Posts by grateful

    I apologize if this thread is repotitious but I could not find any info when looking.

    I just installed and started to get familiar with the editor in RM 3.0 and I am very grateful for Kemper to give us this upgrade. I still feel that while my guitar is strapped around my neck, for me and my application it is easier to reach for the knobs on the Kemper to tweak sound. My personal preference for using the editor was for arranging Performance's, and polishing up rigs that need some organizing of effects and remote effects assignments as well as Morph assignments. Where as I can do the arranging of the performance's, and Morph assignments, it does not appear to be possible to drop effects groupings on rigs or assign switches on the Remote. Even before the editor I wished the assignment of switches were included in the effects groupings. I understand that stomps and effects may have different assignments that may contradict each other, but a little tweaking after most of the assignment were made would still be better than no assignments at all. It just seems that there should be some way to always have the remote utilized for every rig from the start (some basic assignments that could be defaulted). I thought the Effects groupings would have been in the preset list but I could not find them on my RM screen. Somebody set me straight if I am missing something. Thanks Again Kemper!!!

    I just spent a bunch of time trying to see if there was literature or posts explaining auto assign but I have come up short. I had hoped there would be an easier way than linking switches manually for all unlinked profiles. I agree it would be so efficient to be able to browse through profiles that may have not been set up yet and have them already linked to a pre-determined switch on the remote. Of course further customization should always be possible on a per rig basis but a start point with some basic assignments would save a whole lot of linking time. I will not hold my breath based on the age of this thread but you got my +1!!!

    I would start out with Probably Loop-i, Distortion-ii, Delay-iii and Reverb-iiii .... and let it grow from there.

    It's pretty Clear Guitar Boy. If you owned a Kemper you would know you have a product that is supported by its Users just as much as its Manufacturer. I can't speak for all the technical Jargon but after getting my Kemper I felt like I had the unit that would last the rest of my life. I don't feel like it will ever be left behind with future technology, and with all the updates over the years it always keeps getting better with added features. How much better can you get when you can already have tone that is better or as good as the best Tube Amps money can buy? And when you can add cutting edge effects to that sound without killing the tone, What Else are you looking for?

    I am truly Grateful to Own My Kemper

    Curious....? I assumed this was the right spot to bring these Beta Bugs to light. Am I Misunderstood? Just want to make sure the word is getting to where it really matters. I am pretty sure I am not missing something in settings. I couldn't find a similar thread. Is it really isolated to so few people? I could probably go without stepping on that switch for a while knowing if the powers that be got the message. I Don't really want to keep going back and forth with OS versions. Maybe a more thorough hard reset is nessesary? If thats a thing.... ANYBODY OFFICIAL OUT THERE :( HEARING THIS ?(:)

    I have been using the Kemper for a few years now and I have always used it in one of the stomps. I didn't try to move it or recreate it yet. I did change the direct out source and immediately the loop is audible because it does not need to be initiated by a switch, but thats not how I want to use it. It is another verification that it is connected correctly though.

    Just updated firmware to latest Beta mainly for SPDIF reason and all of a sudden my FX loop is not functioning. I verified the loop is getting the send and the return path is good too. Not sure what happened? Anybody know of any issues with this subject. I used Rig manager to do the update.

    Just attempted to record using SPDIF rather than the XLR's while studio running @ 48Khz. Long story Short.... +1
    Seemed like a great notion to not go from Digital to Analog then back to Digital again. Don't think I'm going to bring everything down to 44Khz though... PRETTY PLEASE :saint:

    OOPs .. Didn't read the whole thread . Hardware related :wacko: OH Well....

    I must admit Morphing is great, and the way it is set up I don't think could have been done better. Why not add that same function to the other available switches and pedals so that they can be seperate independent Morphs? I don't think I personally would add another pedal to my setup but I already tried to assign a switch to change a parameter and it only changes the existing Morph. That's how I found out there is only one Morph. Being able to utilize the remote switches for things other than turning on and off effects would be great, which is what they have done by giving the ability to link Morphing to a switch, but if I already have a morph linked to a pedal there is no need to link the same Morph to a switch also. So the switch or switches could be doing separate or independent "Morphs". :)
    I suppose there are other feature requests that would improve the KPA in ways better than tweaking or expanding on a feature we already have but just a thought....

    I recently purchased a Midi Grande to do some midi control on the Kemper and to send CC messages to Ableton Live for Various different control commands, one of them being a looper start and stop switch. I had some issues right away due to that switch needing to be a Momentary type switch rather than a on/off, or program change type. In Midi language the momentary type switch sends the same CC message twice. A 127 value when pressing the switch and a 0 value when releasing. The midi Grande has the ability to send out 8 messages with one press of a switch. The messages are sent in the order they are programed from 1 to 8. So to imitate a Momentary switch I had to program the #1(127 value) command and the next command(#2 with a 0 value) to the same CC command and I was able to make a momentary type switch with a midi toggle button/switch. This seemed to be a "work around", to accomplish what I was trying to do rather than a planned way to make a momentary switch. I purchased the Midi Grande because I didn't know when the Profiler remote would get the update to gain the ability to send out midi messages or be able to control the KPA's parameters that it could not control. I was unaware that 4.0 would be coming. I thought when reading this thread that maybe this information might be something worth considering. Maybe other midi controllers have this momentary type option but the one I decided to buy only had the ability due to the switches having the ability to send multiple messages with one press. I think it would be nice to select what type of midi command is being sent(momentary,program Change, CC min/max...) and be able to send multiple messages with one press. Each command should have the option of what type of midi Command, then the midi channel, then what CC #, and then Min/max if an on off type or CC setting 1 to 128 if a trigger type. I hope this post could be useful rather than redundant. Thanks! :)

    +1 for this.

    I've also got a Pigtronix Dual Expression pedal which has two separate outs. I'm not sure if there is already a way to do it, but I would love to have it running to two separate pedal slots on my remote where one is a volume and the other…

    I am pretty sure you can do what you are saying already. I think the only things you can use the expression pedal for is Volume, Wah, Modulation, and Pitch and you should be able to connect your multi out pedal to the multiple expression pedal inputs and use them simultaneously if desired. There is also a setting inside the system menu that enables the pedal to be assigned to volume when not in a rig that has a wah for it to be assigned to. It automatically switches.

    Hi, another new KPA user here. I found this thread looking around for a answer to fixing the Loud pop I am getting, usually when strumming a bit hard or doing a palm mute. The first time I heard it, it scared the heck out of me and I thought for sure I may have damaged my speakers. I am using a KPA Power amp going into a 4 way cab through monitor out and also studio monitors through the main XLR outs. I get the pop on both and it appears to happen only on the direct amp profiles that I created. I primarily like to play with very clean tones and they seem to want to clip the output light much easier than the distorted tones. I can make the pop go away by reducing volumes to the point that I don't much like the quality anymore. But I wondered whether this pop was coming from the profiling process being set up with to hot of a signal. When I created it it sounded so good right away. The clean tone was just what I was looking for but it clips to easily. I tried tuning the amplifier settings but nothing really makes the pop go away or reduces the output clipping other than the amp volume. If I turn up the gain it distorts and there is no pop but lowering the gain all the way it makes it possible to happen. I had tried reducing the volume on the amp being profiled for a lower level during profiling but the quality is not as good as the one the makes the pop. I don't know if anyone else is expieriencing the same pop but mine sounds like a small highly pressured balloon popping. I read some other threads and there is talk of this being software related but I think what JonnyB said makes a lot of sense. I will need to experiment some more with profiling levels of the same amp setting.

    I'm glad to here that word is getting into the right ear. I agree that it should be done with Midi in mind and there should be no parameter left out. Especially that awesome gain knob on the front panel. I guess one of the greatest perks about the KPA is that something like this could be offered in a software upgrade. So Cool.

    Just entered the Kemper Profiling amp world and the first thing I want to say is this is the best piece of hardware I have purchased in 20 years. I am very happy with what this thing can do and I am sure I will continue to be satisfied, but I wanted to chime in on the subject of Expression pedal control. I am surprised that with all that this thing can do and contains that it does not have the ability to link effect parameters to a expression pedal. The guitar pre-amp that I am coming from has got me used to linking things like delay feedback, delay time, wet and dry settings, reverb settings, modulation settings, distortion gain and numerous other combinations. The processor i was using had it set up pretty easy. When you are adjusting a setting no matter what it was you would just hit the link button and then touch what ever control switch or pedal to control it. Then at that point you could set toe (low to high settings or high to low) and heal limits for that setting. You could do this for multiple effect settings linked to one pedal. so you potentially could, if you wanted, increase distortion gain, increase delay time,reduce volume, increase reverb mix, adjust EQ levels..... all in one move of the pedal. The combinations are endless. I guess I thought this was old technology to not be in the KPA , considering all that it can do already. Maybe there is some good reason why its not available in the KPA?? I don't know, but if it is possible I would like to see it in My KPA. :thumbup:
    Long Live ROCK -N- ROLL,