Posts by satriaulie

    Regarding the latest beta.
    Are there any reported problems with it so far?
    I’m having a gig next weekend where I’d like to use the newly added Mono “aux in” option for the monitor feed from FOH.
    The Kemper is otherwise working perfectly now, so I’m a bit afraid to install the beta in case of problems.

    I found a good “pad” in the latest delay presets. I can’t remember the name of the preset right now, but will check when I get home to my Kemper.
    This “pad” is not a swell thing though. It’s more like having a soft pad in the background of my chording. It works very well with arpeggiated chords and melodies as well.

    I’ve also made a good one myself for swells. Don’t have a computer, so won’t be able to share it easily I’m afraid.

    So, I’m back in the family with my third Kemper.
    I sold everything to afford both the two previous Kempers, but never got satisfied wth Kemper only.
    When I sold the second one I started building my perfect tube amp stereo setup. It just sounds amazing!
    It took me a year, but the setup is finally “finished”. Will of course be some changing of effects from time to time, but the core sound is fixed.
    So now I was ready for the Kemper again. Realised the last time that I need to have my reference tone available in a traditional setup.
    I’ve profiled my clean and drive core sounds and I’m mainly using the Kemper for every situation. Just having my tube amps to try out new pedals and to “reaffirm” my profiles.

    It’s just amazing to finally be practicing again and not just tweaking sounds.

    First Kemper: White toaster and Beringher midi controller
    Second Kemper: Power rack with remote
    Third Kemper: Power Head with remote.

    Don’t know if this is helpful, but you can assign pitch and wah to the same switch and just toggle between them. Just remember to set the wah to be off when in heel position or when not moving.

    When it comes to morphing, that will just work with continuous parameters as mentioned earlier.
    That being said, you can change any or all continuous parameters with morphing. So you could go from completely clean and wet to heavily saturated and dry if you like. You could even set that change to follow the tempo of your song. Resulting in a gradual change from clean/wet to saturated/dry within 1 bar if you’d like.

    The Kemper sounds just as good as the profiled amp did when it was profiled.
    If you later would like to tweak the sounds you will get good results, but the Kemper “tone stacks” will not behave as the original amp.
    There is no loss of low end.

    In my opinion all modellers, like Fractal, Line6 and such, ADDS low end that wouldn’t be present in the amp it is supposed to sound like. My experience is that I have to dial out that low end every time I do recordings or live performances. This is not an issue with the Kemper.

    If your goal is to have the mic’ed up sound of your own amp in a more portable version, then Kemper is the ONLY way to go.

    However, after reading what you write, I suspect that what you really want is a high quality amp modeller with the possibility to tweak your own sounds. Axe FX is without a doubt the best modeller and multifx out there (Kemper is NOT a modeller). On the other hand, the Kemper is much easier to work with and learn. Coupled with rig manager and the rig exchange it is also insanely easy to find new and inspiring sounds.

    Personally I would always go with the Kemper.
    It is also, so far, a much better investment with regards to money value.

    I’m very happy with my two sets.

    Shure SRH 1440 is my main headset. I can play for hours with that set. They are very revealing, so it took me some time to get used to them.

    I’m also using a Sennheiser HD-25 set. They are probably a bit more “guitar friendly”, but not as honest as the Shure set. On the other hand they effectively shut out the surrounding sounds of drums and other noise. I use them mainly when finding the right spot for mic placement before profiling and when refining.

    You could enter the «cab» block, turn it off and then hit “lock”. Then it will be off until you unlock it. This will affect all outputs.
    You could also go to the output section and turn off cab on the “monitor” output only.


    So what I wanted to try didn’t work.

    Made some new profiles at the lowest volume my amps will allow while still sounding good and turned up the headphones volume.

    I got a better result this time, but there is still a bit fullness missing in the bottom frequencies. Tried compensating by turning up bass after the profile was done, but it doesn’t give the right feel.

    Is there a way to “force” the refining process in a certain direction?
    Am I playing the wrong chords or playing them wrong?

    If there is no diference of the volume between with or without cab what you want to even out.?It may be a sound diference but there should not be a volume difference by definition!

    @Burkhard please correct me if I am wrong.

    I can see that it’s a bit confusing. Sorry for that.
    When my sounds going to F.O.H. with “Cab” module activated and all levels between clean and drive profiles leveld out and working perfectly, then my monitor out with “Cab” set to off will end up with my cleans being way to loud compared to my drive sounds.

    I still think you need to adjust the clean sens through your cab - and then see if the result is too horrible through the main outs. Instead of adjusting through headphones at what is sure to be a different volume and frequency balance.

    I’ve tried that too. Really doesn’t help.
    I’ve mostly used clean sens now to change back and forth depending on the setup and avoided using both outputs, though it would be nice to have a guitar cabinet on stage.
    According to the clean sens settings I’ve ended up with there seems to be about 8db difference between the studio and direct versions of the signal.
    That’s way to much to be usable in a combined setup.