Posts by puneettaneja

    I just got a used Kemper Profiler and downloaded the Rig Manager. Updated the Rig Manager and the Kemper to the latest software and firmware versions respectively. I am using a mac OS. However, the rig manager keeps disconnecting every now and then and doesn't connect to the Kemper until I reboot the Kemper (or disconnect and reconnect the USB cable) which is really frustrating. I have tried multiple USB cables. As I mentioned the softwares/firmware are upto date. How is that a device this mature has basic connectivity issues? What else can I try?

    Errors i Get:

    Scanning for Profilers

    USB cable is unstable

    The other issue I am noticing is that when I change profiles in rig manager (double clicking on a different profile) it's a couple of seconds before that profile changes on the Kemper.

    The POD has a parameter when you choose the effects loop as one of your effects slots. Is your highlight the effect using the navigation buttons you will be able to adjust it using, I believe, toggle wheel 1. Alternatively on the POD editing software you can adjust it by selecting it also and then there will be parameters to adjust. The send option can go higher in volume than 0db and the return goes lower in volume than 0db. I'm at work at the moment, but if you still struggle with this I will make a better reference structure when I getry back to my setup

    It's the other way round. The send has a max of 0 but the return has min of 0 and can go higher hence my question. Maybe you are saying increase the return volume?

    Anyone? Also, I tried the 4CM method but it wasn't working too well and sounded like crap. Does anyone know what the right connections should be?

    Is below the right connection:

    Guitar -> POD
    POD Unbalanced L (Mono) -> Kemper Return
    POD Return L (Mono) -> Kemper Send
    POD FX Send -> Kemper Guitar In
    Headphones -> Kemper Headphones

    I want to use the POD HD500's looper with Kemper but also want to use it as a MIDI controller for the KPA. As I understand, I can use the 4CM to set up the FX-loop for the looper. Having said that, I would still like to use KPA's effects and want to change profiles via the HD500. Other than the midi connection and the 4CM between these 2 units is there anything I need to set up to get this going? Thankks.

    So by doing thaPhilUK84 wrote

    I had that Tascam and it sounded terrible. It made all my recordings lofi sounding. I've no idea why, no one could get it to not sound like that. How does yours sound aside from the stuttering?

    I got a Focusrite 18i8 and it's much much better. And it has SPDIF. I'd recommend that, and there's a good thread I started in which it was explained to me exactly how to set it all up and how to use it in a DAW.

    I have not used the Tascam much since I got the HD500 as I was recording guitars directly from the POD to the PC. The only thing I recorded via the Tascam was the vocals which sounded okay. I will have to try recording via Kemper into Tascam this time and see how it sounds. I was trying not to get another audio interface as I've already spent the money on the Kemper.

    Having said that, what coldfrixion suggested above worked better for monitoring.

    I am new to the Kemper world and trying to figure out the best way to record. Prior to this, I was using the POD HD500 and recording was a breeze as it had a built in audio interface. My current connections are as follows:

    Kemper -> Tascam US 1800 (via S/PDIF) -> PC (Reaper)

    I am monitoring through Reaper's track and monitoring option, however if I turn down the latency in the setting, the PC starts to stutter etc. I want to be able to hear the backing tracks in Reaper (drums etc) so I cannot connect the headphones to Kemper's headphone port. Also, I record at night so sending a separate signal to a cabinet/monitor and listen through that is not an option either.

    Any help is appreciated!


    I got my Powerhead yesterday and still tinkering with it. Read through the manual. Once question I have is that when listening through headphones is there a way to turn off the signal to the connected cab without having to plug/unplug the speaker cable every time I switch between cab and headphones?