there. I was wondering why that was, and if there is a way to get the midi pedal (behringer fcb) to act the same way so I can make changes on the fly to the "amps settings" and then have them stay that way. Or would I have to store a change every time I want to change something? I hope that made sense.



    You need the Kemper Eprom installed

    Got ya. So I can't use the wah with this current setup and have to use this chip to be able to use the kemper wah with a behringer fcb? Would it be easier with an external expression pedal?

    On a side note, is there a way to have the kemper wah always be active all of the time without programming it to every rig in performance mode? Basically use it like a real wah pedal on any rig at any moment just by taking it out of say heel = off, if that makes sense?


    Hey, Everyone! I'm trying to configure a behringer fcb 1010 for a gig tonight. I'm having trouble figuring it out. I don't have any of the chips, as this is a stock unit and not my board. Just borrowing for the night. Can anybody help me configure this? I kinda know how to assign certain profiles to the buttons, but there is strange behavior, where one of the expression pedals will act as a volume sometimes, sometimes not. Sometimes the other expression pedal turns delay on. It's really weird. Is there a tutorial anywhere to set this up? I have my performance stored. I just need to assign everything properly.

    Is there anything I have to do to the FCB to reset it or anything? Is that why it may be acting weird?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey, everyone! New kemper powerhead user over here. I'm lookong to get a direct box to make merged profiles.

    I've narrowed it down to either the kemper di or the countryman type 85.

    What my question is, has anybody directly (no pun intended :thumbup: ) compared the countryman to the kemper di and heard more accurate and authentic tones from the kemper di, or were they the same? The reason I ask is because I do recording and something like the countryman type 85 would be a better investment (and can get it cheaper used) if it literally did the same exact thing that the kemper di does.

    If the kemper di is more authentic to the real thing, I have no problem investing in it. That's why I'd love to hear experiences of direct real user comparisons between the two.

    Thanks, everyone!


    Hello, everyone! I just got a new kemper powerhead! I have a gig to play tomorrow and would love to use it. I realistically only need 4 or 5 tones for tomorrow. I'm looking for merged tones so I can use a cabinet and get an authentic tone through my 212, but send the mic'd version to front of house. Is all of this possible before tomorrow?? hahah

    Thanks everyone! Stoked! :D
