Using POD HD500's Looper with Kemper

  • I want to use the POD HD500's looper with Kemper but also want to use it as a MIDI controller for the KPA. As I understand, I can use the 4CM to set up the FX-loop for the looper. Having said that, I would still like to use KPA's effects and want to change profiles via the HD500. Other than the midi connection and the 4CM between these 2 units is there anything I need to set up to get this going? Thankks.

  • Anyone? Also, I tried the 4CM method but it wasn't working too well and sounded like crap. Does anyone know what the right connections should be?

    Is below the right connection:

    Guitar -> POD
    POD Unbalanced L (Mono) -> Kemper Return
    POD Return L (Mono) -> Kemper Send
    POD FX Send -> Kemper Guitar In
    Headphones -> Kemper Headphones

  • My signal chain is
    POD FX send -> Kemper Guitar input
    Kemper Monitor output -> POD FX Return L (Mono)
    Output POD Main output or POD headphones for looper functionality.

    Most important part is setting your POD FX send to match your Kemper Guitar input level. Compare the output by alternating between the POD FX send into the Kemper and secondly by bypassing the POD and plugging your guitar straight into the Kemper. The POD can have a significant DB loss using the FX output which lots of people experience as tonal loss. I usually switch my POD to Line at the FX output and raise the FX send to 6DB. On my setup it gives me the same level as going straight into the Kemper.

    Use all POD stomp effects like drive, fuzz etc before POD FX slot, and POD reverbs, delays etc. after.

  • Try a simple setup where the POD is in the Loop of the Kemper. I believe the Kemper Loop should be place post amp, once you record in the POD's looper, you can start changing Kemper profiles to suite the Loop you just recorded. Alternatively you can place the Kemper in the Loop of the POD and use Kemper Pofiles inside the POD.

  • . I usually switch my POD to Line at the FX output and raise the FX send to 6DB. On my setup it gives me the same level as going straight into the Kemper.

    Thanks., this worked. However, to your point, there is a tonal loss. I have switched 1/4" Out to Line Level. How do I raise the FX send to 6db? It only allows the max of 0db in the send of the FX loo.

  • The POD has a parameter when you choose the effects loop as one of your effects slots. Is your highlight the effect using the navigation buttons you will be able to adjust it using, I believe, toggle wheel 1. Alternatively on the POD editing software you can adjust it by selecting it also and then there will be parameters to adjust. The send option can go higher in volume than 0db and the return goes lower in volume than 0db. I'm at work at the moment, but if you still struggle with this I will make a better reference structure when I getry back to my setup

  • The POD has a parameter when you choose the effects loop as one of your effects slots. Is your highlight the effect using the navigation buttons you will be able to adjust it using, I believe, toggle wheel 1. Alternatively on the POD editing software you can adjust it by selecting it also and then there will be parameters to adjust. The send option can go higher in volume than 0db and the return goes lower in volume than 0db. I'm at work at the moment, but if you still struggle with this I will make a better reference structure when I getry back to my setup

    It's the other way round. The send has a max of 0 but the return has min of 0 and can go higher hence my question. Maybe you are saying increase the return volume?