Make auto- assign customizable

  • Makes sense to me.

    Of course, what would also be worth considering would be an enhanced rig manager (dare I use the 'editor' word??).

    That way, you could have FX chains for the footswitch set up an a no-nonsense browser on the PC and easily assign performances and then just pop your custom FX chain on there as you see fit.

    I know there will be replies saying that it's easy to do on the Kemper itself but I don't agree. My only gripes with the unit have always been lack of editor, lack of spring reverb, more delays and the ability to put reverbs / delays before the stack if you want. I know for sure that, since Rig manager came out, that is what I always use at home to browse rigs. It's just so much easier and the next stage should be a decent editor with the ability to see exactly what's going on with performance slots and fx chains just makes so much sense.

    When I use my DAW, I use custom FX chains all the time and it makes life a lot easier. On the Kemper, the ability to have 'your chain for blues' and 'your chain for metal' or whatever would be great. Just dump it on a profile and you are done, both on the performance and on the footswitch.

  • I just spent a bunch of time trying to see if there was literature or posts explaining auto assign but I have come up short. I had hoped there would be an easier way than linking switches manually for all unlinked profiles. I agree it would be so efficient to be able to browse through profiles that may have not been set up yet and have them already linked to a pre-determined switch on the remote. Of course further customization should always be possible on a per rig basis but a start point with some basic assignments would save a whole lot of linking time. I will not hold my breath based on the age of this thread but you got my +1!!!

    I would start out with Probably Loop-i, Distortion-ii, Delay-iii and Reverb-iiii .... and let it grow from there.