Posts by piotrmaj

    W słuchawkach nie da się uzyskać brzmienia takiego jak ze wzmaka, bo siłą rzeczy słuchasz dźwięku nagranego przez mikrofon. Kemper ma coś takiego jak Pure Cabinet, który pozwala nieco wygładzić brzmienie. Możesz poeksperymentować z tym ustawieniem. Upewnij się też, że w swoim miksie nie dostajesz sygnału po jakimś dzikim EQ.

    To include another, dedicated jack would increase the size - and someone would cry foul if it wasn’t ethercon.

    Not necessarily, I strongly believe that this would be done wirelessly with help of PoE hardware. Granted it would not be as convenient as direct plug & play and I wouldn't want to take rack of network equipment with me to a gig, but for fixed studio / home setups it could be perfect.

    I secretly do believe that Player could do it from technical stand point - it is just somewhere at the bottom of their priority list because it is rather non-mainstream use-case.

    I can do without display and buttons - so I agree with you that this is "nice to have" category for people who are in the ecosystem for longer time. I see it more like: work comfortably at home / rehearsals and have grab-and-go small unit for gigs. It reminds me a bit of Allen&Heath everything I/O concept which I love: you can have no matter how modern mixer but you can connect pretty much any old stage box to it and reuse what you already bought. They just support all connectivity protocols in all their mixers.

    Data is one thing , power is another. Remote uses PoE, so power would have to be supplied externally. I think there should be no technical issues if remote was connected to PoE switch and could be discovered by Player in local network. It would be actually super cool!

    I'd love to have it!

    Until now, you never had to pay for any additional software/update/upgrades/rick packs/... in the Kemper universe.

    Nobody knows, for what you will have to pay in the future.

    Quite the contrary: everything is clearly explained - and not really that difficult to understand, requires only less emotional approach and a bit of reading into details. It is easier to think of Levels as hardware upgrades. Imagine that instead of pure software update you would receive hardware unit with Player Level II label on it. Physically it would be the same as original Player but it would have functionality of Player Level II enabled. From now on every future update to such device would be covered by Kemper's free update premise, outlined here: All these updates would preserve Level II features and maybe extend it in the future (it would never have less features than this level) - so if you are at Level II and level II includes all effects you would get updated effects for free. I suspect new effects, if any, would end up in level II as well, were all effect are.
    Same with Level III, which seems to be adding not that much on top of Level II (ok, spillover is cool).

    That's why Level upgrades are tied to the device and not to personal account. It is like physical upgrade of device.
    However it is done entirely in software, which saves Kemper costs because they don't have to manufacture 3 different packagings and cases.
    This doesn't change anything but looks like a lot people just can't grasp this concept.

    I've anticipated the futur upgrades because they were anounced (you used a lot of probaility but this fact was sure) and i knew that sooner or later i could transfer my rigs from my BIG unit to the baby.

    That's all true, I also learned about paid updated early on but they didn't tell anything about pricing, so I waited it out a bit (which was much easier for me because I already have Stage and Toaster). Price doesn't work for you but it doesn't make the whole Level-X model bad, or company evil, IMHO. I hope you'll find good solution for your needs!

    For me it meets all expectations. I found my old post from December last year: RE: PLAYER - what were they thinking? - and as much as I usually suck at any predictions this time I feel like f* Nostradamus. :)

    PS : piotrmaj Thanks for your non-agressive message even if i understand we are not on the same line :thumbup:;)

    After all - it is just a piece of gear - no need for any aggression.

    I think it's especially aberrant to ask customers to pay 40% of the price you asked just 7 months before.

    I really feel like I'm being held hostage.

    What? So you bought this device not because it already answered your needs but because potentially, maybe, probably in the future, most likely it could answer your needs if theoretically, potentially, in some future, most likely, probably Kemper decided to give full upgrade away for cheap or better for free? Looks like you jumped the gun a bit with your purchase and feel disappointed (which I understand and sympathize - I have my fair share of past purchases which fall into this category as well - I guess everyone has :) ) - but, I would argue, this is not really Kemper's fault.

    You are asked to pay 40% for taking Player to Stage-level software-wise - which is hell-lot of new functionality that original player never had and probably will never have at Level I.

    No display and lack of extra footswitch buttons would put this at 50% of the Stage in my opinion. Having said that, it either fits your needs or doesn't.

    You can't compare hardware features because hardware-wise Player is fixed and even if Level went all the way up to 11 it will never change. Upgrades are purely software-based (maybe except for True Impedance circuit, which I believe is hardware based), and it is only software that you can compare here. So despite I pulled this 80% out straight from my bottom I still think it is +/- 5% accurate.

    If you need display and extra switches you need Stage or Head/Rack + Remote and you need to spend at least $1600.

    In fact, what people complain about is that the price is too high. If the price is set at 199 euros, people will not complain anymore. I hope kemper can give some discounts to everyone.

    I don't buy this argument at all. Go to any local music store and try to buy gear for $300 which will give you functionality added in Level III and convenience of not using any or little additional real-estate. Good luck. I don't really understand why people expect to receive functionality of bigger units for free / almost nothing? Of course cheap / expensive is subjective term, but let's not forget that we are talking about high end digital guitar solution - which is, IMHO, in category of luxury goods that no one really needs, but we buy it only because we see value in it - and as such from my perspective it is rather cheap for what it offers, even at $1000 for Level III.

    I've made a bad bet.... I imagined, it would be less expensive, and /or that loyal customers would be taken in consideration and could have a substential discount but nothing in this sense....

    I understand your PoV but am curious: what would be fair price for you for Level III, which elevates Player pretty much to 80% of Stage capabilities?

    It seems to me that the Player was purposely nerfed. Had 3 Stage, for the first time I feel embarrassed and fooled by a company that have always recommended to friends.

    Not really sure why? The company was pretty clear from the start that hardware-wise it is similar to Stage, because it was cheaper for them to deal with one OS / CPU / DSP than supporting multiple platforms (Kemper is rather small company). People demanded Player like device for many, many years, and the company answered: offered entry level device with some basic features. Then many people were disappointed that it didn't do this and that (including me - without effects and morphing it was a clear no, no), but the form factor of Player is extremely attractive to many. So Kemper provided additional functionality in form of paid updates. Happy with entry level model? Get it for cheap. Need more - pay a bit more. Want to bring functionality closer to big brothers? - expect price to be closer to big brothers. Win-win for everyone from my point of view.

    In fact I think exactly the opposite - I would love to see this tiered model applied to Stage / Toaster as well. For example I never use profiling feature, beat-scanner, looper or more than 4 effect slots. Would love to be able to buy Stage or Toaster without those features for $200 - $300 less.

    I think Level II gives you access to True Impedance on Player according to website:


    And yes, there is the Kemper Drive System and Kemper Fuzz System, there are all the Equalizers. And there is access to the highly acclaimed Impedance Switch you all love from the PROFILER Stage for getting that ultra-authentic feel and behavior of your FUZZ tones.

    Certainly not "cheap"

    From my perspective it is one of cheapest pieces for hi-quality equipment per year of usage I ever used. Given that KPA completely cured my GAS my Toaster already costs me on average ~$250 per year (clocking 8 years now - this is also known as ~$20 / month) and it is getting cheaper every year while gaining excellent new features every now and then. It requires big one-time investment but in a long run it is dirt cheap, IMHO.